WCW 2001: The Shane McMahon Era | BetheBooker (2024)

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway'

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA

Jerry Lawler excitedly says we're here in The Queen City and what a show we've got for you tonight, but first already in the ring we have the CEO and owner of the company, Shane McMahon, set to sign WCW contracts with...The Extreme Alliance

Oh brother, sighs Tony Schiavone


In the ring we see a somewhat subdued looking Shane McMahon, along with some security, with a table and several contracts on it.

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

For the first time since arriving in WCW, we see Sabu come out to his theme music holding the WCW United States Championship which he retained at Fall Brawl and Sabu is accompanied by a smiling Tommy Dreamer and a very damaged looking Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney.

Axl Rotten, looks, well, rotten! jokes Jerry Lawler.

Tony reminds fans that Rotten and Mahoney were taken out at Fall Brawl. Axl Rotten was speared off the stage by Kanyon, whilst Balls Mahoney was slammed through a car bonnet by Booker T and our broadcast colleague, Stevie Ray!

Arn Anderson says The Chair Swingin' Freaks left Fall Brawl in the back of Ambulances and I'm not sure they should be out of the hospital today! They're not even holding chairs, they can barely walk let alone swing a steel chair!

Sabu and the other 3 men eventually get to the ring, it is noted by the announcers that Bill Alfonso is not with them.

Lawler says that goofy little Bill Alfonso is scared that if he shows up Booker T's gonna send him back to the high school gyms that he came from!

Shane McMahon says "let's get this over with" and to some boos he then instructs The Chair Swingin' Freaks, Tommy Dreamer and finally Sabu to sign their WCW contracts, each man lifts up his contract and holds it up like a trophy, as fans boo, some fans cheer and Shane McMahon looks on looking displeased.

Bill Alfonso appears on the big screen and says this is a monumental day for The Extreme Alliance... they took on WCW and Shane McMahon... and they won!

Shane McMahon has a mic and says Bill, you might be on the WCW roster, but you've made so many enemies already you can't even show up to the building! The way I see it Bill, if you can't show up next week to Nitro, you'll be in breach of your contract so you can either show up next week or you can be suspended without pay!! Now, cut the feed to him, cut him off I don't want to see this guy for 1 further second!!

Shane then addresses The Freaks, Dreamer and Sabu.

Shane says you might be WCW wrestlers now, but that also means you wrestle when and where I tell you to!

First of all, Rotten, Mahoney, well you boys don't look too good, I'm not even sure if you're medically cleared to compete tonight. Would you boys like if it I gave you the rest of the night off?

Rotten and Mahoney seem to look pleased with this, fans boo.

Shane McMahon says "well that's too damn bad!! If you boys are so EXTREME, then let's see how you fare later tonight in a tag team match with The Nu Road Warriors!!!

Rotten and Mahoney look stunned at being put in a match despite clearly not being physically ready to compete again.

Oh boy! shouts Lawler. Mahoney got smashed through a car window and now he's going to get mowed down by The Nu Road Warriors, I can't wait to see that!

And Tommy? Tommy... Tommy...

They call you the Innovator of Violence, well this Friday Night on Panic! you're gonna have to innovate your way out of trouble, as you're going 1-on-1 with a man who wants some revenge on you... last time you fought he wasn't 100 percent fighting fit, but he is now as you're taking on Fit Finlay... and it will be a No-Disqualification match!!!

Dreamer does an evil smile and looks genuinely excited for this.

I think Fit Finlay might wipe some of that smile off his face! says Arn Anderson.

And last of all... you... Sabu, says Shane McMahon.

Now Sabu, since you "won" that United States Championship, seems you've been pitching yourself as a fighting champion. You've been defending that title all over the globe, week in, week out... well I don't like that you've still got that championship, Sabu. I don't like it one bit.

So I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that, fairly, you lose that title as soon as possible!

Now, Rob Van Dam, I'm afraid to say, will not be medically cleared to compete until at least after Halloween Havoc after the ankle injury he suffered at Fall Brawl, many fans boo or act disappointed, whilst The Extreme Alliance all laugh.

But for the next 4 weeks before Halloween Havoc, Sabu, well quite fittingly your life is going to be Havoc!

As starting tonight every single week you will be defending that WCW United States Championship starting later tonight against BUFF BAGWELL!!

Now, all 4 of you... GET OUT OF MY RING!!!

Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney smile and then sulk off with their contracts. We see them get out of the ring and make their way down the entrance ramp to the right hand side where wrestlers leave the stage.

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

Just as they're leaving, out of the other ramp, we see Booker T, DDP and Kanyon. It has to be said that Kanyon does not look in good shape and is limping quite bad after the bump he took spearing Axl Rotten off of the stage at Fall Brawl.

Before they go off the stage The Extreme Alliance stare down the other 4 men, but they think better of it and walk off.

Booker T has a mic and says look, Shane, I'm sure you don't like it anymore than we do that those guys got contracts, but on behalf of the locker-room we gotta say that we bust our ass week in, week out, guys getting hurt, like Van Dam, Kanyon, putting their body on the line for WCW... and to see these guys get contracts after everything they've done... it don't sit right with me, dog!

Shane McMahon looks slightly uncomfortable, but then he says to Booker "I agree with you, Book". Shane says that it is only fair and only right that the guys who work their ass off week in, week out get rewarded for it and get opportunities as a result.

Shane says that's why for all of your efforts in helping defend WCW in recent weeks I will be rewarding all 3 of you with title opportunities, this seems to pique their interest.

Shane McMahon first addresses Kanyon. He says Chris, you put your body on the line spearing Rotten off the stage, and from what I hear from the doctors you're not cleared to compete tonight or for at least a few weeks. Kanyon grabs the mic and says if there's a title opportunity you can't stop me competing I will-

Shane interrupts him and says Chris, relax, you will get your title opportunity. This is how I see it Chris. I don't want Sabu to be the WCW United States Champion going into Halloween Havoc, and hell I hope he's not, he's got 4 opponents from now until the PPV... and I don't think he will make it there. But regardless of who is the WCW United States Champion at Halloween Havoc, they will put that title on the line, live in Houston, Texas... against, well, WHO BETTER THAN KANYON?!

The fans cheer! Kanyon looks genuinely happy and excited.

That might be the first time I've seen Chris Kanyon smile since Shane bought WCW! says Tony Schiavone.

And you Booker... Page... I could just hand you two a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, at Halloween Havoc, perhaps in a rematch of your Triangle match where he won the title in the first place (fans cheer)... but I'm giving 4 men a chance to wrestle for the United States Championship at Halloween Havoc... and it would only be fair to do the same for the World Heavyweight Championship!

So Booker.. DDP... you will get the chance to earn a shot against Scott Hall at Halloween Havoc in tonight's main event... but you will be taking on two of the other most in-form men in WCW... it will be... Booker T... vs DDP... vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes... and the fourth man, fresh off a big win for his team at Fall Brawl... it will be Mike Awesome!!!

Oh boy! shouts Lawler.

You heard him right, folks, says Tony, in tonight's main event of Nitro, it will be a Fatal 4 Way match with Booker T, DDP, Dustin Rhodes and Mike Awesome... the winner is going to Halloween Havoc to the main event to challenge for Scott Hall's WCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, The Extreme Alliance, Booker T, DDP and Kanyon - (93)


In the back we Eric Bischoff, still in his wheelchair, looking pleased with himself.

Bischoff says Shane McMahon just made an announcement and folks, I know you want to see some action to start this show, and you will have the first of many WCW Cruiserweight Classic matches coming right up after I'm done... but first of course you must be presented with the brackets for the inaugural edition of the greatest cruiserweight, light-heavyweight and junior heavyweight tournament in the world today...WCW 2001: The Shane McMahon Era | BetheBooker (1)

Live tonight on Nitro in the opening match of the tournament we will see the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera, take on our Mexico wildcard, former NWA World Light Heavyweight Champion, he's won titles in CMLL and is a former WCW star... El Dandy!

Then to decide who faces the winner of that match in a block-buster Quarter Final match, this Friday Night on Panic! former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Mike Sanders, takes on former Tag Team Champion, 'Sexy' Brian Lawler!

Then later in tonight's show we've got another former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Shane Helms, taking on mOrE-bId! Can Helms get revenge on fReEk-sHoW after their win at Fall Brawl?!

Well whoever wins that match will face the winner of another match on Friday Night Panic! this week as we'll also see former 3 time WCW World Cruiserweight Champion and former 2 time WCW World Tag Team Champion, Billy Kidman, as he gets a chance for some revenge of his own on fReEk-sHoW! as he's got rAgE? yEs! in that match live on Friday!

There's much more quality Cruiserweight action coming in the next few weeks though, as in the other side of the bracket The F.B.I's Little Guido takes on Super Crazy, Psychosis faces 'Prime Time' Elix Skipper, we've got former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion taking on our Rest of the World Wildcard, a former WCW World Cruierweight Champion himself, The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea, as well as our Japanese Wildcard, he's come over from Michinoku Pro Wrestling, former WCW star himself, Gedo will take on the best Japanese cruiserweight that WCW has to offer, Fit Fight Club's, Tajiri!

As I've said before folks the winner will be crowned at this month's Halloween Havoc and I'm sure you're just as excited for this tournament to kick off as I am so-

We see WCW Head of Talent Relations, Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat come rushing into set.

"Sorry to interrupt Eric, but I just got off the phone with the Doctor, I'm afraid after the neck injury he suffered in the match at Fall Brawl, Shane Helms won't be medically cleared before Halloween Havoc."

"What?!" shouts Eric furiously. "But he's one of my top seeds!"

Steamboat suggests maybe giving his opponent a BYE to the next round.

Bischoff looks even angrier at that suggestion. "This is MY TOURNAMENT! IT'S MY BABY!! I am NOT letting there be a bye in the first round, Ricky! This is about high-flying, technical, luchador, cruiserweight, junior heavyweight, lightweight action! I want this tournament to be seen around the world! The premier tournament of it's kind!"

Steamboat says well we've got a hell of a lot of talent on the roster here tonight that didn't make the tournament.

Bischoff excitedly says you're right Ricky! Okay, okay, so tonight, I've got it, tonight we will have a 6 Man Sudden Death Match, the first man to get a pinfall or submission will take the now vacant 16th spot with Shane Helms dropping out! Go find me some talent for my tournament, Steamboat!

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff & Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat - (57 rated)


Match 1:

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Round of 16 Match - Juventud Guerrera vs El Dandy

WCW Juventud Guerrera 2nd Theme Song - "Summer Nights In Spain" (With 2nd Tron) (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, you've seen the Round of 16 Bracket, it sounds like there may be a little of change with Shane Helms sadly having to drop out through injury, we all send our best wishes to him of course, but first up it's, well he'd have to be the favourite wouldn't he? It's the WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, he's a 4 time World Cruiserweight Champion, it's Juventud Guerrera!

WCW El Dandy Theme (youtube.com)

Here he is folks, the Wildcard from Mexico from this tournament, he's won many titles in Mexico and of course as Eric Bischoff mentioned, former NWA World Light Heavyweight Champion, also a 2 time NWA World Welterweight Champion and 2 time NWA World Middleweight Champion, this guy is not to be under-estimated, he never won the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship in his past run in WCW, but who knows, if he wins this match and goes on to win the first ever WCW Cruiserweight Classic he'd certainly have made his mark in WCW!

Tony clarifies that this match is a non-title match and Juventud does not have the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship on the line tonight.

This match gets just over 5 minutes and focuses on high-flying action as Juvi uses his agility and high-flying moves to get the crowd going and not really let El Dandy get in the match too much. It's not a complete domination, but it's a real good showing in the first round for Juvi, who eventually manages to get El Dandy into the Juvi Driver to pick up the win.

Juventud Guerrera wins via pinfall - (5.05) - (50 rated)

After the match Juvi holds his arm up and he looks hyped as he celebrates.


We see JJ Dillon knocking on Scott Hall's private locker-room. It sounds like we can hear Scott Hall and his driver, The Sandman, arguing.

Scott Hall answers the door looking annoyed.

JJ says Scott, WCW fans will be eagerly wondering as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion if you have any thoughts on tonight's main event? Booker T, DDP, Dustin Rhodes and Mike Awesome take on each other, with the winner challenging for your belt at Halloween Havoc. Do you have any preference on who you face?

Scott Hall smirks and says, JJ, the only thing that matters is that I have this Big Gold Belt... it don't matter who Shane McMahon or Eric Bischoff decides is worthy to face me. I've already proven in my reign that I'm not just the guy who put WCW on the map as part of The Outsiders, The NWO... but I'm the guy who's taking WCW into the 21st Century and back to the top once again.

JJ Dillon says okay, well Scott, it sounded like you were having an argument with your driver, The Sandman, just now, can you confirm or deny what-

Scott Hall says Jimmy was just leaving. I've been reminding him about the terms and conditions of his employment under The Bad Guy.

The Sandman is then seen standing face to face with Scott Hall, he smokes his cigarette, looks like he might blow smoke in Hall's face, Hall's daring him to do it, but Sandman blows it the side.

I'll see you later, Champ! The Sandman says in a forced happy type voice, as he leaves and Scott Hall closes the door.

JJ Dillon looks to finish off his segment when we see Tommy Dreamer strolling over past The Sandman.

The camera pans to The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer.

The two men stare each other down.

"Looks like you backed the wrong horse, man!" says Dreamer. "We all got WCW contracts... you got to be Scott Hall's bitch!"

The Sandman, holding his Kendo stick and still smoking, this time blows some smoke into Tommy Dreamer's face.

"I never liked you Tommy... if you want, you can get re-acquainted with this Cane like your buddy Sabu did last Sunday!"

Dreamer stares The Sandman down. He doesn't have a weapon so sees better than to antagonise The Sandman further.

Dreamer says "You win this round, man. But Sabu's got unfinished business with you... you better watch yourself around here!" and then he walks off. The Sandman watches him go looking furious.

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Scott Hall, The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer - (89 rated)


Dustin Rhodes promo (with Dusty Rhodes)

Dustin Rhodes cuts a promo backstage where he says I've been waiting for an opportunity like tonight my whole career. I'm hearing a lot of chatter about Booker T getting a chance to win back the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in Texas, he's the home-town hero... but Texas is my home too... I'm 1 match away from having the chance to win my first ever world championship in my home state of Texas... and that's not something I'm going to let slip between my fingers! NOT THIS TIME!

"That's right Dustin, baby, you tell them!" says Dusty. "You see my son here Dustin he's put a lotta work in to get where he is in this industry... there's a lot of people in this industry they have wrote him off, told him he ain't ever gonna be able to win the big one... but not me, I always believed in my boy and tonight he's going to prove all the doubters wrong too, baby!"

Freestyle segment with Dustin and Dusty Rhodes - (76 rated)


Match 2:

The Chair Swingin' Freaks (Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog)

Balls Mahoney theme (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, this is The Chair Swingin' Freaks first official tag-team match in WCW... and let me tell you, if it's not obvious to you watching at home, these guys are beat up. Neither of these men should be anywhere near a wrestling ring tonight in my opinion.

Lawler says you're just being soft, Tony, this is their punishment for their involvement in The Extreme Alliance the last few months! They deserve to suffer!

Road Warriors Theme Song (youtube.com)

During this match Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten build up some credit with the announcers and the live crowd as despite clearly being in a bad way both men refuse to give up and take a lot of punishment in the match.

The match goes just about 5 minutes. The finish comes when Road Warrior Dog gets a hot tag and he runs and knocks Balls Mahoney off the apron, who crashes to the floor in a big heap. The Nu Road Warriors then hit Rotten with a Nu Doomsday Device to get the win.

The Nu Road Warriors win via pinfall (5.01) - (46 rated)

After the match Road Warrior Animal and Dog celebrate together.


DDP Promo

DDP cuts a promo where he says over the last few months he's gone through a lot, suffered some set-backs, had some good times, some bad times, some ugly times, but all through these times I've always done what's right and what's best for WCW!

I got screwed in that last title match with my old friend Scott Hall, not sure I can call him a friend anymore, but in tonight's main event DDP takes the first step on his journey to winning the big one again and at Halloween Havoc I'm taking that Big Gold Belt home with me!!

Suddenly, we see Tommy Dreamer walk into set.

DDP looks around and is very annoyed to be interrupted by him.

"Page, I think you're lucky to be in your bosses good books," says Dreamer. "If you don't remember... at Fall Brawl, I had you beat. That's right, Page, little old Tommy Dreamer from Extremely Crappy Wrestling... had you... a 3 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 2 time WCW United States Champion, TV champion, Tag Team champion, you name it you won it all, you're a WCW Grand Slam Champion... BUT I HAD YOU BEAT!!"

Page and Dreamer face off angrily with their faces almost touching.

Page says "You can't hang with me, Dreamer! You don't belong in WCW... I hope Fit Finlay sends you back to Philly this Friday!" before walking off in a mood

Freestyle segment with DDP and Tommy Dreamer - (79 rated)


Well folks, says Tony. This next match, it wasn't planned to happen but has come about at the last minute with top seed and former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, Shane Helms, rendered not fit to compete until at least after Halloween Havoc due to a neck injury suffered at the hands of Vampiro at Fall Brawl this past Sunday. We're about to find out with you who will be in this 6 Man Sudden Death match, where the first pinfall or submission will get the winner a spot in the 16 Man tournament bracket.

WCW Erik Watts Theme "Grid-Iron Train " (youtube.com)

We see David Flair walk out with Erik Watts by his side.

Well I think it must be David Flair in the match, not Erik Watts, says Jerry Lawler laughing. Arn Anderson says David Flair, son of course of my good friend, The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, a former United States and Tag Team champion, people shouldn't under-estimate this kid in my opinion!

WWE - bWo Theme (youtube.com)

We see Nova of the BWO come out by himself.

Arn Anderson says well Nova, of the B.W.O, he's had a few impressive performances since signing for WCW, he's put in decent performances against Scott Hall, Juventud Guerrera and Dustin Rhodes most recently a few weeks back, he's still been looking for that big win to cement himself in this Cruiserweight division, but perhaps a win tonight in this match can do just that for him.

Full Blooded ltalians (FBI) 1st Titantron (2003 Entrance Video) (youtube.com)

We see Tony Mamaluke come out with Johnny Stamboli accompanying him.

That's Tony Mamaluke, tag-team partner of Little Guido, joined by their fellow FBI stable-mate, Johnny Stamboli, says Tony Schiavone. Little Guido of course already in the bracket, with a win tonight his tag-team partner Tony Mamaluke can join his partner right in the mix!

AJ Styles Theme (Old Theme) (youtube.com)

We see AJ Styles come out to the ring by himself.

The rookie, AJ styles, says Arn Anderson, he's put in some decent performances in his rookie year in WCW, perhaps most notably he scored the pinfall when he and his partner Air Paris got a shock upset win against former WCW World Tag Team Champions, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo. AJ Styles if he can get another win tonight will have the chance to prove himself at the top level in this company!

2011-2012 : Christopher Daniels 14th TNA Theme Song - Wings Of A Fallen Angel [High Quality] (youtube.com)

We see 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels come to the ring with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria

Oh god, says Tony. I don't know what happened to this Christopher Daniels, he was training under the legendary Terry Funk, he seemed to have the hallmarks of a great young man and a top competitor here in WCW... but something happened with this Dawn-Macaria, this Underword, the Hounds of Hades, something sinister has gotten into Daniels, he turned on Funk!

Jerry Lawler says you wouldn't turn on Terry Funk to get under Dawn-Macaria's spell, Tony?

Good God, my wife watches this show, King.

Well you're wife is probably thinking what I'm thinking Tony, says Lawler, that wasn't a denial!

Well getting back on topic, guys, says Tony, as Arn laughs, there's 5 men in the ring, but this a 6 man match, so who's the 6th man?

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Stand Back, Tony! shouts Lawler excitedly. There's a Hurricane coming through!

The Hurricane comes out and races his way to the ring.

Well, Hurricane clearly keen to put that 6 man loss at Fall Brawl behind him, says Arn Anderson. He wasn't in a rush to get to the ring on Sunday, says Lawler, he turned up half-way through, but he's here tonight, can he claim Shane Helm's spot in the Cruiserweight Classic?!

Match 3:

6 Man Sudden Death Match for the Vacant Spot in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - David Flair (with Erik Watts) vs Nova vs Tony Mamaluke (with Johnny Stamboli) vs AJ Styles vs 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria) vs The Hurricane

This is a frantic, high-pace, high-flying match with a lot going on with each man trying desperately to get the win.

It goes for just under 5 minutes.

The end of the match comes when The Hurricane, after spending much of the match fighting with David Flair, manages to hit a big dive to the outside which floors both David Flair and his tag-team partner at ringside Erik Watts.

Nova hits a huge cross-body on Tony Mamaluke from the top rope and tries to get the pin, but it's broken up by AJ Styles who then single-underhook DDT's Nova, who ends up rolling out of the ring in a pile not far from Tony Mamaluke who has ended up doing the same after the cross-body took him out.

That then leaves AJ Styles and 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, with the two rookies frantically going after each other. AJ Styles seems to have the better of Daniels, but then 'The Queen of The Underworld' gets on the apron and distracts Styles. Styles can see through this, but Daniels still gets enough of a distraction that he can hit an Angel's Wings and Daniels seems to have the match won!

But suddenly the lights go out!

Wait a minute! says Tony. What's that weird with Dawn-Macaria got planned now.

But on the screen at the top of the stage, the screen goes from black to a darkened room with a light. We see a face.

What's going on?! asks Lawler.

Then we see him... it's Terry Funk!

Funk says "What, you think I can't pay off some guy on minimum wage in the production truck to interfere in your match? Daniels! You'll soon learn that in this industry... never cross the Funker!!!"

The lights come back on. Daniels is distracted by what's just happened. AJ Styles is still in a heap on the ring floor.

But wait!

The Hurricane comes flying into the ring. He hits a springboard cross body on an unexpecting Daniels. The Hurricane rolls out of the landing rather than taking a pin and he's back on his feet almost instantly.

AJ Styles gets drop-kicked as he gets back to his feet and he falls through the ropes out of the ring, taking out Nova and Mamaluke in the process.

Daniels struggles to his feet and The Hurricane hits him with a Chokeslam!

The referee makes the count...1..2....3!! We see David Flair get to the ring but he just couldn't get there to break the pin up in time!

IT'S THE HURRICANE THAT'S WON IT! shouts Lawler excited. A super moment from the super hero!

The Hurricane wins via pinfall - (4.39) - (47 rated)WCW 2001: The Shane McMahon Era | BetheBooker (2)


We see Sable in Shane McMahon's office with Eric Bischoff in his wheelchair, Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, 'Sinister' James Mitchell who is wearing a neck brace and the WCW World Women's Champion, Akira Hokuto

Shane McMahon says he's disappointed that they can't come to an amicable solution given Chyna was a high-profile big money signing.

Eric Bischoff says Chyna is a loose-cannon who has put me in a wheelchair!

James Mitchell says she almost killed him. Mitchell says she is a liability to the WCW Women's division, not an asset.

Sable says that Akira Hokuto vs Chyna is the big money match that everyone wants to see. It's the WCW's best versus the WWF's best.

Bischoff says Well this ain't the WWF, I don't know how you did things there, but this is WCW, dammit!

Shane McMahon tells Bischoff to calm down. Shane says they will continue this discussion next week. Chyna will serve a suspension this week as a result of the inadvertent injury that Mitchell suffered.

No parties seem particularly happy about this but they let it go for now.

Shane asks Steamboat where Buff Bagwell is. Steamboat says Buff's been having issues with his rental car so he was running late for the show... he spoke to him 15 minutes ago and Buff assured him that he'd be here.

Shane says well he better, his match for the WCW United States Championship is after this break!

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Ricky Steamboat, Akira Hokuto, James Mitchell and Sable - (60 rated)


We see Chyna at the front of the Arena trying to get into the venue but security turning her away. She seems really angry and she throws a dustbin at a pop-up merch tent that has Akira Hokuto merch on it

Freestyle segment with Chyna - (54 rated)

-----WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony. We're back from commercial break and tonight will see the first of 4 TV defences of the WCW United States Championship that Sabu must make in the build-up to Halloween Havoc, where, if he gets there, he will have to defend against the up and coming, but currently not fit to compete, Kanyon.

But tonight it's a man that Sabu shouldn't under-estimate, as we will see Buff Bagwell looking to take that title for his own. Buff Daddy, fresh off the heels of a big PPV win against long-time rival, Curt Hennig, he could top off a big week for Buff with a win tonight.

Lawler says well Tony you say we're going to see Buff looking to take that title for his own, it don't look like he wants it, where is it? He's not here?

You are right King, says Tony, where's Bagwell?!

Suddenly we hear Bagwell's music stop.

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

Sabu comes out with the WCW United States Championship and hoists it up proudly. The announcers note that Bill Alfonso is not here, presumably too scared of Booker T to show up.

Sabu waits in the ring and now Buff Bagwell's theme goes again.WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Were the production team stalling to see if Bagwell would show up? asks King.

I don't think he's coming out here, says Schiavone. How can you be late for a WCW United States Championship match?!

Bagwell's music stops and out walks Shane McMahon.

Shane says that due to unforeseen circ*mstances, Buff Bagwell does not look like he is going to make it to Nitro tonight so you will not get Buff Bagwell vs Sabu for the WCW United States Championship

Fans boo

Does this mean Sabu gets the night off after all that? asks Lawler.

I hope not, says Tony.

Shane then says but the good people of Charlotte, North Carolina deserve themselves a WCW United States Championship match tonight, so please give it up for Bagwell's last minute replacement... BARRY WINDHAM!!

Barry Windham 9th WCW Theme 'Road To Glory (Underscore)' (youtube.com)


Match 4:

Sabu (c) vs Barry Windham for the WCW United States Championship

Barry Windham comes out looking pumped for the match. Sabu looks a bit less pleased as the prospect of no title defence is swiftly taken away from him.

Oh boy! says Lawler. A big opportunity for Barry Windham, can he win the WCW United States Championship tonight, here in North Carolina?!

This match gets about 8 minutes and Sabu and Windham seem to surprisingly have pretty good chemistry. It's a very even match with Sabu clearly still feeling the side-effects of his big match at Fall Brawl. At one point a firm punch from Windham breaks open a wound on Sabu's forehead and he ends up bleeding quite a bit for the last half of the match, losing blood and energy as it goes on which plays into Windham's hands and the crowd get up thinking that a title change could happen!

Windham tries to get Sabu into a Clawhold but Sabu bites him! Windham recoils and then Sabu hits a DDT on Windham out of nowhere. Sabu then puts Windham into the Camel Clutch. Some of Sabu's blood drips down onto Windham as he does this which makes for a particularly gory visual.

Windham does his best to hold on, but after about 10 seconds the referee rings the bell as Windham is out cold!!

Sabu retains via submission - (8.41) - (67 rated)

After the match Sabu points to the sky and holds up his WCW United States Championship belt.


We see Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson backstage who appear to have cornered The Hurricane.

Kidman congrats Hurricane on the win tonight, but he demands to know where The Hurricane was at the start of the match at Fall Brawl! Kidman says Helms got seriously hurt and it didn't help that you weren't there at all! I don't appreciate you just showing up when you feel like it!

The Hurricane apologises to Kidman and explains that Vampiro and his goons locked him in a training room back-stage. The Hurricane says he was calling for help for ages until someone walked by. He came as soon as he could. The Hurricane says he's disappointed at the loss and it sucks that Helms got hurt, but we've both got the opportunity to get our own back on fReEk-sHoW! in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic... he wishes Kidman good luck on Friday Night Panic!

Kidman says thanks and wishes him luck too. Hurricane tells Torrie to look after herself, Torrie says we all need to be careful whilst those weirdos are still about. She says I didn't like Cynthia Lynch much before, but now she's just a psycho!

Freestyle segment with Billy Kidman, Torrie Wilson and The Hurricane - (52 rated)


We see Eric Bischoff and Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat in Shane's office as The Nu Road Warriors come bursting in

Where's Shane?! asks Road Warrior Dog who seems to be a little tipsy.

He's busy, says Bischoff from his wheelchair, looking annoyed at seeing Animal and Dog, who seem especially merry having won tonight.

Animal explains that since they got a big win for WCW tonight against The Extreme Alliance, they want to ask for a shot at the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts!

Bischoff says it's a bit late taking out The Extreme Alliance now they've got contracts, huh?

Shane McMahon comes back in looking a bit flustered.

He looks pleased to see The Nu Road Warriors.

Animal repeats what they asked for.

Shane says, look, I'm pleased you guys got the win, but I can't just hand you a shot, that wouldn't be fair to all of the other Tag Teams on the roster.

The Nu Road Warriors say they never lost a tag team match to Team Canada. They never got a direct rematch for the titles, they're just asking for a shot.

Shane thinks, then says, alright, here's what we'll do... On Friday Night Panic! this week, there will be an Open Tag Team Battle Royale... any team who has previously held the WCW World Tag Team Championship can enter!

Animal and Dog think about it. Well, damn, Shane, that's good enough for us! Dog finally says as him and Animal head out the office still pleased with themselves.

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff, Ricky Steamboat, The Nu Road Warriors and Shane McMahon - (65 rated)


Match 5:

'The Queen of The Underworld' Dawn-Macaria (with The Hounds of Hades - Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) vs La Diabolica

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

Well next up, we've got action from the women's division as 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria takes on La Diabolica after her impressive recent victory against Meiko Satomura on Nitro.

La Bamba (youtube.com)

We understand La Diabolica in recent weeks has been back wrestling in both Mexico and Japan, she's got a lot more experience than Dawn-Macaria and you have to fancy her to take this match, says Arn Anderson.

This match doesn't get a massive amount of time with La Diabolica largely carrying the inexperienced Dawn-Macaria through it getting in most of the offence.

Towards the end of the match La Diabolica seems to have it won and after a big missile-drop kick she has Dawn-Macaria prone and she's ready to hit her finisher, but much like against Meiko Satomura, the lights go out as it seems Dawn-Macaria is about to lose the match.

Well a few weeks ago, says Tony, Dawn-Macaria says if you wrestle with her she will summon your worst fears... she says if you get in the ring with her you are wrestling a "God"

I wish my God looked liked her! says Jerry.

Well be that as it may, last time against Meiko Satomura, Dawn-Macaria summoned what appeared to be a Tarantula... I hope to God that La Diabolica isn't scared of bears!

Do they have bears in Mexico? asks Arn Anderson

The lights come back on. The camera only shows Dawn-Macaria smiling.

What's she summoned then? asks Lawler? I don't see anything in the ring!

Suddenly the camera pans to La Diabolica who screamed in shock and has her hands completely covering face.

Wait a minute, says Tony.

Her mask is gone! gaps Arn Anderson.

La Diabolica covers her face with her hands, as Dawn-Macaria grabs her tights and rolls her up. La Diabolica seems more focused on protecting her face from being seen than kicking out and Dawn-Macaria gets the upset win!

'The Queen of The Underworld' Dawn-Macaria wins via pinfall - (3.82) - (25 rated)

After the match we see the referee call for another ref who brings out a towel to protect La Diabolica's face as they take her to the back, whilst The Hounds of Hades lift up Dawn-Macaria in the ring.


We see Booker T backstage with Sharmell and Stevie Ray

Stevie Ray tells Booker he knows he's going to win tonight and take the title back in Texas. Stevie says Booker deserves this and he can't wait to see him back on top, maybe they'll even let me commentate on that match at the PPV!

Booker says he doesn't want to get ahead of himself. Booker says if he wins tonight he's got a chance to go to Halloween Havoc, in his adopted state of Texas and become a FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME WCW World Heavyweight Champion!

I can dig that, sucka, says Stevie Ray. And Hell, if you don't win it, you can always enter that Open Challenge Battle Royale on Friday, Harlem Heat, one last dance, eh Book?

Booker T smiles and says hell if I don't win in this form maybe I'll even take you up on that, Stevie!

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat and Sharmell - (85 rated)


JJ Dillon interview with Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet)

JJ says we're standing by with Lance Storm, Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet who have the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts. Lance, how proud are you to be seeing your partner, Mike Awesome, competing in tonight's main event to get a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Lance Storm says "JJ, If I can be serious for one moment. Of course, I am very pleased for my tag team partner, Mike Awesome to get a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship"

Tony Schiavone says he doesn't think Lance Storm sounds pleased at all!


JJ asks Lance what this means for the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts. You would then defend those with Carl Ouellet instead if Mike is going for the World Heavyweight Title

Lance looks at Ouellet and doesn't look impressed. "We will work that out after tonight if Mike wins"

"IF I WIN?! HA-HA! AND WHO SAYS CANADIANS DON'T HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR?!" laughs Awesome as Team Canada walks off set.

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Team Canada - (55 rated)


In the ring we see The Blue Meanie with a mic.

Blue Meanie says it is his pleasure to introduce to North Carolina the most dominant wrestler in all of professional wrestling history!

WCW Goldberg 1st Theme Song - "Invasion" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Blueberg comes out with several men blowing a fire extinguisher and sparklers. He makes his way to the ring after taunting the crowd.

The Blue Meanie says Duane 'Blueberg' Gill is out here tonight looking for a proper fight. A real match. He's fought many challengers over the years... what he wants to do know tonight... is who's FIRST?!

Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony, The Blue Meanie has talked a good game for Blueberg tonight, but I'm not sure he's going to get his first win in WCW against Hugh Morrus here.

I think Blueberg is going to end up black and blue-berg after Morrus is finished with him! laughs Lawler.


Match 6:

Blueberg (with The Blue Meanie) vs Hugh Morrus

This match is barely a contest and is basically just a squash match for Hugh Morrus to look dominant and take out some aggression.

After the match Hugh Morrus continues to beat down Blueberg, The Blue Meanie gets into the ring and Hugh Morrus hits a big lariat on him before leaving the ring looking pumped up.

Hugh Morrus wins via pinfall - (2.41) - (34 rated)


We see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler on screen

Lawler says Juvi! You might have beaten me this Sunday at Fall Brawl, sure, that WCW World Cruiserweight Championship isn't mine, for now, but this Friday Night on Panic! I take my first step to claiming the WCW Cruiserweight Classic trophy!

When I beat Mike Sanders, guess who I'll have next in the bracket? It's you Juvi! And next time you won't get so lucky against me!

Freestyle segment with 'Sexy' Brian Lawler - (52)


Well, big implications this Friday for the future of the Cruiserweight division with some big matches, but we now move our attention towards the World Heavy division as we're joined live on commentary tonight by the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, as sits with us to find out who he will face at Halloween Havoc!

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

We see Scott Hall's trademark Bentley driven up to the side of the stage by The Sandman. The Sandman gets out, angrier than ever, and Scott Hall gets out with his Big Gold Belt in a smart casual suit and he makes his way to the announce desk.

Oh, hey yo, Tony, King, Arn! says Scott as he joins them at the desk


Match 7 / Main Event

Fatal 4-Way Match to determine the #1 Contender for Scott Hall's WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc - Booker T (with Sharmell) vs DDP vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes (with Dusty Rhodes) vs Mike Awesome (with Carl Ouellet)

WCW Mike Awesome Theme (Career Killer) (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony Schiavone, Mike Awesome, not someone we've really seen much of in singles competition since Shane McMahon took over the company, but he's been pretty dominant in tag team action whether teaming with Lance Storm or Carl Ouellet. It should be remembered he did win a Battle Royale match earlier in the year, he's not someone easily beaten that's for sure.

It's interesting that his buddy Lance Storm isn't out here, says Arn. Ouellet out there to support his team-mate, but not Storm? I don't care what Lance says, I think he's jealous of Awesome getting the shot tonight!


Dustin Rhodes comes out with Dusty Rhodes to a big pop.

Well Dusty's boy has been in hot form since returning to WCW a few months ago, says Arn Anderson. He's got PPV wins over Shawn Stasiak and and Buff Bagwell, now he's looking to book his ticket to have the chance to face Scott Hall in his home state at Halloween Havoc. What do you reckon Bad Guy? You think you could beat Dustin Rhodes with a home advantage?

Scott Hall laughs and says look Arn, it really doesn't matter, the truth is, as all the people at home know, I can beat any of these. There's nobody on our roster that scares me. They're not on my level.

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

DDP comes out next to a big pop also

Tony Schiavone says earlier in the show Scott, DDP questioned if you were still his friend, how do you respond to that? Scott Hall says that sums up DDP's character precisely... Hall says DDP should stick to yoga, not wrestling in his old age.

Arn Anderson says earlier tonight Tommy Dreamer boasted to DDP that he had him beat at Fall Brawl... you have to say, it's hard to argue with Dreamer as much as I don't like him or what he stands for with The Extreme Alliance.

Arn, the record books show DDP didn't lose that much, in my eyes that's all that matters, says Schiavone in defence of DDP.

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

And here he is, perhaps the favourite for this match, says Tony Schiavone. Booker T, 4 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, he's been looking to try and get a shot at Scott Hall ever since he lost that title... is tonight the night, and will he get that shot at Halloween Havoc in his home state of Texas?!

The 4 men lock eyes in the middle of the ring. Dustin Rhodes and Mike Awesome perhaps looking a bit more nervous than Booker T or DDP, it's not very often either of these guys gets such a big opportunity.

The match lasts just under 9 minutes and all 4 men get a chance to shine. There is no doubt however that the most in-form and star of the show is Booker T.

Booker T is the most over with the crowd and despite some cheering for DDP and the odd cheer for Dustin, with a few "FAT CHICK THRILLER" chants for Mike Awesome, it is when Booker T is hitting kicks and punching the other guys when the fans are cheering the loudest.

The match comes to a conclusion after Mike Awesome hits an Awesome Bomb on Dustin Rhodes who ends up rolled out of the ring in a heap on the floor.

Mike Awesome then eats a Diamond Cutter from out of nowhere as he gets back up and DDP has the pin on a down and out Awesome. It looks like DDP has the win, but Booker T just breaks it up at 2!

DDP tries to hit a Diamond Cutter on Booker, but Booker manages to counter it, letting DDP slam himself on the ground, then immediately as he gets up Booker hits him with a Book-End!

Just as Booker T goes for the pin however we see Buff Bagwell appear on the big screen in the parking lot.

"BOOKER!!!!" Buff shouts at the screen.

Booker T looks up at the screen completely confused. What does Buff Bagwell want with him?


Scott Hall on commentary says "man, not even Russo couldn't write this sh*t"

We then see Big Daddy V laughing evilly and he's got a battered looking Stevie Ray ready and prone for him and Buff Bagwell to slam into a car.

Booker T can't believe it. He looks shocked and angry at the same time, but either way, he immediately dashes out of the ring and starts sprinting to the back.

DDP has managed to get to his feet. DDP looks at the screen and shouts asking Booker where he's going. Sharmell seems to shout at him "IT'S STEVIE!! COME HELP HIM!!" and DDP seems torn, he should help his friend, but he wants to win the match?

That decision is taken out of DDP's hands though as whilst he's distracted working out what's going on, Mike Awesome is back on his feet and as DDP turns round he gets a Big Boot to the face. DDP gets back up and Mike Awesome hits him with the Awesome Bomb!

Is the fat chick thriller going to the main event of Halloween Havoc?! gasps Jerry Lawler.

Awesome looks ready to go for the pin on DDP and pick up a shock win, but wait! Dustin Rhodes is there, he runs straight at Awesome and drops down with the undercut, catching Awesome off guard, and Rhodes hits him with the Curtain Call!

My God, Dustin Rhodes could have this one! gasps Tony Schiavone, as the referee counts the 1-2-3!! as a jubilant Dusty Rhodes celebrates at ringside.

Dustin Rhodes wins via pinfall - (8.07) - (70 rated)


Dustin Rhodes, looking fairly shocked himself has his hand raised by the referee as his Father, Dusty Rhodes, joins him in the ring and gives him a big hug. Dustin Rhodes looks overcome with emotion.

'THE NATURAL' DUSTIN RHODES WILL GET A SHOT AT SCOTT HALL'S WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP AT HALLOWEEN HAVOC shouts an excited Tony Schiavone. Scott Hall, what's your immediate reaction to this?

Scott Hall says "this don't work for me, brother!" and slams off his headset.

We see Scott Hall then stand at the top of the entrance ramp and angrily gesture at Dustin and Dusty who barely even notice him.


Meanwhile, before we go off air, we see Booker T running through to the parking lot. Curt Hennig can be seen milling around and asks Booker what's going on. Booker says Stevie's in trouble, Curt! And Curt drops what he's doing and joins Booker.

They get to the parking lot just as Buff Daddy V and Buff Bagwell can be heard smashing Stevie Ray through his rental car windshield.

"NO!!!" shouts Booker, as we hear shouting from Bagwell and Buff Daddy V as they then get in their car and drive off just as Booker and Curt get to their car.

The segment ends and the show goes off air with Booker T looking livid as he and Curt assess the damage on Stevie Ray.

Freestyle segment with Booker T, Curt Hennig, Stevie Ray and Buff Enuff - (78 rated)


Show Rating: 82

0.92 TV rating (691K viewers)


WCW 2001: The Shane McMahon Era | BetheBooker (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.