The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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12A Pfnotial Services 12DWork Waiitfd Male I7HFIP WAXTED MALE 21 Help Wanted Ftmal 24 HELP WAXTFn MALE buildia( trakes ROOMS FOR REX 23 Sacramento Bee Thursday April 27 1950 Vase S3 Woonen swingles Or Com-20 vrs In Sac HI 9-2222 HOOFING position NATIONAL KMPliOVKEWT AGCfjLADIES Show l)202tid Street Dial OI 2-20il metics Dial PLASTER Stucco Repair work guaranteed HU 4-5807 Sen Fuller Brush Cos-HI 6-6730 1 ROOM With Private Shower Ga- rage HI 5-5334 3112 1 6th Ave Dressmaking Suits Alterations 2230 St Mildred Erby GI 3-3602 FUR COAT ''ReVtvled'' Into Cape Northern Furs 912 21st Gl a-l'J'iO AIMRTMEXTS Furnished For Rent 33 DUPLEXES FLATS FOR FL'R3TISUED 34 NIGHT Watchman Wants Situation BUTCHER Experienced To Operate WANTED -Housekeeper For Elderlv scon Vvrite oOr rast 8th St i couple rniinirv rni wt i'j'ir Carpenter Work Dial HI 9-39 43 3 lable LKT Mi Reaso AP FEMALE 25 EDUCATOR'S VERVICE AGENCY 703 t's JST HU 4-375S GENKRAL-" Office' Worn 5 Days Permanent Starting salary $150 mo Dial HI 6-6400 Emp Woman Kitch Bus HI 7-3613 eves HI (5-7321 Attractive Rm laund pnv Kefs supplied Calif Phone 373 --V'rl: CHI DELUXE Furn Api Sth Adults 1417 Available St I WOMAN To Care lor 2 April j30OI beds ARPKNTKR Helper By veteran Have own toots Gl Si 4 Laree Cool Rooms pets 5S5 Small Chil- Young '-6255 VERA'' EWFAV1NG SHOP I Street Dial I1U 4-316 Large Selection Paper! Skallnky HI 3-137 I 9: Paperharg ins in siock '29 22 St Cool qu'er rm Priv hm Man Near bus HI 6-2096 aft 5 uren Dial til 9-fr393 Agents Salesmen end 3 Room 590 Utilities Paifl tood location Dial HI 9-23S9 L-idies Garments 1619 St i ALTERATIONS for Kens GI 3-170 PLUMBING Repairs Remodeling Contracting HI 9-5231 HI9-J12S Work Female IS I Saleswomen Wanled 2 ST Comfortable Room water Eus at door 2116 21st Running iviVTEn tj reat NICELY" Furn 1 Bedroom Apt $S5 a bedrooms $100 HI 9-0004 WELL Furnished Apt 2 Rooms And hath $6350 a month HU 4-0651 FURN Apts 2 Rms Priv! BatTT Auburn Fulton Dial HI 9-3529 NEW 3 $63 6 RM Duplex Haccinwood mos lse Adits HI 9-4634 Reweaving Alterations Del Paso Hts HI 9-5376 iaiikss Apply In Person The CV-rwJjjJL2n 'IJlh- 4 to 1 1 noons GENERAL Housework 5 Dav" Week $60 a month HI 5-7228' WOMEN over 252 Hrs Dally CURTAINS jrjninr deuver HI 6-7 37-' Building Remodeling Cabinet Wnrki -1 A Geo Miller Licenced HI 7-4M3501 11 avs Pics Up 31 20 40th St RTRD To Ems Unf 'l anner Cple Desire 2 or 3 jo Hi 9-9D7 SALESMEN Men Or Women Full or pari time attractive deal Mel-Ixiniisliore Realty soa 8ih St Hotel Rooms For Rent 29 SEE Carl Lancara Pntng sfvliStTofl DRAPKUY WORK IN MY HOME 3-7461 HI 7-6013 3953 Roosevelt Quick service Reasonable HI 6-3464 COLORED work or Girl Der-ircs Dav Hntise-ironlng by hr GI 3-3SS3 -ROOM Furn Upper Flat in Brod-enck Very neat Bus line Aduita Dial GI 2-52S0 Ml DOLE AG ED Woman Desires 3 Rm turn apt References GI 2-6094 an earn you Sb Hi 7-B958 RELIABLE FIRM Wants Reliable resl estate stalesman Confidential Ea- W2107-4 Bee MODERN 2 ROOM Apt Electric HOTEL CLUNIE Sth St Streets S10 to S12 weekly Ca II in person STEAM Heated Rms A Ma 1111 7th GI 2-9956 Com kit 510 ZIMMERMAN'S RE WEAVING New And Re wk HI 5-9094 kitchen Close in 80s Sth St STENOG Work Mv Eves weekends CARPENTER Work mod also cannet Home Vnur Off HI 5-1921 eves 6(55 3rd A (cor 27 St HI 7-2009 DUPLEX 2 rms YTJUNG Emp! Couple Need bdrm aot Pay to S30 HU Fur 1 4-2307 -4 Rooms Nicely Furmahed unturn Near trans and Hot UANCE GIRL3 Wantea Over 21 Apply Dreamland Dame Hall 917 6th Street after 7 ROOMS water S40 Bath 2714 Running St stores in No Sacto SS5 HI 9-3liC Dra pe Marie Covers Dressmaking Mrs Holt IV 0-2 101 Slip order CONCRETE Floors Pattos Dnvwys Pena A Fena GI 2-2232 or HU 4 -31 63 HOTEL ROOMS $150 And Up Free parking loogu 9tret COUPLE With Child 2 Mi- Need Apt Ciore in No smoking or drinking Pay to S45 Dial HU 4-2419 Apartment 2101 ST Furnished Kitchen privileges Remodel Watson SEWING A mine No LARGE 3 Room Dup'ex Lots Of closet space Garage Service porch Dfai'r -v0-1555 53rd si Alteram Your Hume Or I rets Reai HI 6-5354 CARPENTRY" Cabinets Fr est GI 2-3830 WANTED A Licenced Real Estate and insurance salesman Sirpard Realtor 540 Virginia St GR1DLEY Calif Phone 2336 SHOE Salesmen: Young Men With neat appearance permanent residents with or without experience Leeds Shoe Store 920 St ASSISTANT Bookkeeper Wants Good permanent position Dial GI 2-4601 EXP I CK a hi rWishe Tpre I -tionGood references GI 3-6477 COLORED A I I 1 re a 6 general housework HU 4-8031 RELIABLE Woman Wants Day Wrk fiefs Dial HI 0-7401 With Same HOTEL SHASTA Attractive weekly rates Gt 1-9742 BACHMAN Arms Hotel 1320 1 SL Newly decorated ape weekly Tates BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 719 St (Rm 227 I GI 2-1201 CAPABLE Strom Woman anted Part time Apply in person 2434 Broadway YOUNG Girl Share Apt (il 3-S487 COLLEGE Professor Requires Unf urn house before June 1st Britton GI 3-5009 before 4:30 SPECIaXiZING In Maternity aK alter Jeanne Sctniitzc HI 6-4905 JB DK' CLUR Builder of Fin Homes Duplexes and Flats for EMPLOYED Couple Desire Furnished iin ROOFING Insulation Asbestos Sid-j HOLER In Clothing Rewovcn Mended inf remodeling HI 7-24 IS 1431 29th HI6-33i4 Unfurnished apt beiore June 1st To $50 No SoO No: children Dial HI 9-7292 EXPERT TYPIST Neat Accurate! Good slioihand State rritu-vtimt HATCH Corset Stav Sh'eirts 1123-B Reter- New $77 50 Ret- -2300 Mo Re'node'iing Ham Hi BUILDING New erences r'RACI iCAL Nurse enres Dial HI 7 Availabli 539 1SDEL RIO HOTEL 1214 St Spe- ditioned 2721 St after 6 Ilpn I nf wklv rates Ouiet St reftred 1 Lxl''Zl-iONE BEDROOM Apt Available A prill WOKTH Summer Rntea from! 30 $65 Utilities paid IV9-122S Need 50 727 St Call in tier lease Dial HI or apt liliLi1? Jfl: i 722 9TH Lares Furn Apt Men! r-B" fT" GI 2-1300 RENE Hotel 1 415 St Outside Rms I onlv No drinkers i 1 inewlv decorated Rierial wklv rstes I Iia'- Dial Rent -inewiv decorated Special wkly rates experience Bee Box Y14S2-40 COUPLE With 2 Small Children ldren 6-8709 Del P(sd Blvd NO SACRAMENTO HI 9-9635 I OUT Of Work Or Need Extra Income? fuil or part time seliins avalahlp to reliable persons See Dl) Smit 1S27 -JSth St 4SALESXEN Are the ears Real estate and husiness op-Hrunitle Personal interviews oniv 1S21 Stockton Blvd Rfc-ctvn fTj-: irr iinfurn Pried hou-e duplex Per Da Clean 2 Bedroom PAINTING HOUSES nernrstilisr Dial I 3 WOULD Like 4 or 5 Hrs $1 hr Dial HI 6-9216 roV SMUD emplove Dia girl day week Live in Dal t3G6jV'OLHT CHOW Dressmaking And til 3-BS74 HI after 6 I RESPONSIBLE Family of 4 Wants: 2 ROOM Furn Apt Frigidaire Util Uix- 2 Bdrm Duplex nr Arden ities paid 4435 Broadway EXPERIENCED TH'JTi'- 7T- r-1 or room turnshed house Up- A Iteration Help In s-uarnnteerl ninl IVl13kO aiiv Aouus jiuu rno iv y-4510 SHEET ROCK HunK Taoert Textured PAIN 1 lN'i-- PAPERING HU 4-7773 HOUSE OF GOOD CHEER' TRAVELER'S HOTEL 5TH A STREETS SACRAMENTO CALIF neuer Hints and coats Green's i TWO tarrn Equi i-ment And Tracton unnfRs snti i-r- in Trr- designing Specializing in mens shirts Ladies claH suits pjJamDJ dresses 2315 Ill f-133-l CONRAD'S steam Batns Massaces Indv attendants Open dailv excent Sun His 10 A to 921 6th St Dial GI 3-S516 MODERN 2 A 3 Uti pd Auburn Fur Store 1016 St REGISTERED Nurye Bahv Needs uiton hi -t -v" aniesmen wantra larce ternlorv ie -way 1st uiai HI 5-0732 WOMEN'" For Half Day In Jr-lCKUP Dpi Wasl-tns ironing Quick aev Iteas tincrs IV 9-04 55 Lady mid age No worn boss Hakpr Aywh entry Adult Y9h9-4S Bee A LE xperiericert BalTv sitter Days Dial HI 7-6302 days BABY Slttin De si red Bv Youns lady Eve only HU 4-3122 aft 5 room child care or apt Reason I Office Nr sutter Hoso onlv HIT 4-37H1 2515 ST Clean 2 Rooms $25 HOTEL BERRY Sth A Sts Spe- or open fcr willing workers Income potential unlimited Phone CHICO 1303 Brute Tractor Co 1S51 Es PLASTER REPAIRS Jobs Lar small Dial HI 3-6162 nooKKeepme antl IVD'ns exner em-e Employed woman only ROOMS Garace Utilities Paid $83 GI 2-5702 after 5 irmi nwfii anu niontniv rates Wife 2 Small Children Need needed VVrteBee Box Y962-30 VET com-1 2307 ST lively 2 Rm Furnished planade Cil (l rircuiaims ice water very fortabie Call In person furn or unfurn house fiat etc Pay to S50 Dial HI 7-2814 I Professional Services 12E apt Utilities paid Aduits JAPANESE Woman Experience In) housework and rooking Givi si jl BDRM 2 Yr Lease $63 Mo Sui-I erv i ePark I 2-70 35 Own-Agt MADAN ORAM Shingling Contractors HI 5-7010 IF IT'S CEMENT WORK Call 'SMITTX" at HI 7-2037 lary 1010 -Sth Street HI 5-7724 FURNISHED Apt Or Duplex Reas Free REGISTERED NURSE Position in ABDOMINAL supports Trusses 1728 ST $90 Ultra Modern large rooms insulated Adults ROARD AM IEOOM REXT 30 fitting Kaufman's Drus 6th A AIRWAY STORE Wants 3 men with cars Apply 7 Thursday V121 Kst 'in furij stove ref rig furn Lge yd for chldra 934 Alamos NO SACTO area loun emnl cpl Non-smokers drinkers HI 6-0339 after 6 HOUSEKEEPER: Your Own Separate room and bath hoard nine 1041 63RD ST-Before 12:30 -Nice 4 Rms Reas HI 7-2350 PLASTERING Stuc-o Work Tettur-nc Reasonable Dial HI6-S314 "alary Dial GI 3-733S or write: ELDERLY Gentnin Des DR KENNETH KEITH Foot Specialist Chironodist 022 Forum Gl 2-705(5 Rm In Pvt IirotficeJSial IV 9-203ii BABY Sitting Re lirtblcT Experienced woman Dial GI 3-S6SS GIRL Desires Work Bv Hour Or Dav Ref Dial HI 9-3! 4 9 Bee Box W2207-2O home close to bath Ref Mr LOVELY 5 Room Duplex A Garage Land Park area Emp! or busm people pre: erred Dial KU 4-22J8 I FURN $3950 Apts Nr McCiellan Field and $49 50 HI 9-3669 rich GI 3-7474 da GI 2-2657 SPECIALISTS Dial GI 3-67S6 SEPTIC TANK 4 01 21st Street lady ca re For Housekeeping Child! Live out Also housekenr REPAIR SERVICES 12FI TEXTURING Painting LILY INN 14)1 STREET Room and Board Dial GI 3-9955 21 OS Pl-asant Room Single Or double Home cooked meals 1403 Lovely Airv Rooms Home cooked meals Walking dist Reas BACHELORS Meat With-Meals All you can eat 1 S23 St PAPERINi EXPER Ranch co*ck Unencumbered BEAUTIF9L New Duplex Tvpe Apt 1 child welcome 3001 55th St HI 7-3422 'OFFICE Machines Renaird for suburbs Good salary Bea's1 Serv unlsd Agcy GI 2-2S04 Guar Vet Dial HI 9-S249 'apital Go any place Dial GI 2-9820 Appliance Salesmen EXPERIENCED to sell ONLY LEADING appliances Good commission Apply in person SACRAMENTO ELECTRIC CO 1931 St 2 ADULTS 1 Child Need Small furn apt near business dist Pav $30-S5) mo HU 4-1243 aft 6 pm MAN State Employe ''0 Yrs Ariel adult nephew desire furn apt S75 FURN AFT Near McCiellan Field Elect refrig Launarv rm Util furn $3050 Dial HI 9-3669 i ROOMS Private Bath Near Trans portit ion 3 miles out 4b750 mo Inquire 522 Mil St ELDERLY White Ladv To Assist PLUMBING Bv The Hour Or tract 'Dial Cil 2-S075 or GI 2- -V 17 i DA WORKER Excellent Ironer Or REPAIRS All Elec Apni Sacto Elec 5 day wit References HU 4-7305 Co 1931 St GI 3-1533 I 'b' win light housework younu counie i RESIDENTIAL Lower Flat 2011 21 St 3 bdrms abrarv din liv rm $65 Adults Ref GI 3-4375 with 2 children noard room salary day week Hlip- WANTED Youns Man 20 to 30 A small salesmir trainee for local who)e- 7-521 ROOF Reiair Crpenter Work No1 nay or oial 2101 girls RELIABLE Partv 16 Mo Child St Lovely Double Rooms For Mis Clement 4 ROOM A Bath Upper Fiat Near need unf'lir ant ri wo sale concern ideal opportunity forirrr Laundr FURN Hskng Aot For 1 Midd'e-aged lady $20 month 1315 St Walking distance Jr ollege Special low rent to job too small Wk auar Ill 9-03SS rEtj" RADIO Appliance Repair Free! hr Dial EXPERIENCED Jr Bookkeeper For! redecorate as nart rent or 3-i-v9 HouseworK (il 3-9S95 son with carpentrv experience 2423 0 Good Board And Room For working gentleman GI 3-3520 erso Dial lu'a i autonioone iirm rite civin BLOCK Layme And Cement Work By hour or contract HI 6-2772 PAINTING Inter Exter Texturinc Low prices HiBh qualHU4-4SSl HL'CKABAV BROSBiaers Contra Free est Homea our spec IV 9-3241 PAINTING PAPER HANGING lm-nedlato serv Lowest prices GI 2-0373 HI 7-6140 £-9 to Box BUSINESS Woman Will Share Large enerzeuc and ambitious person Permanent position rite Bee Bo: 1473-3 state age previous experience marital status and phone number Pickupa nddelveryH UZVi ACTC ALNurse SIIr Duty Da vs MATTRESSES Renovated Recov- Live out Dial HI 7-3210 references 2183-18 and experience Care Bee VETERAN'S Wife Bov 14 Babv desperate for turn place in town Pay to $35 HI 6-8843 11328 19TH ST Board A Room I Double rooms Men only GI 3-7333 comi apt witn another woman No 3 bus HU 4-4796 days e-ed Low prices Prompt service I RMS A Bath Range Ref Gar Carpeting ile ven blinds watr Garb lawn bus stores $75 NORTH SACTO Dial HI 9-SS39 Done In Mv Home 64 0 St Brorterick GI 2-6567 i Elizabeth ATTRAC Clean 3 Rm Furn Ant MIDDLE AGED Ladv To Helo Mother with 2 small children No housework Private room $50 a month Dial GI 3-2390 Vic Mather Held Roseville 615h5 2621 CAPITOL Single A Dbi Rms Good food Men A worn GI 2-8849 1S26 ST Cieari Rooms pientv closet space fientlenien only FACTORY WASHER SERVICE 5 Bendix Lrdrmt Hotpnt Wnrlpl REpIV le' edir' a ELECTRICAL REPAlRINn Perm- Pos- Mrs- Glbbs Hb 4 LARGE 3-Room Triplex Tile Floor Sec'v 7717 umi MariposaAve Citrus Hgt EMPLOYED Couple Want 3-Room quiet apt with range A refrig Pav to $65 HU 4-1577 alter 6 COUPLE With 5 Mo OlacmidVVouTd like apt duplex or house with vard hv Mav 7th Within reason Dial HI 7-5926 BUILDER Robert Morris HI 6-4139 Reaidential Commercial PAINTING Paperhanains Texturinir I Attention all salesmen and salesladies Immediate earnings! No experience or car necessary Sell nationally advertised major home appliances No down payment required on sales Apply Wei ween 10 12 A and 2 4 neirigerator ana stove Car port 3 ROOM Furnished Apt Air $80 Appliances Motors Clocks Etc HI 6-0469 2332 42nd St RANCH Cook Housekeeper Adults FURNISH Your Home With Money you earn yourself Pleasant profitable work Hours at your convent LAM-CO ELECTRIC 141 3 2 1 st St conditioned Utilities included Call Ray Cordano GI 3-4618 ROOM And Board Young man Twin Unencum Go anyw GI 2-0oJl small oos a specialty ti i --i j4u Private Home bds 2109 3 Av ion encenia GI 2-1510 NEW 3 Room Duplex Stove Refrig and garage Bus 3 blocks No pets or children 1 block to William Land Park $75 mo KI 5-082 Sidmc 5-3639 Roofing Insulation Alex Enitardt HI Vflirvn rvri vvnAinn nw STATE HOME IMPROVEMENT 520 St NICELY Furn 2 Room Apt Ideal for 2 $75 mo Dial Gl 2-8035 HEWITTS Capitol Ave Girl And amrri'' a uvciery uni Ul ine FAKI Or Hill Time Work A3 Office oldest bicycle repair shops In Sac- receptionist Doctor or dentist ramento We specialize in repair! prefered Dial HI 9-9351 work on hicvcles and tricvcles Wei Like iivi a i iun ounta i bookkeeper Must have August desire furn or imturn flat IP accounting 1514 9th St days Gi 2-6S02 after A NATIONAL Manufacture CO Str Fronts Sinks GI 3-1073 HI 6-0563 BACON bath TILE Reas ot an or bookkeeping exDerience iiiai or apt- Pav 535- Dial Gi213t CAPITOL AVE Board A fjil--- for 1 or 2 girls GI 2-2271 call and leliver Cameron's Cvclery RELIABLE Kxpr Lady Wants Sw- HI 6-895'! nicely" rwireh 609 St Dial GI 3-1287 alterations nave a car box inc NEW 2 Bdrm Duplex Grge 1 to bus SSO on lease eves and week-end 125 Ferniey Ave NO SACTO Adults Ftirn Apt 3 Rms A Service 9 ''7 BUSH REALTY CO IN Needs PAINTING PAPERING Work Guar GI 25S3 9 or GI 2-7743 Witt Minumi Ave -Nvj saciu 910 ST Good Food Reas rates Gentlemen Clean Rms HU 4-6182 V- All TT T'TH A I Lovelv vard with shade welcome $70 mo 7irt An-St Broderi-k GI 3-7697 un i jiu iju hih iino NURSE Best Of Reference Soeclal- Child drews eiectric appliance offers an exclusive franchi-e to a few northern Calif Phd Nevada counties Proven plan enables man to build permanent profuihle business from modest beginning Write for details and give particulars Orr 1301 St Sacramento Calif anpiuonai nomes ana apts lor excellent tenants List your rental prooertv w'th lis Dial GI 2-6951 ized in thrombosis paralvtic and Paintine Private Par-Very reas GI 2-1 38v VET WANTS ty Fxpe' 1519 STREET Comfortable Rooms Excellent YOUNG Woman For General Office work Knowledge of tvninc and bookkenin necessarv Write Bee Box Yl'73-15 A SHIER A NT ED70 ver 2 1 ReT-erences required Experience unnecessary Apply Times Theater 1214 Street Food DESIRABLE Immaculate 3 Rooms Free Pickup Dehverv COD LARRY" rKLL 1101 St MIT 4-5549 SEWERS Instal'ed Septic Tanks Bv-passed or cleaned Pipes Wells blasted Dial HI 9-31SS HOME Away From Home Cln Rms Good food 1616 St GI 3-9S60 YOUNG Business Girl Needs 2 Rm unfurnished apt with private bath Pav to $35 Thai HI -2033 after 4 mentai cases Mrs Starkes 5sll 23rd Ave Dial III 7-0200 US EK EE PER VV ite 26 rs70 fd would like job in motherless home of one or two small children $25 per month plus room and board for TWO MEN Two rural routes in Northern Cali NEW Pleasant 4-Room Duplex 1 bedroom All tiled bath and kitchen Perfect location between Land Park and Riverside Blvd $100 Ariults GI 3-1088 NEW Modern 3 Large Rooms Bath Large garag Frigidaire stove and water lurnished Panel rav heat Ji block to transportation and shopping center $75 month 2120 Raymond St Haggintvood districL Dial HI 9-1SS1 1814 home iwauoeai and Dath Refrigeration Janitor service No drinking or smoking 1 empwoman GI 3-2920 ATTRACT I LY "Furn is hed 3 Room apt Bed linen A utilities furnished Priv bath Frigidaire Adults onlv No pets Drake Hotel 4 09 St JACK O'CONNOR Contract Paint ST Attractive Comfortable for empl men Gd food gars MOTHER With 3 Small Children MONTGOMERY WARD APPLIANCES REPAIRED All Ward Ref rig Wash Radios etc MONTGOMERY WARD 9th GI 2-4878 or GI 2-6941 Ext 3 needs small apt or house Near fornia now available Both have been established for many vears Retiring men had annual incomes in upper 4-figure brackets We want In'cili- mvself and Wo small children Write Bee Box Y932-9 0l over $jO bus and shopping Dial HI 7-072i zent men with background of success NEW Furnished Modern Bachelor HOUSEKEEPER small Neat 21-45 for 1 miridleaged adult Verv light work Mts north Home more than wgs Write fully to Y969-18 Bee SCHOOL Or BusmesirGirl To Help w-iih housew-ork in exchange for board room and small salarv Dial GI 3-7324 2636 ALHAMBARA Blvd Good food clean rooms Reasonable rate3Gentlerien HI 6-5175 3 MEALS: Breakfast Lunch To Go dinner $150 per dav Room rent extra 1716 St texture papernan(ns orK puar HU4-1S13 143 1 'a rcet PLASTER Ana stucco Patching A specialty Vet Lied contr 17 vrs ex Free et I 9-1S9S HI 7-0S38 STONE WuRK Manv Colors Attractive flower boxes etc to order $150 pr ft A uo HI 9-1681 eves Permanent Write The Watkins apartment restricted residential Co 4512 Holhs St Oakland 8 Calif LOCAL Business Man Wife 4tj Yr daughter unfurnished house or duplex with vard to $60 Good care guaranteed Dial HI 5-9409 district Close in Two buses $55 inciuainir uuiltle Ml t-4H7 Small i bookkeeping accounts done rea-sonahly Ill 9-1722 WORR MALE AD FEMALE 19 3 ROOMS Partially Furnished Downstairs apt Priv bath block to 2101 ST Vacancv 3oard And room $1350 a week up Home cookinn Dial GI 3-966S MEN To Seil Broad Coverage Hospital plan in Sacramento No canvassing Quality leads and appointment furnished not Just names addresses Experience helpful hut ALMOST NEW Front Unfurnished duplex 3 rooms service porch Bedroom Beautiful appointments throughout Fireplace Coved linoleum Full tiied bath shower Hardwood floors Garage Corner lot $825f Bus at door Kev 1921 Fruitridge Road Dial HI 6- WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED FREE PICKUP A DELIVERY ALL WORK GUARANTEED Hill's Home Appliances 1632 Broadwav Dial GI 3-S675 "WASHER SERVICE ALL MAKES Sacramento Kleetrie Co St OI 3-1533 PAINTING Papering ADULTS A 2 Yr Girl Desire 2 bedroom unfurn home to $50 References Dial HU 4-7193 eves or weekends WANTED 2 Young Ladies To Assist photographer No selling Call Mr Clevetiger Californian Hotel eves 5 to 8 Free Estimates Low prices KI 9-KM0 dus $-o mo Single business woman pref HI 6-934-9 after 7 Work guaranteed Mr Woodard THE MANSION 2609 Canltot Ave not required Car necessarv Men Exclusive home for voting business 510 23RD ST NEW UPPER WELL PAIN'TIN'G And Paperfiansln 5850 BUSINESS Woman Needs Unfurn 1 hpdrnnm rinnlev or a nl Paain9hla gins smokers GI 3-7260 now- average well over $100 week lv comm Call between 10-12 707'2 Ft Room 3 HOUSE CLEANING complete Weekly or monthly Ref Dial HI 6-5695 a room and up WjrK puar tree estimates Dial HI 9-0388 KUKNISHED 2-rm apt Utilities paid $85 Couple only Near bus and snooping center ST Indies or- C'or lanian Dial HI 7-7460 Sat and Sun or 1508 aUr 6 weekdays Best meals at LOWEST RATE in town GI 2-2584 PAINTING E-ush or spray int ext HOUSES FURXIsnED REXT SALESWOMEN 36 Papering ft texnir ree est worm A mat fuar HI 6-504 GI 2-8308 LOVELY New Apts Adults Onlv Some furnished Some stove A refrigerator onlv From $7150 to $95 IS13 St COUPLE'S Services For An! Hus- band emp Box Ece JAPANESE Couple Desire Gardening houi-cwork Live in Call after 6 Dial HU 4-16SV UNFURN Flat Or Apt rt or 4 Rms downstairs bv widow Prefer downtown vplkinr distance Reas rent Dial GI 2-5749 THE 1236 ST Excellent food ITse of Bendix walking distance Dia! 3-9776 Work 3 hours daily Earn $75 to NEW Rooms WANTED Woman To Care For Two children 5 dav week Must live in Phone 10 A ST 1 SI only Dl-l IVanhoe 9-0869 CAPABLE Woman Genera) House-work Must like children 5 Dav week Live out Good salary Apply Personal Shoppers Ajrrnr'v 931 Forum Bids No phone caJIs BE A UTY OPERATOR Wanted Full time in small town shop Guarantee or commission Write Box 453 QUINCY Calif or phone QUIN-CY 120 Homes Remod Pa-servics Free eit Lie 9-4307 HI 7-1SS3 3 LARGE Mod Rooms Adults No Pets 560 Madison GARDENLAND ROOM House Close To Trans Hagginwood Beau yd HI 9-D0S5 5100 per week" contacting home owners for new nulriing material We tios Immed GI-FHA IV Lauson Wisconsin Gas Engine Tarts and Repairs Prompt Efficient Service MUNZ BROS WIFE Cook or Waitress -Husband Rest and Foster Homes 31 GIRL Will Share 4 Room Apt With congenial working girl S35 month Everything furnished Near No bus 3644 "2 1st Ave after 5:15 utilitv man gardener eiectrical YOUNG Married Working Couple want to rent apt flat or small Not over $50 Dial HI 5-4oHl after 5 SEWERS Installed 33 Mos To Pay limbing refrigeration carpentry CARE For Also Unfurn Elderlv I-adles in Ms- SMALL Furn House duplex HI 9-5866 Septic tanks ovpassca or cieaneu Sewer lines derooted HI 9-0S4S ewis GI 2-0375 1220 21st St Dial HI 5-6101 train transportation lurnished 1923 Stockton Blvd 9 to 1 0 A only A LES AN Wanted Mill And logging supply houBe needs experienced man to demonstrate and sell Titan Jr one-man power saws miil and logging supplies and DRAFTING Complete Service House- 2 Room Furnished Cabin On Marin Ave Dial HI 6-8990 20 Farm Work Wanted RENTALS WANTED: Mather Air Force Base personnel urgently req rentals of all types List with housing office HI 6-7S61 ext 304 301 No 12th St Dial GI 2-5S35 expert CARE Children Under 3 5-day wk Lie 25 A HI 5-6221 ROOM Board For Elderly Lady In private home HI 7-1643 GRADING Plowing Planting Seedg plans frHA speculations rte-: modeling a specialty HU 4-101 PAINTING PAPERING Vary best materials Low prices $30 PLUS Utilities 2 Room Cabin furnished Near Signal Depot- Dial HI 5-2531 Agt equipment Money making oppor or sm fobs Towner HI 9-2256 Lg EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper For Local wholesale firm Typing required 44 hrs Write stating previous experience and references to Box Yl 483-33 care Bee Trained ad takers will gladiy help you the preparation of your ai No advertisem*nts accepted lor publication the same day Ba sure your ad is in The Bee ofXica by 5 o'clock tha day before voti wish it to appear tunity tor quaiuied producer Ked-dlng Tractor A Equipment Co GI 2-0373 TRACTOR Wrk Mowing And Raking Free est Andrew HI9-92S1 FINNESTEAD'S Factoiv Authorired Service For Mavtars Speed Queen Thor Easv Little Giant Apex Work Guaranteed On All Makes RELIABLE Mother Will Board Child by week or month GI 3-2436 Box S43 REDDING Calif Phone MODERN 5-Room Home Prefer 1 child $100 month 3223 63rd SL Dial HI 7-1423 REMODELING Repair Work Rea 1 655 OPPORTUNITY For Several Women STORE Exec Perm empl in Sacto 'desires 2-3 br tinfur home East Sacto or Land Pk dis vr old chid To $123 accp 1 vr lse GI 3-S0S1 Mr Richards REFINED EmplodoiorecT-Couple with 14 year old son wishes furnished or partly furnished apt in sonable onces CtiAKLES uuin DAY NURSERY Large Play Yard 2726 St HI 7-2029 in Sacto A surrounding towns for YOUNG Man Wants Stead Job On ranch with room and board Write Sacramento Bee Box Y966-47 1513 27th Street Diai HI 5-C6S0 1 part time work Advancement 2 ROOM Cottage Furnished (Newly LrrEe Stock of Parts Wringer Rolls REMODELING And Home Construc DAY CARE Preschool Girl Licensed HI 6-9S62 1917 25th Street dec) Util fuYn 3329 25th Ave Dial HI 5-1213 Sacramento newest cosmetic co Mary Lane Inc 2402 28th St serving Sacramento since 1929 100H 7 St Dial GI 3-50S1 APARTMEXTS Unfurnished For Rent 33A COMMERCIAL Hav Baling With 3 wire Cse balers Will go anv-where HI 5-1256 or HI 6-451S tion Estimates tree Anthony i-ac-chi SOU Broadway HI 6-3214 LEASE Two Bedroom House Adults REFINED Exnerlenced Housekeeper rityeJ-mlb Too- references- Pay (CHILD Care By Hour Day Or Week 10 Si Al 5-602 1 Licensed Nice yard HI 9-7778 for couple Good plain cook Pri Permanent Position For man between 30 and 40 who has had experience merchandising thru jobbers in automotive hardware electrical or drug channels Territory Bakersfield to Oregon Salarv commission and expense's Write ft Taylor Rav-O-Vae Compan 461 Market Street San Francisco giving age education experience marital status present emrovment and salary Femodelm Building Paintins- Piano Frigidaire new stove large yard Call at 5242 Jay Street UNFURNISHED For Rent NO Apt vate room and hath Top salary Fixtures Plastering Cement Work FULL Time Care Small Child Across SACTO HI 9-81 32 CUTTING Rakin or grain hav Rt 2 Bs 285t Baling Alfalfa Titterbeek Sacto HI 6-5061 Excellent w-orking conditions An couple wishes three or four rooms CONSOLIDATED GI 2-7907 AUBURN 150 Orange St 7 Rooms Wm Land Park HI 6-3090 Lawn Mowers POWER AND HAND Sharpened Repaired Pick Up Deliver BELL BELL ply Personal Shoppers Agencv 931 comple'ely unfurnished apartment 2 baths Ph Auburn S07W or Mrs STUDIO Apts mi so city Unfurn $50 Mo GI 2-7472 Agt TILE WORK Sinks Walls Floors rornm Bidg No pnone calls Mccracken 744 Arimo Av Oakland al Gl 2-6957 ext 36 days or GI 2-3171 eves HELP MALE 21 Assistant Bookkecner and store f-onts Out of town work solicited Piatz1 Tile Co 2522 Street Dia! Gt 3-4420 ROBBIE'S DAY NURSERY HI 9-0172 NORTH SACRAMENTO GARDENER'S NURSING HOME 24-hour care 2618 St HI 7-0625 3-ROOM House Nice'v Furn Bendix 1506 13TH Ultra Modern stove refrigerator Adults $70 up 923 30t'i St Open Sat ti 3-3 11 CAB Drivers with knowledge of stenographic work Must Have Loral experience Annlv Utilities S85 Woodleke 213 Southgate Road NORTH SACTO SALESMAN pre permits Permanent position 40 hr week Ex ROOMS A Bath Ail Util Adults $65 month 3208 Marshall Way SPECIAL SERVICES 12G 4 th St Iuxor Cab office cellent opportunity Dotan's Alham- BUILDER COUPLE Aeed 38 pgae Fmplnvee 3 or 4 room unfurn house or apt by Mav 1st Close in location pref Mus' be good neighborhood $50 to $60 mo Garage preferred No children pets or parties Dial HI 7-1106 CABIN" Free Watch Premises Need PARKSIDE REST HOME 2711 St Ambulatory patients vency HI 6-3578 Experienced in srlline' rtiensbra A HI 6-6481 Mr Schwafti suits and topcoats Permanent no TWO 3-Rm Apts No Sac On Kathleen Ave $55 and $60 HI 9-5167 ANY CAR Painted $35 Your Choice of colors Sunland Service Station 203O St Dial HU 4-1842 Homes remodel commercial GOOD Opportunity Experienced In selling and meeting public Steadv work References required Write Box Yl 4 79-25 PEACEFUL Home for the Aged 4900 El Camino HI 6-0528 IV 9-1927 Wnrk -0534 filar Herbert A Peterson Hi i car man Reference El Dorado Write Bee Box W2181-19 FURN 1 BedroolrrHome-" Elect rlcal-Iv equipped 2 miles south of city 20 min from downtown bv auto No city bus $75 month HI 5-9754 EXPERIENCED Practical Nurse For lady Must have doctor's references Private room top salary out of town Apply Personal Shon- FOR Apt 2 Rms A Bath: with kitchen stove HI 9-96'36 5ition pleasant working conditions See Mr Klass at Federal Dept Store 717 St DESMOND Street NURSING HOME Dial HI 6-2656 EXPERT Luggage ft Leather Repairing Zippers put in Bob's Saddle $7S30 W10WACK1 HI 7-5000 $7850 pers Agency 931 Forum Bldg No OR 6 ROOM House Unfurnished duplex flat or apartment for three people nice yard prefer East Sacramento Excellent care lease references Dial HI 5-1958 after 6 Sunn mil St GI3-SS24 NEW 3 ROOM Apts Stoves And refg Nr Capitol Adits 1215 PENSIONER Or Retired Elderly Person as caretaker in exchange for 3 room cottage A small salary IV 9-1761 will paint with oil paint stucco phone calls GILL'S REST HOME vacancy for lady HU 4-6671 FREE PARKING IN REAR ROOM House (2 Bdrms) 1 child an average 5 rjom home for $is5(i Work guaranteed Estimates given welcome iose to stores school I or week end Needed bviCARE mn r-hMr LOVELY 3 Rm Apt $75 Garage 2720 St TEMP Rlty GI 2-3053 OPENING Terms if desired 13 'FA INTERS WANTED Immediately bus In West Acres $80 Dial HU fiEERAL- NOTICES Mav 25th WEST fun time infants to 3 vrs SACTO HU 4-4810 THOROUGHLY Competent House-keeper for couple Good plain cook Must like ranch life Private room Excellent salary Nicolaus vicinity Apnlv Personal Shoppers Agency 931 'Forum Bldg No phone calls of special position as pictured in 3 ROOM Apt Unfurn Except Stove A retrlgerator Adults 2S13 St Meaay worn- in union snop tea 1 Cook 1828 29th Street Dial HI 6-2970 or HI 7-1641 ACE BUILDERS New Homes 56 sq ft up NEW 2 Bedroom Home $90 Mo On ROOMS FOR RK'T "Better Homes A Gardens" Mav issue pace 250 If vnu have Pleasing PARDI NURSING HOME 6 mos lease 1 bedroom home S7 5 Starting May 1st Nita Ladd BED PATIENTS CONVALESCENTS 3 ROOMS Bath Partially Furn Children OK Ph RIO LINDA 4251 Rsmadeiinz kitchen cab specialists' STITCHERMAN Wanted mo on 6 mos lease Refrigerators Experience appearance personality car and need necessarv Union scale ana tiie utilities paid Dial HI Cal-Idaias mum as ii-i a week Best nours FREE ESTIMATES 3601 1st Ave alter 5214 to 9 No canvassing cr par and APTS Also Furn It from Gate 1 Lumber Co PO Box AUBURN Calif Vacancv McCiellan 1000 Field ties Pial hi 7-i 687 before noon ARTISTIC 1 Year Old 5 Room WANT AD BARGAIN Rent vour spare room increase the familv income Take advantage of Th Bees Want Ad Bargain 10 words 2 lines 1 3 davs onlv $13S al GI 2-5011 to ace vour For Rent Ad More than 100000 families subscribe to The Bee every dav Virginia Masterson SINKS SEWERS Mae Johanson Larson tii2 tn St GI 3-4251 RM BP A Very Gd Care Given 1 or 2 little girls ages 3 to 9 Large equip play yd Nr sch HI 6-0940 REST HAVEN: Special Care For elderly people Private A semi-pvt rms 3981 Av HI 6-5850 nome fireplace stall shower aM tub Tile sprinkling svstem On 2230 10TH AVE Modern Apts" Sorry no vacancies GI 2-1447 3 ROOM Apt GaTage StovendRe- ii riemert net-1 will be associated with RAZOR CLEANED WANTED Experienced Ertgarman union sccle Apply Yuba River Lumber Co Inc Grass Valley Nevada Citv Highway or phone GRASS VALLEY 1193R aft 7 PM pus line 5:10 3412 23rd Avenue Dial HI 5-4157 ter faster tor less cleaned Also sepuc Sharon's Beauty Salon ing am 1110 Uel Paso HI 5-5636 Expanding Hospital Staff Need Two N's Two Nurses Aides Excellent Salaries Contact Pimm's Countv Hospital juincycalf Tremder agency IOO6I2 9th St GI 2-3333 Legal Pec'tv $225 Stenographers Dictaphone operator $165 Stenographer part time 1 hr 2101 Room or Girl Rea MODERN 2 Bdrm House Completely ELECTRIC ROTO-ROOTER sonable Breakfast Lndry privs GI 2-129S 2003 Street LGE iiodern 3 Rms Suitable 2 Pen-ca re ROOM A- Board For Elderlv sioner Near bath Nurse's Good food GI 2-3723 DOMESTIC Finance Co Needs Alert gins iove reing lzzi) St SEWER SERVICE New Number IVant: 9-2622 2231 33RD ST Between and iurn in- urangevaie dist with garage $S5 per mo Carl Clark 500 Hayes Ave Del Paso Hgls- Dial young man 24 to 28 single for 14 i PERSON ALS collection work Car necessarv Sal A ES YE 25 CLEAN CUT EARN T7P TO $150 PER WEEK Advanced Commission Trailing NATIONAL ORGANIZATION NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED HAL HIOGS 1630 St 10 AM TUE 3 ED THURS FRI OPPORTUNITY Of A Life-Time Being offered by old well established California corporation Want man furnished Near No 8 bus 1517 Capitol Ave Double A Single rooms Maid service GI 3-9S94 FULL OR Part Time Care Experienced with small babies Doctors recom Nr Curtis Park HI 6-7574 ary and excellent chance for ad 12B vancement i Sth St 3 ROOMS A bath Refrig Stove garage water garbage Bus S75 NO SACTO Dial HI 9-03 7 3 ROOM Deluxe ApartmentI Furn or unfurnished Stove and ref rig-Adults :417 Street Lumite Plastic Seat Covers Tailored to fit budget terms Morgan 2211 16th St HU 4-3812 HENRY'S COLLECTION CO 606 I 2319 ST Business Girls' Residence St Sacramento Calif- GI 3-5793 WILL CARE For Small Child Up To 3 years Oak Park vicinity Dial HI 5-6789 Hskpg HI 6-9169 GI 2-9973 WANTED Yrtmg Man 2(5" To 30 As stock and receiving clerk for local FOR PARTIES Barbecue And Group entertainments make reservations for SCHAFFNIT LODGE GI 3-0240 wnolesa concern typing required GERALD A WILLIAMS Public Accountant GI 3-3S11 1226 22ND ST Lovely Large Rm with kitch priv for wrk couple NEW Units One Bdrm Each Stove and refrigerator Adults $75 HI 9-0263 NORTH SACTO CARE FOR Little Girl IS months to 2l2 vrs 5 days week Arden Dist IV 9-3519 Permanent position Write Bee Box YT474-31 State age previous experience marital status and ALL TAX And Bookkeeping Services Secretarial Position Open Tvping and shorthand are essential qualification Telephone WOODLAND SOO regarding appointment for personal interview 3979 ST Nice Room For Gentleman Private-family HI 5-2111 between the ages of 35 and 50 WOULD You Like To Make New friends? Enjoy cards dancing? Join "30-60 Social Club" for single peo- Martin gi -aiSM TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD DIAL GI 2-501 1 BY 5 PM DAY PRIOR TO PUBLICATION phone number North Dial HI 3 ROOM Apartment men to on bus line 7-1 105 Home given CONSUMER SURVEYS SPECIAL SERVICES CO CHILDREN Cared For My weekend Excellent care HI 5-8685 after 5 pe orprotessionaiDusin-w or traces voiJNG MAN For Position In Florist world Write 4741 14th Ave 5621 shop Must have some experience 3905 53th St HI 5 WILL NOT BE Responsible For FRONT Room Kitchen A Laundrv privilege Garden space 2912 908 1 2THSTNice TTOutRm7 kitch" and laundry privs GI 2-9182 3001 ST PrivEntrance Adjoin-ing bath No- drinking $20 in sales and make up Also able to drive delivery truck State 4 ROOMS Utilities Paid $50 Couple and baby 4560 65th Street after 4 HOME AT ARDEN SECRETARY Must he experienced In general In wages wanted and experience Write Bee Box Yl 487-20 12C with successful selling background or semi-executive experience To the right man position offers top income and lifetime employment If you are looking for an opportunity with an unlimited future Write Bee Box for aont giving age and brief business his-to'-v All answers confidential and present staff have knowledge of this ad House To House SERVICE PENSIONERS Sing'e Modern Rooms board Nevada Citv Perfect climate Large grounds S65 mo PO Bx 214 Nevada City phone 61 3W I A iTT OR EN 3 ION Aged blind A nerv patients Nurse-dietitian HAMILTON REST HOME 4321 71st St Dial HI 5-7649 (BRAND NEW 3 Rooms A Bath Bus one block 1245 Acacia Avenue NORTH SACRAMENTO surance rimg nr company i'erma VAN'TKn Certified Pine Lumber 7 R0T0T1LLING Card Lawns Prep Loewen Hi 9-3168 Lovely Room Priv Ent Twin beds GI 2-6102 day I for piantmg mn nenr portion frend saiary week Dial GI 2- 1 049 i anv bills contracted ny any one other than mvself on and after April 25 1950 JOSEPH MARION Ttt 1 Box 1528 West Sacto "WILL NOT BE-RrTpnnsib'V- For anv bills contracted by any one other than mvself on or after April 1 1950 Set Lester Heidgerken APO 929 San Francisco Calif grader ear around job Gradim behind nlaner Selects shon com mons Cill Ukiah Pine Lumber Co II USES UXFI RMS HER REXT 37 -ROOM Apartment Unfurnished 16tn and Street $50 Dial Gl VENETIAN BLINDS and Repairing 20 li La-pe Room On bus Washing machine Win A RaPP Co 20th GI 2-3677 Kitchen priv COLLECT Potter Valley 40 Mr 2-6292 SALESLADY Vv Lenaers Be- ROTOTILUNG Dial 32 SOO MODERN 5 Room Home Chii-riren Lease HI 7-651 1 Large Room Housekeeping Rooms HT9-9 7276 Jd 2618 ST Lovely Close In Gentleman tween 6 A and in selline ladies Experienced 3 Room Apt Family refrig Close to state HI 5-5713 NEW Large size range blrigs Dial AD COMPOSITOR Wanted By Wood rnaL suits dresses Permanent Dewey 24 23 ST Room With Kitchenett Gentlemen only HU 4-5201 LOT LEVELING Disking Plowing 3 RM HOUSE Unfurn 5751 Blvd- Fruit Ridge Dist position pleasant working: condi IV 9-1 233 or 4-4 125 1212 St Comfortable Single Room kit chen privilege HU 4 -2 001 LOVELY Room" Private Bath Gentleman No drinking HI 6-1026 land Dally Democrat Woodland California Steady job for sober experienced printer fast with grocery ads Ludlow etc Union shop Dav work 15 TRASPRTATIO" 4 Room Apt 1 3 Room Apt On bus line 2S29 Rio Linda Blvd NO SACTO HI 9-0781 EXP Japanese Gardener Lawn A EW mo HI 4 Room Modern House $80 Now vacant 1711 Shirley Dr -3190 Will sell equity grdn care free est gi tions See Mr Klass FEDERAL STORES 717 ST LADY Pensioner Private Room Use of util A piano Reas HU 4-2090 2223 Studio Room Comm Kitchen Couple with infant FLY! SSO PER Mo 3 Away $1 If you are between 30 and 50 have a car and can he bonded at our xpense why not sell weatherstrips for the oldest and largest concern in the industry Permanent connections where earnings and advancement arc limited onlv by your ability Salary and commission to start Men who have sold appliances household goods books and insurance w-ill get the surprise of their lives Whv not Invest a few minutes of your time to see what we mean? Irlvo rnmnUU Iraintni aQlp TRASH Anything Hauled Room Apt Stove 2931 St HI LARGE Room Private Bath And entrance $60 mo Dia! GI 2-8810 up "lnomas" iiu -4') terrig inquire 6-3652 75 EXP Japanese NEW YORK CHICAGO DETROIT ROME (round trip From Oakland plus Grdn Care HI 6-4906 Gardnr By mo 1120 Rooms ST Kitchen LARGE Rooms Enclosed Back porch cement basem*nt shadv vd SOO 1662 Arcade Blvd No Sacto ROOMS Large Yard $85 Also GE automatic washer for sale Dial HI 7-0681 "OUTSTANDING Experienced Operator to build up and manage aerv-ice station Must be top salesman per month See Bob Rogers Shell Oil Distributor FAtRFIELD Calif Lovely lwn cutting Privileges $14 WEEK Two Room Furnished apt 49'er Motel Stockton Bivd ROOM A Entlnce Near bus util paid 1568 34 St 2 Bedrooms 1 1757 Vi 34th $743: tax Experienced Bookkeeper NEW 3 A 4 Rooms Stove and hot water Street Apt 1 TRACTOR Room $5 Per Wk Lot Level Discing homes a spec HI 6-9131 2404 ST Sleeping week HU 4-5902: grading Dial GI 3-7461 TRAVEL AIR AGENCY 1955 San Patllo Ave OAKLAND mnnnia nnA fwrd n-A1An' -iia! with knowledge of rnmntnmet ry ROOM Single Or Couple Private Entrance 1326 St HU 4-6368 ROTOTILLING Free Estimates NEW Spacious Front Apt Stove refrig Insulated Adults $90 $100 2829 St Dial HI 5-5663 aids and methods Anrlv promptly- aflrtav wk Aly PERSONNEL PFPT Dial Jru u-sosa jr a-i3oo FOR RENT 3 ROOMS Small amount of furniture one mile NT McCiellan Air Base $25 per month Bee Box Y932-33 0:30 A or 12:30 noon Friday Sears Roebuck Co HOUSEKEEPING Rms For 4 Empl girls 2206 St GI 2-3332 Trees Weils Rototilling April Schools Instructions Ele 1622 ST Vacancies For Gentle-men Walking distance GI 3-9386 3941 ST Nice Front Rorn-Kitch priv Lady Aft 3 PM HI 7-0650 1419 ST Close In La7geRoom for gentleman Fences built Grandon HI 9-730 1 16 NEW 2 Bedroom Unfurn Apt In West Sacto Strictly modern Gas A lights furn $75 Gl 2-9817 1221 I ST Cbamberiin SACRAMENTO Co of America EXPERIENCED HARDWARE MAN APPLY EMIGH HARDWARE 1300 STREET 1620 ST privileges Lovely Clean Rm Kitch Garage available EXP Japanese Gardner Lnriscpng PIANO Lessons Bv Accredited Teacher Arden District Dial IV 9-261S Comp lawn grdn care Hi 6-2h2 NEW 3 Room Apt Utilities Furnished $70 Couple only 1626 Jetlerson Blvd WEST SACTO TRASH Hauling Commercial And $5 A $7 WEEK Cozy Single A dbl rooms 529 St GI 2-6841 12th hiid Sts Business Professional Emplovrnent Agency 71 St '(Rm 2271 GT 9-1201 NICE Clean Room Next Ta Bath Gentleman only 1123M Caina Painti'ne 2223 Si residtl rates City lie GI 2-8474 Night BLY'S Classes HU 4-3093 ROTOTILLING Maintenance Wood HSKPNG Rm Priv Entrance Twin beds Cpl 505 22nd St GI 2-7949 6 ROOM Modern House Large living rm 2 sma'l bdrms Adults onlv Auburn Blvd near Fulton $73 mo util pd Rear of motel HI 9-5414 3 ROOM-Modern Home In Carmf-chael 1 block from shopping center $60 month utilities paid Dial IV 9-2722 2 BEDROOM Home Newlv Decorated Large yard fruit trees Idea! for children Near bus stop WEST SACTO Gl 3-9545 '011 16TH ST Coiv Warm Rooms Dav wk Hotel svc On bus GI 2-4829 NEW Tnrt-e Rm Unfurn Apt Large living rm Adults With or without stove refrig 2531 3 St WOODS STUDIO Ballroom Classes Now open eves 2701 Ill 6-7301 cutting trees removed HI 9-S51S Stenn Jr TOPSOIL FILL SAND TRACTOR Comfortable Room Utilities Paid Close to trans-1607 20th St PRIVATE Entrance laundry privileges portation Inquire Rook-keener $15 St WORK Hopkins Dial IV 9-1124 ADULT PIANO LESSONS AUTHUR COLE HI 9-4356 abie 5235 14th Ave HI 1 NEAR LAND PARK 3 Room Apt $80 mo Lease or monthly rental Davs dial IV 9-091 or eve HU 4-7843 Agt Free ROTOTILLING Small Leveling Work Frea estimates IV 9-1614 HI 9-9075 5S35 ST Cool Airy Room parking space Gent HI 5-47 Johns- Manville Representative "WILL INTERVIEW FOR LOCAL SALES POSITION: SENATOR HOTEL MAY 2 10-12 A and 1-4 Siles experience required Cr neressart- Apply in person Dept Ast Mgr Ladies) 25-35 8200 Steno lumber No Sac $180-8200 General office No Sacto Open Comptometer Acrts receivable $190 Saleslariv demonstrator Car comm Steno 5 davs S200 St Steno 25-35 $180 st HOUSEKEEPING Room Community kitchen iaundrv $12 per week GI 3-5429 2715 Street SMALL CABIN Suitable For On7 LANDSCAPE GARDENERS PIANO LESSONS $1 A Lesson Fc-ginners a specialty Dial HI 5-2905 STRVrZ SCHOOL Of Watchmaking Approved for Veterans Day classes 2200 If St GI 3-0S3S OPPORTUNITY Of A Lifetime Being offered by old well established California corporation Want man between the ages of 35 and 50 with successful selling background or semi-executive experience To the right man position offers top income and lifetime employment If you are iooking for an opportunitv with an unlimited future write Bee Box Y'931-27 for appointment giving age and brief business historv All answers confidential and present staff have knowledge of this ad ASSN 5-6164 1020 27TH Gentlemen ST Double Or Singie inly Private entrance Complete Garden Service ill 3 ROOM Delux Apt Unfurn $80 or complete furn $100 Close in insulated Adults onlv For information dial HU 4-5837 Room Bus On HANDYMAN Carpent Garden etc Avail aft all Sat A Sun HI 7-4463 LOVELY corner Gas water and electricity furnished $25 1 block to No 5 bus Furnished HI 6-7569 line 5000 Baker Ave HI 5-4 84 9 LANDSCAPING New Lawns Shrubs pruning 20 vrs exp Eves GI 3-2154 2210 ST privileges Comfortable Rm Walk dist GI Home I -48(i2 i FOR RENT With Option To Buy 2 bedroom and den home near McCiellan Field Dial HI 7-48S3 eves HU 4-5637 days $1251 Yr Lease 3 Bedroom Children OK Available on Mav 16th 4 00 Mei-ter Wav Dial HIHcrest 5-9773 LOVELY NEW 6 Room Stucco Home Bath Garage $5 Low Fruit-ridc Rd Call after 7 HI NEW Modern 3 A 4 Room Apartments with stoves A rel rigerators Adults onlv 3008 St- Dial HI 5-6828 Experienced Telephone Operators LEARN Bartering Enroll Now Approved for veterans Moler Barher Col I ege 311 Di al GI 2-983S ALICE BAKER SCHOOL OF MLTSIC 2100 I St GI 3-4942 Piano voice violin guitar instruments and music furnished free 1820 Motel Anto anil Trailer Court Rentals 32A Lawns Mowed Gardening Light hauiing Fertilizer Neat wrk HI 5-2249 ST Large Front Room Twin Bus Girls beds NATIONAL GARDENING Bv Experienced White roan rity or suburban HI 7-3977 SALESMEN New Building Deluxe 3 Room Apts Range A refrig turn $8 ier mo 1716 St Office 1329 1Mb St Dial Gl 2-2823 or Gl 3-5265 MODERN 2 Room TtouseReeping Cabins Lakeside Motel Davis Hiway working CLEAN Room Near Bath Kitchen privileges Private entrance Ladies GI 2-521 8 Good pay Pleasant conditions 1329 St EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 17 -Male Chas Lehman Fred Hurtzg TRASH Hauled Heavy Or Light in-nrli Wnnieel-yarda clnd $1 and up GI 3-43711 anipa- Patios Auto HI 9-5062 TRAILER Space FREE lndry You pay util A new organization has started in Grass VaUev A is gaining momentum GI fi26 2nd St SURVEYOR PARTY 4117 ST Room Adjoining Bath Large closet Kitchen privileges Gar Good bu serv HI 5-4391 Work Anvtime GI 3-0111 (GENERAL Part Time 1 day or niht Dial NEW Apts Just Completed $80 Stove A retrlg furn rooms on bus line Wll if des Adits onlv 1903 2t SVVANSTON PALM AREA Beautiful new 2 bdrm home pear stores A bu Enclosed vard $135 Dial GI 2-450 HU 4-2123 $70 A A urnisl Apt 1 NEW LAWNS A Cleanup Work Mo rates Lie gardener HI 7-4736 fast Loaded with opportunitv Needs crew managers district managers TRAILER Space $lo Mo Airport Motor Ct Auburn Blv HI 9-3110 CHIEF $1640 13 60 The Pacific Rea- Painting 01 00 RUGS Upholstered Furniture Ex- APKP: prtly clnd in your lime HI 5-84251 sonahie Dial GI 2 LARGE 3 Room Apartment South 1 oo qujrenie nt is ambion to' get she'd 1440 the finer Ihlnirc In life 25 FT Trailer House Your Location or mine Sleeps 4 Dial HI 9-51 64 og Gang RR Green Lbr Grrdrr Siwmii! Setter Edge Head Rigger Stickerman Bright cutters Flacksm th Country Shop (NICELY Furnis led Room Kitchen privileges Private home Win keep i child Very reasonable HI 6-3367 ROOM In Private ifome Two Young Telephone Telegraph MOVLC TIIU KIXG STORAGE We have a complete training pro- PAPERING Vernon Post TREE SERVICE Tonping Removing PA INTING A Trim Comp ins til 9-1113 3S of Jr College Slove heater and hot water furnished Tile shower Iaundrv with electric washer and drver S7750 Dial HI 7-4162 eves 13 7(1 850 13 'JO 5561 Rd 2-RM Cabin With Kitchenette Stockton Blvd A Fruit Ridg giam We can have yow making LAWRENCE MOVING STORAGE Dinner Cook 4 $260 Bd CARPENTER Repa Work Painting odd HI 9-2337 after 6 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Arcade Motel Del Paso Park Auburn Blv 20th and Streets D-al GI 2-0735 men or volinir rotinle priv of home RefU 4-2057 aft EAST Sacto Verv Nice Room In brick home Kitchen privileges Private entrance Dial HI 5-231 8 money in 3 davs time O-ir men are averaging from up Must have a car or he able to get one Territories: Placer Nevada A Sierra Counties Experience not nec- HANDYMAN Gardener Lawn Serv-Ice etc Dial HI 9-770 9 GARDENING Service Of Ail Types Hauling also Dial HI 9-1457 Wishes Job BACHELOR Apt And 1 Small 3-rooms with bath Utilities stove refrig washing machine furnished Dial HI 6-3623 JAPANESE School Boy-Live in GI 3-6993 A iso Room To MODERN Kitchenettes Rooms Trailer space All conven Reas HI 5-9819 PIECE Or rm Land Iiad Trans Mov GI 3-854 3 cesa Service Manager Parts Man EXP wor la pa nese Floor Garden Care House-waxing GI 2-8594 HOUSETRAILER 22 Ft Innerspring: 3 ROOMS 21st Near $60 SPRING Cleang Wa Flra refin Guar 0 GI 3-2169 or lis A Windows Pacific Service HU 4-6263 INVESTIGATE VAT'L VAN LINE Moving Storage crating shipping Free estimates matt Gas range $45 mo Mav be No children Dial GI 2121 I G'rls Toveiy Room Twin beds Kitchen Iaundrv living room telephone priv HU 4-0927 3-3791 or eves GI 491 call 2031 or CONTRACT Cat seas lxw p-mt to point rates 401 Wanted For Parte Bee Bx Logging Y965-47 Bkr St 12th Dial GI 3-3901 Eves HI STENOGRAPHER Program Department Capable young woman with pood educational background and experinece for stenographic position in radio program department Mut he fast" typist Good opportunity for rlcht person Inquire Porsonno Department Sar-ramento Boe 711 Eye Street -ti joii-rv- rfi dii-i rirtiie iiiu moved your lot HI 3-6S54 after ULTRA-Modern" HouseTrailer Full 1 equipped HI fl-6407 "Blil 301 East El Camino before 6:30 Service Jlanacer 9-1102 JIIUl3t GRASS VALLEY Mav 3rd at Mar Wants Steady Joh or dishwasher GI 3-6491 JAPANESE as jitnitr S32 50 A UP Per Mo Clean Single A double rooms All privileges 1 from State Capitni HU 4-2445 A-l HOUSE Window Cleang Walls floors A Venetian blinds 19 vrs exp Insured Joe Nelson HI 9-5616 i AMERICAN GARDENER I Complete year round maintenance! A Sharp 1 i be fulh 'I uaii i icu to run NEW Lorse 3 Rm Apt With Dressing room and breakfast nook Must he seen to be appreciated Nice vard and patio 5 mm from downtown 300 th St PROP RICK Ill SIAESS PLACES FOR REAT A AD WAATED 33 A 3 ROOM Cottages Reasonable weeklv rates Stewa rt's Motel 1 mi east of No Sac on Auburn Blvd Reas mo rates Glenn HI 7-1561 2110 I STREET Room For Gir's Community living room and kitch Electric Washer Dial HU 4-6854 TRUCKING Wanted Late Ton Outfit PIT carrier Dial HI 5-0011 Wm Breiterhach- AN Eiectrical Malnt Job To YriT exp wa or truck driver Dial IV 9-0009 small shop body shop 'female 24 Alnsf hfl VP 'llOVl'ilIft rvnr EXPERIENCED Housekeer-er Live In -nt8t Hciu (-lit MUM I Board and saisrv' References re- rience ami be willinsr to "6979HI PVPS'' or Biii'dirg Eas' business office NEAR 21st And room apt Newly ROTOTrrriNG Lawns prepared for planting weed cutting Dial IV s-0795 Sts Large 3-deroreted Pn-j porch Range! SM ALL Sacto Retail leae i-tore New S-iitah'e fo-ro-d s-5 HI 7-37---7 3 mo by vear 1915 21ST ST 225 St Single or rtoiiMe rooms vae bath Service and re! ngera or $-Cail Mr Busey GI live in small town Ado-' switchboard" MO AOJItS -54 73 Operator Experi 2 A 7 ROOM Cab'n riot Water I'tMities paid Adults only S10 pec week 314 No 12th St Sll MO 1 Ml PTom State Capitni Marlowe Trailer Court BrodericK 2 blocks No then 2 lks We: of Tinv's Rtstauranr -jvis Hwy LOAMY Top Soil Fill Dirt Sand 12 yd loads $1250: or rock cone mix McClaln Dial HI 6-0737 VET Age 26 Neat Married Home owner 2 yr auto mcrh app WBrehsemn A sales rirk GI 3-6082 New Shopping Center enced Typing required Permanent position Mr Schwa rf a Dolan's Alhamnra and Streets quate reimbursem*nt toj man willing to work on! SS5 FOR DISCRIMINATING Peop-e Inc ail utilities Large 3-rm apt Ml STeet Single Rooms Bv Week or month New and modern Unrestricted Call Marie La Vert GI 3-9554 L'M'i' now beins itosrot toted for all types of business in fhr oping Kmisykeeper Assist 1 1 si-- FLOORS RENEWED INSTALLED Cleaned waxed FHA terms Insured HI ii-4S36- AHERN FLOOR CO MAN Handy With P'umber And Carpenter toots Work by hour Can furnish references Dial HI 9-4167 1 Modern attractive batn garage I air rind summer winte- Lease I Hariw-o! floors HT 0-3739 -viiisi i if cm oren i saiarv pius iiK'eni ive wriiei cooking to fi foon E- WFSTOVTE Auto Trailer Court 70 apts A cottages dav wk or mo 100 shniv spaces for tra 'era A approved Cross Towsr Bridge south mile towards Wct ROOM For Rent In Large Refined home next to hath Verv close in Reasonable Dial HU 4-4817 before 8 A or afier 5 Private room Good salary Clarks-j burg vicinity Appp-- Personal Shopper Agency 931 Forum Bidg No phone calis TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD DIAL GI 2-5011 BY 5 DAY PRIOR TO PUBLICATION UN FURNISHED 3-Room Apt And jgaraqe in new bungalow court Very in your handwritinjr giving last years experience name and address of last LAWN Mower Sharpening Service A repair Get readv for spring COLLEGB HARDWARE A CYCLERY 2760 2Ht Street Dial HI 6-2042 ftponsill and competent rr-'D' indued to write for appointment State typo of business and approximate amount of space desired Act W222t-2tf Be Sacto on Gibson bus line Store I Dint GI 3-9323 n-rnlern Ciore Ideal for went-mg couple 0 month DREW REALTY CO 2621 St Dial GI 2-1 1 4 1903 ST 2 Nicely Furnished Bedrooms for working women with kitchen privileges Near bus and good restaurant Dial GI 2-0168 Japanese Gardener TYPIST- CLERK Good in arltrirnettc mttst permanent resident of Sacramento Opportunity for advancement excellent working condition? 5-dav week Apply Room 509 Furnished For Rent employer Parts man must (also be willinr to live in ismall town and must have 33 Verv skillful 2424 Street By Month For Sale or Lease 40x160 FEET JAPANESE Mm wnts full time sd' job Yard work A house cleaning Sakal GI 2-0331 alt 6 HANDY Man And Janitor Painting drive car Handy with tools Dial GI 3-14 18 MIDDLE AGE Gen Handy Man With business exper Prefer outside work Can travel Have new car Dial" IV 9-1 31 4 SALESMAN Aee 35 17 year experience 9 years executive capacity Interested in moving to No Calif Fest refer Contract after 6 Dial 3TT 4-4328 LARGE Clean Front Bedroom 1 Or 2 employed persons Erlvate entrance Next bath 1 block to No bus HI 3-7926 after 4 GROUND FLOOR 1 Bdrm All Util Beautiful "hacholor" or 3-room paid Garage erv dean per ants available for immodiat" oo-! California- cstorn States Life Insurance Company 10th and UNear 1 6th and I Sts i-upancy' All have ranees and re- frif-pralnra Adtilfa V- nul mo No objection to child 1 nik from main shopping die' 311 Fair-flld Rd No Sacto HI 9-5513 EXPERIENCED JAPAN ES GA DEXER Lawn and Garden Care Dial GI 3-5240 9 :30 A 6:30 HELP MAIF A AD FEMALE i Chevrolet experience and be qualified to stock and sell parts Write your qualifications and last 5 years BEAUTIFUL Alnambra Manor 3013 Street New accommodation for women with kitchen and free automatic launlrv Near 3 bus lines Dial GI 3-9789 STENOG A P1 1 manager on premises or contact n-' unusually mint Realty Co S09 St building- with a full concrete base-GI 2-1831 jnient mpin floor is enfirely 1 -plastered rnd has a vi- BOHEMIAN GARDENS APTS Mar- torn and offic facilities Ideal for ences rite Bee Box 3989-42 OPPOSITE CAPITOL PARK 2 room fully furnished modern hotel apartments All utilities Da-y maid service $100 month also daily and weekly rates GI 3-3656 TOP SOIL SERVICE WORK On Call MAN OR WOMAN Wanted For Part tme work in Dixon or Rio Vista Must be resident $173 hourlv 3-4 hours riaiiv Write 314 Benicia Rd VALLEIO" cat Me-joxpenenco together with chanlc Have tools and equiprnent 2019 ST 1 Tw-in bedroom Private entrance I Air CS a I ain com Ave An important unit of genTal Available and address of last including boom on one ton pickup I IlfllllC the Town A Country Village com- ln shout" month Peasonahln i rv facilities 1 h'orlc from or Si for £aie or for lease mumty and 2 bedroom unfurnished apts i Stove and re-( pes rnone maiis- ville 1 employer price For General! bus line Gt 2-2945 CAPABLE Couple Wi SFK ANDY LOAM RIVER BOTTOM ALSO Concrete mix cement drivewav gravel drain rock Concrete mixers and wheelbarrows for rent Top soil dliYrrt in 13 yd loads $1250 CALL BILL HASTIE DIAI HI or III 7-5080 To train in Claim work Must have ability in arithmetic Business experience or education above high school ivstabiished Sacramento resident 3-day week Apply Room 509 California-Western States Life Insurance Companv 10h and NAVAL Ve'eran No housework and cooking huaband to chauffeur and garden Private rm and hath Top salarv Excellent Maginnis Chevrolet Co 1 2-room apt 549 Transportation at door and market North Sacramento BABco*ck POVI' Acnts Cor 16th Street Dial GI 3-4677 yes HI 6-9040 and HI 7-RT77 1106 ST Sleeping rooms for working men Carmody work wouid tike to trade 3 meda e'meda 'm frigerator furnished i Designed for modern living L'titities all paid Veterans preference $8250 for 1 bedroom $100 for 2 bedrooms Garage $6 50 Inqu'r Town A Country Busineos Offe working conditions Apply Personal plv Personal and pensioners Kitchen privileges Forum Bldg Low rent Near stores aed transp Yrcka Calif REALTOR Shoppers Agency FJl NO rhon calls S07 St for a good joh Clerical experience or anv part of selling Please write! Bee Box 1493-27 GI 3-1911 Dial HU 4-TOOR.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.