The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (2024)

  1. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (1)

    Chris McLellon on July 3, 2018 at 11:08 pm

    David – I think you did an amazing job during the Peterson trial based off what I saw in the documentary. It amazes me that the prosecution can be such scumbags and get away with such sloppy work with people’s lives on the line. It’s really amazing to see how one can be judged, convicted, and locked away just like that with so many unanswered questions. I’ve never been in a courtroom, and I’m sure it’s emotionally intense for both defense and prosecution. Thanks for sharing all this information with the world!


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (2)

      Dorothy Seltzer on July 5, 2018 at 7:21 pm

      Beautifully said Chris McLellon. Prosecution was sloppy and ignorant. I believe they condemned an innocent man, Michael Peterson. I’m sorry he had to plea the Alford Plea, but as least he can live the rest of his life free from behind bars. So, see Mr. Rudolf, even though you were devastated when the guilty verdict came in, you still were able to help set Mr. Peterson free. You’re a very wise and persistent ally. The world needs more like you. So glad I watched ‘The Staircase”. Kind regards.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (3)

        deborah Z. Sadberry on February 1, 2021 at 7:27 pm

        I like the “owl theory” and I know that head injuries always bleed a lot…and that with a high alcohol level…alcohol thins blood…I see this theory seriously being viable.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (4)

      Jim Walsh on November 14, 2018 at 10:44 am

      A few things about the case.
      1. Thoracic cartilage was damaged which is consistent with strangulation- why?
      2. His bloody footprint was on he back of her leg
      3. Whywere her clothes not examined for dna?
      4. No CPR administered
      5. Why did he take off his shoes?
      6. Can’t ignore the patralell case in Germany
      Among others
      Owl theory:
      1. Aside from a single feather – where are the other feathers or evidence an owl attached her viciously? There would be a lot more feathers
      2. Has this type of owl ever killed a human
      3. Where are the talon marks on hee hands that would be consistent with someone protecting themselves from an owl attack?


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (5)

        Rasri on August 21, 2019 at 3:07 am

        This is the best informations of this case


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (6)

          JustAdocwatcher on August 21, 2021 at 11:08 pm

          I hope you don’t question your competence as a lawyer ever. I watched the entire series. The deck was stacked against your team with lies and corruption. Was glad to see the Judge finally feeling a little bit remorseful for being in “Hardin’s pocket” in the end. He was the one I was most disappointed with.


          • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (7)

            Tish on November 7, 2021 at 1:46 am


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (8)

          Marnie Brew on January 19, 2022 at 2:04 pm

          Have you done research on owls? This is totally plausible. I was almost attack by a Hawk who flew right on my porch, mad and I just barely escaped being attack. How would you explain any blood on the outside of the house if she was killed in the stairway? You can’t, common sense tells me something happened to her when she got in the house. I wish David was given enough time to bring it. In. As crazy as it sounds, it is believable.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (9)

        Ron on January 5, 2021 at 10:22 am

        Yes this theory would of been laughable if it wasn’t for the fact that she does have cuts that can be explained by an owl attack which is quite common in certain areas if an owl is protecting its young it can attack plus it would explain not just the strange marks but why her hair had being pulled out by a bird and that is why she would have her own hair on her hands from trying to fight off the bird now this wouldn’t convince me totally until I found out that there were owl feathers found on her body ! That is huge evidence if I had heard that during the court case it would of changed everything but nobody mentions it even in the documentary! I mean this couple live in the sticks they got trees everywhere around their house ! Why didn’t we hear about blood outside the house and owl feathers until later ? The only downside is why MP didn’t hear the screaming of his wife who was being attacked by an Owl that grabbed hold of her head and why she ran upstairs and fell down and knocked herself out cold while bleeding to death while MP was smoking his pipe and wondering if he should have another crack at being Mayor or go to the gym and meet like minded people


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (10)

          Adriana on February 19, 2021 at 10:49 pm

          Apparently they drank heavily often. Also, he was by the pool which has an active fountain, and not everyone actually screams under those circ*mstances, specially while intoxicated; she might had been shocked too.


          • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (11)

            Melody Steeley on June 20, 2021 at 11:09 pm

            Absolutely believe owl theory! Never felt like Michael could hurt anybody and now it seems he didn’t. They had great relationship like family said even though he was bisexual and justice system or lack of is what sucked for the whole family!

      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (12)

        Curious on March 9, 2021 at 8:35 am

        What about if she fell down the stairs and in an attempt to get back up the stairs fell a second or third time?


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (13)

          Kari Stoklosa on August 1, 2021 at 2:05 pm

          Makes no sense. If you fell and could get back up, it isn’t likey you would try going up the stairs again if you were hurt. She would most likely walk back out to Michael to get help and have him call for medical help.

          I wonder how long it took the ambulance to come…someone mentioned he didn’t administer CPR, but on the 911 call, he said she was still breathing. So when did she stop breathing and was CPR attempted at any point?

          I find the owl theory peculiar, yet plausible. I also have such an extremely hard time believing two women in his life fell down a staircase and died. He’s a likeable guy when watching the documentary, but there are many points when watching it, that I believe he did it.

          As for Mr. Rudolf, I love you. You’re an amazing attorney and anyone who can afford you is lucky to have you on their side.


          • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (14)

            Lewis Gowers on November 27, 2021 at 8:53 am

            Why didn’t MP, a Vietnam Veteran, at least try to stop the bleeding? Even in shock, his military training should have ‘kicked in.’

      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (15)

        dominick albergo on April 19, 2021 at 2:47 pm

        Hi David ,
        I know that part of the prosecution’s absurd theory on motive was based on the assumption that unflattering information was found on Michaels computer ,which prompted him to murder her after she confronted him. Were forensic computer analysts able to check the computer to see if she or anyone had logged in to that computer before the time that her body was discovered. If she was not on the computer prior to her death wouldn’t that have disproved their theory that he murdered her due to her finding out about his “secret life” ?


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (16)

          Paula on July 29, 2021 at 11:26 am

          Listening to Michael Peterson’s book Behind The Staircase now. He wrote that the computer forensic expert from the state admitted at trial that the computer had not been logged on after 4 pm that afternoon and the emailed documents from Nortel that Kathleen needed for her conference call were still unopened.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (17)

        Carol on May 12, 2021 at 3:29 pm

        Why didn’t she call out to her husband or call 911 before trying to run upstairs? Was the front door left open? How far are neighbors? Would they have heard a scream? (I think I would have screamed had an owl attacked me.) How long would it take to exsanguinate from some scalp wounds like Kathleen’s and how long was it before Michael came inside after she left?


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (18)

        Carol on May 12, 2021 at 3:34 pm

        Her hyoid wasn’t broken, as is always present in a strangulation death. Additionally there would be bruising consistent with a manual compression if strangulation were attempted. Her thyroid cartilage could have been injured by falling face first and striking her neck on a stair tread.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (19)

        Carol on May 12, 2021 at 3:51 pm

        Additionally I would like to know whether she would have left the front door open and if she was trying to call out for help before running inside and then attempting to get upstairs, presumably to administer to herself. However were there no bathrooms on the main level? Or could she have gone to the kitchen for a towel, and is that why blood was on the cabinet doors below? Could she have called 911 herself? How long does it take to bleed out from wounds such as hers and leave dry blood? How long was Michael outside before he found her? Why was so much blood on the front of her pants when her wounds were on the back of her head? I think alot of questions went unanswered, and I watched the whole thing. Further, if David truly believes an owl attacked her, why did he suggest to Michael they bring it into a new trial? Is it because David and his law partner were only worried about not getting paid for a second defense trial? Or that the fact evidence was destroyed and the blow poke had been handled by techs on the scene not provable even by questioning those techs? If you ask me the flaws in the system aren’t limited to political corruption but to too much legal red tape concerning what can and cannot be admissible in court. Who cares what the opening argument was? A new trial based exclusively on the owl theory would not even have to consider their relationship or the death in Germany. By the way the now CHIEF ME Radisch could also be corrupt. MEs are appointed, not elected.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (20)

        Andrea on May 13, 2021 at 11:31 am

        I just read on line that she was lying in the staircase for an hour before Michael found her. He was drinking for an hour just didn’t happen to check on her. I think both of their intoxication was an additional factor..her “sliping” and his not finding her for an hour.
        Why were the owl feathers not brought up by defense? r did they not know?


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (21)

        Karen Lawton on January 22, 2022 at 8:34 pm

        Good points, Jim Walsh. You are an excellent lawyer by the way Mr Rudolph. Deaver was a scumbag and prosecution was sloppy. Could never warm up to Peterson, he’s a great actor.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (22)

      Kathi L. Cline on July 4, 2019 at 1:30 pm

      The OWL is Guilty.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (23)

      Toya on January 4, 2021 at 2:23 pm

      Couldnt agree more! So many unaswered questions. It was the D’s burden to prove he was guilty… yet we could all see the burden instead fell on rudolph to prove micheel was innocent. Everyone had already convicted him even with so many holes in the case. I couldnt believe he got convicted! And the blow poke theory was laughable.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (24)

      Marcela Romero on January 29, 2021 at 1:16 am

      Wow! This makes a lot of sense… But why didn’t they put that information on the series? That’d have made a huge difference.
      For me I must say, I was so furious with the DA! What an as**ole! All they did was to create the case so that MP will be found guilty.
      And you David did an outstanding job during the time all this took to finally get that: MP you’re free to go.
      On the side of the judge, the so-called experts and the DA, leaves me with a terrible taste because it has shown that the justice system has so many flaws. And that terrifies me. And makes you wonder how many more people has been convicted being innocent.
      Thank you Mr. Rudolf for your amazing work and your humanity and effort. God bless you.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (25)

      Katrin on February 9, 2021 at 1:56 pm

      I think you are a great Lawyer weather he is guilty or not. You did a great job


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (26)

        M. Eileen on February 25, 2021 at 5:11 pm

        Disappointed that the owl hypothesis wasn’t included in the film. Michael and Kathleen must have been wonderful parents because all you have to do is look and listen to their children. Let’s all hope that the Durham authorities that put him in jail for eight-years will be punished and never be allowed to work in medical, scientific, law-enforcement, or legal fields ever again.
        My sympathies to Michael and all who love him.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (27)

        Joe shmoe on July 22, 2021 at 10:59 pm

        Her blood alcohol level was actually 0.07 so not high at all. She was legally able to still operate a motor vehicle. I doubt that small level of alcohol would have caused her blood to thin. However, after hearing about this “owl theory”, I think it is definitely a possibility. I can’t help but get a guilty vibe from Michael though.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (28)

      Christina on March 4, 2021 at 8:03 am

      Just wanted to say… I had an amazing teacher in high school. We did a mock trial. I let my peers convince me to convict on a murder charge. I thought he was in fact guilty of a lesser charge. I didn’t have the courage to stick to my conclusion. I later learned that the actual jury’s verdict was the same as my conclusion. It taught me a valuable lesson. I have watched the Peterson trail. I came at it as innocent until proven guilty. I kept this in mind through out. I did and do not believe him guilty of anything. But my point is a lesson i will never forget. A man or woman is indeed just that. The media should not determine the outcome. Use your mind, common since is important. But for heaven’s sake do not make up your mind before you hear the evidence or just go along with other jurors. Think for yourself!! . Mike Peterson was an a pain in the ass of the DA. And so he was a target. I think mock trial should be apart of every high schoolers education!! I learned a lot.


  2. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (29)

    Emmanuel on July 4, 2018 at 7:06 am

    The way the circ*mstantial evidence has been broken down makes this theory the most credible though. I believe no one was truly prepared to hear it in the first trial. With almost all the evidence gone, I believe we will never be able to know what really happened, but at least this theory makes us think that there was much more evidence against a barred owl than against Michael.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (30)

      Sunny on February 14, 2019 at 7:18 pm

      The Owl Theory could only be dignified with rigorous tests and analysis. The lacerations seem consistent with an owl attack.. north carolina especially peterson home is in a wooded area. Only when an owl feels threatened will they swoop. I wonder if any other residents/tourists nearby or in the state have suffered an owl attack and had similar head injuries.
      I vaguely remember there was another case where this happened.. but I think it was in 2008 i read the article about Larry Pollard. It seems if “things just happen to you in life” as Michael said…. it would be fitting that this theory could be just that.

      Also Mr.Rudolf you are an inspiration. Thank you


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (31)

      Christopher Tegner on March 12, 2019 at 9:14 am

      I encourage everyone to watch a video of this type of owl attacking prey. This would be more than enough to cause a person with more than 4 inches of hair in the back of head significant injuries. The subsequent fall from the winding staircase would accommodate a guided fall resulting in unconscious. Unconscious leads to loss of blood, and does not suggest death by rapture necessarily. The blood outside the front of the house, and the blood prior to bottom of stairs is consistent with such an attack. Blood at bottom from coughing prior to unconscious. Owl attack is likely the reason for the blood at scene of death. More than enough reason for an intelligent jury to see lack of probable cause to convict based on an attack from her husband.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (32)

      Joe C on July 2, 2019 at 9:33 pm

      Mr. Jim Walsh:

      1. The thoracic region includes the sternum, lungs, and vertebrae surrounding/protecting the heart and lungs. I believe you were attempting to refer to the THYROID cartilage, a.k.a. Laryngeal cartilage, and reports that there was damage to this region in Kathleen Peterson. Correlating this type of trauma to strangulation cases is not equivalent to proving that strangulation is the only method of inflicting this type of trauma. I’ll refer you to this National Institute of Health report, showing 6 documented cases of Laryngeal cartilage damage from falls.

      2. This questioning of the footprint seems arbitrary. He was found by first responders to be embracing Kathleen on the floor…it’s very plausible that a bloody footprint was transferred to her leg during this time, and frankly, I don’t see how this could be viewed as inculpatory by any reasonable individual.

      3. The clothes weren’t examined because Suzi Barker had them diverted from testing, as originally ordered to be done, and had them transferred directly to Duane Deaver. If you had paid any attention to the case, you’d know this…this was a big deal!

      4. Is CPR even recommended in cases, such as this, where severe bleeding leads to exsanguination? According to this report, it is not, but rather, a little-known technique named EPR is preferred in hospital environments. I’m not a medical expert, but it seems to have something to do with inducing hypothermia through cold saline infusion to the aorta. Trying to explain the behavior of someone in shock is futile, and has been proven to be a fruitless exercise. Either way, Mike is not a medical professional, so to call him out on this seems obtuse.

      5. Do you have evidence that shows he took his shoes off after finding Kathleen? This seems more like an insinuation than a question. Speculation is not evidence.

      6. Why should the case in Germany be admissible? There was no finding of malfeasance in that case, and certainly there is no part of that incident that can be empirically linked to Mike Peterson as a perpetrator of any wrong doing. Is there no onus to, first, prove some sort of wrong doing on Mike’s part in that case, separately, before allowing it to influence this case? Do evidence and empiricism mean anything to you… to anyone, anymore?

      1. Are you an expert that can say this for certain? Do you believe that your layman’s opinion is worthy of challenging experts who have stated the opposite, including Kate Davis? You don’t even have the evidence correct…there were 3 tiny feathers, consistent with the types of feathers highly prevalent on an barred owl’s talons.

      2. Let’s be clear about this. The theory presented is that the raptor attack caused massive bleeding trauma from wounds on the scalp, consistent with the pattern that would be inflicted by talons. Also, tiny cuts on Kathleen’s face were consistent with trauma inflicted by the beak of a raptor the size of a barred owl. These methods attributed to an owl attack, I’d say, are more consistent with her wounds than any trauma inflicted by beating…especially with the now ruled-out blow poke, would be. The prevailing theory also includes that Kathleen, in her reacting to the attack, slipped and fell down the stairs. Whether her cause of death was through exsanguination, as the medical examiner found, or by Laryngeal damage (which I’ve shown, previously, can occur as a result of a fall), the theory that a raptor attacked her and that she, subsequently, fell down the stairs holds water and is consistent for either case.

      Reductio ad Absurdium is only valid when it builds upon assertions present in the argent it is deconstructing, and not when it misrepresents them as a straw man. Your over simplification in not including the fall down the stairs as part of the theory is the straw man.

      3. There were clearly, at least, 9 wounds on Kathleen’s hands and arms. These could be referred to as defensive wounds. You seem to have typed out your entire outline without even looking at the evidence. Here is a link to a picture showing the wounds on question.

      I feel I have answered or refuted every point in your comment. I would say, however, that it scares the life out of me that I live in a society where people like you are put into a position of responsibility with regards to potentially deciding the fate of a life, and the casual way with which you scrap logic and reason in favor of conjecture leaves me getting that our justice system, as it is currently deployed, is irreparable, so long as citizens, such as yourself, are involved.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (33)

        Michelle B on January 20, 2020 at 11:29 pm

        Thank you, Joe. You have articulated exactly my thoughts about that ridiculously uninformed assessment. I concur from the first to the last of your entire response.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (34)

        Jamie on January 21, 2020 at 10:59 pm

        That was incredible.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (35)

        E on October 24, 2020 at 4:52 pm

        Joe: So which is it? She was attacked by an owl, or she fell? Or are you arguing that she was attacked by an owl *and* she fell? Perhaps she was attacked by an owl wielding the missing blow pipe, and then she fell?

        “Furthermore, in cases of falls, [Laryngohyoid] fractures occur at a lower frequency than in cases of hanging or strangulation and therefore, are not necessarily associated with this mechanism.

        Occam’s Razor. Not to mention if she were attacked by an owl before she went in the house, surely someone would have heard her scream.

        He did it. Had the prosecution not been so stunningly corrupt, he would have died in prison.


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (36)

          RJ on April 2, 2021 at 3:39 am

          E: Unless it was edited after your comment, your first question has already been given an answer. It’s both. Mr. Rudolph’s opinion based on the neighbor’s Owl Theory has asserted that, yes, she COULD have been attacked by an owl at the front of the house (specifically he mentioned something about reindeer) and that would explain some of the blood found at the front door frame. Subsequently, as the police evidence shows in pictures, there were drops of blood leading from the front yard into the house, the indication showing that Kathleen might’ve been trying to get into the house to stop the owl attack. I don’t find it hard to believe that after drinking heavily, fending off an owl attack, and losing blood, Kathleen might have tried to go up to the bedroom and fallen down a few steps.
          You mentioned Occam’s razor. May I posit that the owl theory fits the evidence better than the alternative. This is my interpretation of an alternative based on the evidence. MP approached KP, with a blowpoke that was never found to show any indication of it being used, in the front of the house. It has to be the front because that’s where the attack would have had to occur to explain the drops of blood leading from the front walkway into the house. Mind you, he did this outside instead of inside for no reason since, owl attack or beating, she *might* have screamed and a neighbor could have perhaps have heard that. (The statement that she screamed is an assumption but I’ll allow it since the show has proven that you can’t hear anything from the back pool and I imagine that with an estate as expansive as they had, perhaps the neighbors weren’t close enough to have heard any cries for help. So scream or no makes no difference to me. Also funny that the same neighbors that would’ve heard any screams are the ones offering up the owl theory in the first place. Which makes sense to me that everyone stood by MP’s side… So did Caitlin, Candace, and Louise until they found out MP was bisexual). Much more privacy inside to murder (simpler). Then after starting to beat her outside, she ran inside to avoid him and fell going up the stairs, where perhaps he continued to beat her until she lost consciousness. But not more than 7 hits, not with the blowpoke, and not hard enough to fracture any bones or cause contusions. I think it’s laughable that you bring up Occam’s razor to disregard the owl attack but when thinking about the alternative, it seems that the owl attack IS in fact the more simple explanation. It doesn’t require MP getting rid of the murder weapon, it explains the feathers, it explains the defensive wounds on her, it explains the blood trail, the lack of wounds on MP that surely KP would have inflicted, etc. It simply fits the evidence better.
          As to your point about the neck injury occurring at lower frequencies during falls, you shot yourself in the foot with that one. Less frequent doesn’t mean impossible or implausible. The justice system presumes a defendants innocence and puts the burden of proof on the prosecution to show beyond a reasonable doubt that the alleged crime was committed. So all I have to ask is “can you get that same injury any other way?” And if the answer is “yes,” then you have introduced doubt. And perhaps, depending on case studies of similar injuries during falls, that doubt could very well be reasonable enough to say it’s not a guarantee that there was strangulation.
          I might be wrong but I imagine that you think he approached her at the front of the house with the blowpoke, beat her hard enough to cut her head but not bruise it, she scurried in, he choked her at the stairs, banged her head against the molding, waited until she lost consciousness and then cleaned the murder weapon and called the police. All the while, avoiding getting blood on his shirt and defensive injuries.


          • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (37)

            Dan Cleary on November 21, 2021 at 3:45 am

            I concur with you my friend.

            There seems to be a fair number of “professional” comments in which the only “professionalism” I see is the brutal misunderstanding, and therefore misuse, of academic terms…

            Occams Razor: the solution requiring the least magnitude of assumptions is likely correct.

      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (38)

        Jodie on February 28, 2021 at 10:15 am

        Well said joe!!!


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (39)

        Deb Fillman on August 2, 2021 at 3:03 pm

        Joe, thank you for this detailed answer. I have been undone by this case. I know that sounds odd, but I believed Michael was innocent from the start, purely on the basis of what was NOT present, not what was.
        * none of the injuries consistent with a beating whatsoever
        * no evidence Michael and Kathleen were unhappy together (as the witness for the prosecution stated, MOST of his clients are married men, most happily so, and most spouses know about their bisexuality). I have a friend who fits this description as well, his wife knows, it’s unconventional perhaps, but they are very happy and wouldn’t dream of divorce, much less murdering each other.
        * there was zero financial motive; he was a wealthy man, and her daughter probably stood to inherit more than he did anyway (did anyone even check)?
        * there was no evidence he’d even been present when Liz died in Germany. He was at her home the night before, but the science indicated she died the next morning. Investigators did NOT implicate him, or even suspect him it seems.
        * no one came forward to testify against him on the basis of character except people who had motive to do so after-the-fact (because they’d already been influenced by the case and whatever gaslighting the prosecution had done, no doubt); he didn’t have a long list of detractors (outside the DA’s office itself, ahem).
        * there was no evidence he had a temper that could drive him to “spur-of-the-moment” attack her, much less “premeditate” finishing her off, as the prosecution alleged to get the 1st degree charge to stick.

        Since the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt was Hardin’s, and since he produced NONE of these things, it should have been an acquittal.

        I understand why David wanted to pursue the Deaver issue first — guys like Deaver need to be THOROUGHLY destroyed, and I only wish they could also be charged and imprisoned for time served by their victims –but my heart breaks for Michale, for his family, and for Kathleen, who — let’s remember — went to her grave loving her husband. Can any of us imagine what she would say if she knew this man who made her tears go away, who loved her, who was her soul mate, was falsely accused, financially devastated, abandoned by her only biological child, attacked by her siblings, and deprived of his freedom for almost a decade? it’s too horrifying to contemplate.

        I hope the Owl theory gets widely publicized because of the Netflix series (and people like me searching it out), but I wish that others involved with this case would have to answer for the evil they’ve done. I’m an NC taxpayer, and I’m thoroughly disgusted.

        I hope Michael and his family can find some peace, and take comfort in the support of people like us who believe in his innocence.


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (40)

          DH on August 25, 2021 at 3:08 am

          Wow, fantastically written.! Completely agree…


  3. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (41)

    Terry Green on July 5, 2018 at 5:51 pm

    Just finished watching The Staircase and you did a fabulous job at managing this case. I know the heartbreak of the initial conviction was devastating for you and your team I applaud you for your perseverance with this case.


  4. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (42)

    Cissy Hamel on July 5, 2018 at 7:50 pm

    I just finished watching the staircase and I must say you and your team did an amazing job, proving that there were so many Discrepancies in the Prosecutions theories, that i was so astonished as I knew you were that a jury convicted someone on the evidence or I should say, lack of evidence.
    But was amazes me more is when Dieber was found with his tampering of evidence and not disclising certain things, was there not a mistrial, the same with the earlier find of the blow poke.
    Again, if I were a juror i would have said, not guilty, as would have many of my friends who watched Staircase. With no fingerprints or weapon, right there was reasonable doubt.
    And as for the Radcliff case and his bi sexuality, I understand that Judge Hudson, even second guessed his decision to let that be summited in the first trial,
    I understand why Michael Peterson, went for the plea bargain and why you were at wits end.
    So many questions about how you can ever trust the system
    Please if you speak to Michael and his family. Please tell them That I hope they can finally find some peace and so many have been affected by their story
    Cissy Hamel


  5. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (43)

    Olivia Mitchell on July 6, 2018 at 1:53 am

    David, you are an amazing lawyer and person.


  6. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (44)

    Ryan Kelly on July 6, 2018 at 2:39 am

    If this were a barred owl, I strongly suspect there would have been screaming that neighbours or Mike Petersen himself would have heard. Why not run to Mike and not the stairwell?


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (45)

      David Rudolf on July 7, 2018 at 9:56 am

      He was on the other side of the house by the pool. The only way to get to him was through the house.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (46)

        Tabatha on July 30, 2018 at 10:55 am

        I wanted to mention that it wasn’t necessarily only due to the fact that she was on the other side of the house. Wasn’t there a fountain in the center of the pool that seemed to make it hard for anyone by the pool to hear?


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (47)

        Janine on September 6, 2020 at 5:20 pm

        Why can’t someone offer to test the feathers for free for the sake of making a difference in a person’s life. Really you should try and get someone to volunteer to pay for the testing. Or should we set up a GoFund me to pay for the dna testing of the feathers? I’m in Canada someone in the US or close to him should have a go fund me to get the $ to pay for the feather tests. I think it’s horrible to accept defeat when clearly innocent . Kathleen Zellner refuses to give up on Steven Avery’s case so you shouldn’t give up on Mike Peterson. No one wants accepting a plea like that to be their legacy . That’s a tragedy .


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (48)

          Jim on February 1, 2022 at 6:11 pm

          David, if you’re such a good attorney why did you lose the case? Now that I’ve gotten your attention in all seriousness I would want you to represent me at any given time. I was riveted to the series my hats off to the crew that filmed it and edited it. You along with so many others did all that you could do. I wonder if this happening would’ve occurred in a more northern state, would the justice system that you were so up against be different. Also, how were the feathers explained by anyone to anyone? My best to Michael and family. What also came through was the fabulous relationship and support that Michael was blessed to have with his son and daughters.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (49)

      S on April 8, 2019 at 2:48 pm

      The documentary showed a sound test, from the house to the pool, with the fountain you could not be heard.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (50)

        E on October 24, 2020 at 4:31 pm

        Per the “theory,” she was attacked by the owl outside the house. The documentary did not show a sound test from outside the house. If a huge raptor had swooped down and attacked her head before she even went inside, arguably the entire neighborhood would have heard her scream.


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (51)

          Elise on February 9, 2021 at 2:54 am

          There was no “neighborhood” in the way you’re probably thinking of. They lived on several wooded acres, just like all the other sprawling mansions in the area. Sound does not travel fast through acres of woods or through thousands of square feet of the closest mansion. I can’t hear my husband yelling for me on another floor when I’m in my tiny bathroom in my tiny townhouse, just because I have the tap on. Do people not really understand how sound works?? Derpy thoughts like this is why we have innocent people going to jail.


          • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (52)

            BonJ on March 19, 2021 at 12:11 am

            Right, not to mention the fact that your hearing goes as you get older.

          • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (53)

            Deb Fillman on August 2, 2021 at 3:11 pm

            Exactly Elise! My home is MUCH smaller than theirs, but if my husband calls to me from downstairs, and I’m in my office upstairs with the door closed, less than the distance from the Peterson front door to that stairwell, I can’t hear him at all. Can’t tell you how many times he’s had to come up here to talk to me saying “Didn’t you hear me? I called you at least three times!”

            We’ve taken to using our cell phones to get each other’s attention in the same house! She could have been screaming her head off (and I’d wager she was), and NO one would have heard her. Odd how they wondered why no one heard her if it was a fall, or an owl, but didn’t ask the same question when pushing a theory she was being beaten over a period of time, multiple blows, etc…Apparently that process was silent, and we should readily understand how no one heard it, but if she were screaming b/c of an owl, someone should have heard…/sarcasm

            People seem to WANT to believe the worst in people, rather than believe that sometimes, really awful things happen to good people, and no one is to blame.

    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (54)

      Rebecca on February 1, 2021 at 8:52 am

      Ryan Kelly: Who’s to say she was screaming when attacked by an owl? I ,myself have been in frightening situations and needing help but totally unable to utter a sound. Also, I don’t believe we ever found out results of wether screaming could be heard from inside the house to pool area. As bizarre as this theory seems it’s the most plausible


  7. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (55)

    Brendan Silliman on July 6, 2018 at 10:19 pm

    When i first watched the staircase before i heard anything about any of this case, when the autopsy pictures were shown, i paused it and turned to my girlfriend and said “That looks like a bird attack” When i was young an owl had attacked someone near a farm we own who was wearing an old raccoon fur hat. He lived, but barely. The pictures looked identical to Mrs Petersons. No broken bones, no brain injury, just shredded skin on the head. We warn everyone who goes for walks to wear a colored hat, preferably bright orange, or yellow. Then my girlfriend sent me the link to this “owl theory”. It’s a shame because people think this is improbable. Just the opposite. It doesn’t happen a lot but when it does, and if you can get photos, you’ll see it’s identical in outcome and severity.
    Thank you,


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (56)

      Colette on July 7, 2018 at 9:12 pm

      Brendan, here in Vancouver there were joggers in Stanley Park attacked by owls; specifically anyone with a ponytail. It struck me as hilarious at the time but now I think about the force and strength of the talons….ugh.


  8. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (57)

    Toni on July 6, 2018 at 10:52 pm

    I was riveted to this series and could not make up my mind thruout the series. I am now 100% convinced that Michael Peterson is innocent. However, I did wonder why the 2 girls lived with Michael after he divorced his 1st wife. I know that has nothing to do with the actual murder but I admired them for being so devoted to Michael. Just thought that was unusual. Also did Kathleens daughter ever come around or speak to Michael since the airing of the show?


  9. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (58)

    Susan Fletcher on July 7, 2018 at 12:59 am

    I was very impressed with your legal expertise and knowledge, and I’m so thankful that Michael and his family had you on their side. As an elected county officer, I was shaken to the core when I saw the level of corruption on the side of the prosecution / law enforcement. Literally horrified that Mr. Peterson’s liberty was revoked, due to the willful disregard for Justice.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (59)

      greg rhoton on October 17, 2018 at 10:52 am

      Fascinating documentary. When I first started reading true crime, I found myself almost always siding with the prosecution. When I watched the documentary, “The Thin Blue Line”, however I was forced to concede that justice, unfortunately, is not always the aim of the state. Regrettably, personal ambition, notoriety and vengeance are variables that factor into the equation as well, and I have been forced to conclude that the state engages in corruption and that injustice occurs occurs more often than we think, as you, Mr. Rudolph, suggested in the last episode of The Staircase. Although we will probably never truly know what happened to Kathleen Peterson, in the final analysis, had I been on that jury, I would have seen reasonable doubt, and I would have to have voted, not guilty.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (60)

        Sherry Hickey on May 27, 2019 at 11:43 am

        I watched The Staircase on Netflix and have never seen anything about this case before then. At first I believed Micheal to be innocent but the more I watched and listened to everything that was being said and the evidence presented I no longer believe that. One thing that you, David, had said that really struck me was that a defendant is either guilty or not guilty and a not guilty verdict does not mean that they are innocent but that they were not proven guilty. I have always wondered how lawyers like yourself, who defend clients that have been charged with heinous crimes justify it to themselves. I now know. Although I believe you to be an excellent trial lawyer, I really question your ethics. Another thing that really struck me was when the family found the blow poke and at some point Micheal says, Can we fudge it and say we found it in the house. Now I am not saying that I am a perfect human being, but what the heck….he wants to “Fudge” where they found the possible murder weapon? What else is he “fudging”? That was profound to me and I really cannot believe that that was aired. In watching the evidence presented in that film, I felt it was biased because Micheal was paying for the production therefore all of the evidence was not presented in the movie. I had to look it up afterward to find additional info that was not heard until the end, when her sister made her compelling speech. The theory that she fell down the stairs is preposterous in my opinion even though there was misconduct on the prosecution side. The idea that another woman in his personal life fell down the stairs in a very similar fashion and had the same tradgic outcome is extremely disturbing also and cannot be overlooked.


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (61)

          Eric on August 11, 2019 at 1:23 pm

          Sure the jury declares the defendant to be “guilty” or “not guilty”. But you have to pair “not guilty” with the general presumption that we are all innocent until *proven* guilty. Combined with that presumption, “not guilty” means “innocent”.


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (62)

          E on October 24, 2020 at 5:12 pm

          Our system requires that every criminal defendant receive his or her constitutional right to a fair trial. If attorneys only defended the accused they prejudged as innocent, that system would collapse, and we’d become the Taliban.


  10. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (63)

    Kathryn Fulton on July 7, 2018 at 1:47 am

    David, I truly believe an owl killed Kathleen. It’s a subject that years ago seemed outlandish to me. After watching The Staircase, I began to believe the owl theory is the most logical. You are the most incredible attorney that I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing in action. Thank you for allowing me the chance to view this case. The family is and was blessed to have you.


  11. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (64)

    Matthew Eisley on July 7, 2018 at 10:49 pm

    Mr. Rudolf:

    You are a terrific criminal defense lawyer. Lord knows we need good ones like you to keep investigators and prosecutors honest.

    Question: Other than the case of Kathleen Peterson, is there another recorded case of a barred owl killing someone?


  12. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (65)

    Linda Lange on July 9, 2018 at 1:33 pm

    Mr. Rudolph,
    My husband and I also just finished watching The Staircase on Netflix. There was so much reasonable doubt that it shocked us both that the jurors came to their decision of “guilty”. I just saw the Owl Theory and it certainly makes perfect sense to me. Why wasn’t this theory brought to trial? If she had a feather on her body and a splinter of twig grasped in her hand then it certainly would prove this theory.
    I am thoroughly disgusted with our justice system and definitely believe that Michael is innocent of this crime.
    David, we think you are an amazing trial lawyer. I hope the jurors can live with themselves. Shame on them.


  13. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (66)

    Ugo Marsolais on July 11, 2018 at 1:17 am

    I loved watching the Staircase. For me, the biggest problem of the judicial system is that the prosecution is not as much concerned as getting to the truth, but rather is concerned at getting a conviction, almost at all costs, almost to the point of sending innocent people to jail. I was actually surprised to see how much Kathleen Peterson’s sisters had access to the DA Office and how much pressure they seemed to be able to brought upon the DA. I assume that for some families, it is absolutely essential to a sense of justice to get someone guilty for the death of a loved one, whoever that guilty person can be. It is that drive to get someone to take the blame rather than finding out the truth (as much as possible) that is skewing the system. That drive probably permeates a lot of juries too. Unconsciously, for a lot of jurors, a not guilty verdict is probably felt as a failure on their part. That pressure means reasonable doubt these days may have become not enough to render a not guilty verdict. Something like close to “absolute” doubt is probably required now, even though they are being told reasonable doubt is enough.


  14. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (67)

    Matthew folkerds on July 13, 2018 at 12:20 am

    Was there ever any talk of going to trial again to get a not guilty verdict and then sue the Duram police deptarment for damages? Can you go back now with the owl theroy to overturn the civil case?


  15. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (68)

    Joe on July 13, 2018 at 4:29 am

    It isn’t a question of whether proving that an owl caused the injuries to Kathleen. It is a question of offering enough evidence to support the theory in order to create reasonable doubt for the jury. This theory does that.
    The original fall theory as presented at trial, in my opinion, also creates reasonable doubt and the jury put a lot of misplaced faith taking the state’s word.


  16. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (69)

    Jim Glass on July 13, 2018 at 5:14 pm

    We just finished watching The Staircase and were very impressed by your professionalism, competence and compassion during the trial and beyond. A couple of unanswered questions crossed our minds regarding Michael being at the pool until 2 AM. Why was he at the pool if the average Durham temperature at night in December is around 35 F? Also, did he fall asleep poolside? Thanks!


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (70)

      David Rudolf on July 17, 2018 at 12:21 am

      It was not that cold that night. In the 50’s, as I recall. That evidence was introduced
      at the trial.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (71)

      Tenessa Clement on July 20, 2018 at 7:31 pm

      It was stated in the documentary that it was in the 50s to 60s range and they weren’t in the pool, just sitting by the pool. In December that’s a pretty nice day, maybe not in the south but I know from living in PA that we normally don’t get that luxury of having a day that nice during that time of year. So sitting outside by a pool really isn’t that strange to do in the kind of weather. I myself had wondered in the beginning the same thing but because I was under the impression they were swimming but realized they were just sitting next to it so it made sense.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (72)

        Angel Khalil♒️ on October 28, 2018 at 11:39 pm

        Agreed, That Temperature In December Is Rare To scone Across In PA


  17. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (73)

    Yuka Suzuki on July 13, 2018 at 10:27 pm


    I am speechless and fascinated for how much efforts you have put in the Peterson’s case. Even just watching the documentary was intense. YOU are such a good lawyer. Best of wishes from Japan.


  18. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (74)

    Sara White on July 16, 2018 at 11:22 pm

    What struck me was the racial makeup of the jury. I wouldn’t have expected that the black Americans on the jury would fall so hard for the prosecution’s case. The prosecution and their witnesses (including Kathleen’s family) did not come off as likable or even rational and it seemed obvious that their sanctimonious prejudiced views of Michael’s sexuality could have been just as vociferously applied to an African American or member of another minority group. I was sure they were going to go against the prosecution. I also thought surely the whole “hardcore p*rn” thing would backfire, at least with the men on the jury as I think the majority of men of all races like p*rn. But, alas, that’s with a northern none-Christian bi-loving 2018 viewpoint. But, demographically speaking, I still can’t imagine that black southerners have a high level of trust for white prosecutors.

    Were jurors willing to convict just to distance themselves personally from Michael’s proclivities and align themselves with accepted southern (straight white “Christain”) norms knowing that the very same courtroom might unjustly convict them?

    David, was it as obvious then as it is now that Michael was being “railroaded”? I thought the theory on and then find of blow poke was obvious evidence that the investigators did shoddy work, were perhaps persuaded by Kathleen’s sister in blaming Michael and did little to figure out what really happened. Do you think if you went harder on the theme that Michael was being railroaded it would have made a difference?


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (75)

      David Rudolf on July 17, 2018 at 12:19 am

      Hard to say. But I was also surprised that the black jurors were so willing to trust the prosecutors and detectives.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (76)

        Damian S. on July 24, 2018 at 7:32 pm

        I too was struck by the racial makeup of the jury. Along those lines, one part of the documentary that struck a funny chord with me was when the jury actually visited the Peterson’s house to view the stairs. It’s impossible to know, but I wondered at that time if Michael’s socio-economic status was perhaps held against him by some of the jury, especially when I saw some of their facial expressions when they were on the property itself.

        And finally, David I have nothing but the most intense respect for your candor and professionalism throughout this entire case. No one could have done it better.


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (77)

          Tim on March 12, 2021 at 3:46 pm

          Agree and very observant about the jurors faces. Of course, editing works miracles but still…


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (78)

        Kate on July 25, 2018 at 9:20 am

        That was my initial reaction, but then I recalled the deep, deep mistrust of hom*osexuality in the African-American Christian community–ask anyone who is queer and black and was raised Christian–and I thought, uh-oh. This is *not* looking good.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (79)

        Ben on October 8, 2018 at 7:36 pm

        The DA’s office knew actually how to talk to the conservative Southern law and justice mentality (which goes for Black and White) , and your team did not. The female DA was especially effective in the documentary clips by this standard. As was touched on briefly, failing to present an emotional narrative hurt Peterson. And being obvious outsiders – in attitude if not geography – hurt as well. Having a local good ole’ boy or girl lawyer, and that perspective, would have really helped. Evidence, rationality, and certainly reasonable doubt, are lesser factors in this type of situation and environment.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (80)

        Alistair Newlands on December 31, 2018 at 8:13 pm

        If Peterson loved his wife so much why no attempt to give her mouth to mouth resuscitation …any loving husband would be covered in blood as they tried to comfort her….also surely a lie detector should have been offered to this innocent man ?


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (81)

          Just Me on January 26, 2019 at 8:07 pm

          No way his attorney would’ve allowed him to take a lie detector test. They are not reliable and I believe they aren’t even admissible in the majority of courts anymore. Why would he trade one junk science for another? And who said he didn’t try mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? You wouldn’t do that anyway on someone who was still breathing (which she was when he first made the call to 911).


  19. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (82)

    Bjorn Verspoor on July 21, 2018 at 1:23 am

    Mr. Rudolf, I read that after Mike’s plea, the feather fragments found on Kathleen’s body were to be sent for examination by a Ms. Dove, but the funding fell thru?

    Surely with all the hype around this theory, the examination could be crowd funded? We’re all dying to know more after all.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (83)

      David Rudolf on July 21, 2018 at 10:00 am

      Don’t know much about that. But feel free to start something up.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (84)

        Kellyann joce on July 22, 2018 at 4:16 am

        Myself and my husband have been gripped with this case in the UK. I would love to see the owl theory investigated. IF I set up a crowd funding page to get this investigated, and IF it could be proven could the case be reopened?


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (85)

        Bill Davis on August 30, 2018 at 10:10 pm

        YES! David, please start a Crowdfunding effort. You will get enough money quickly if it’s publicized. Also, there should be a Crowdfunding site for Mr. Peterson! I will support BOTH!


        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (86)

          cnico on December 19, 2018 at 8:40 pm

          Yes! I would help with this… I truly believe it is the answer. I kept looking at the photos of her head injuries and it struck me that they were curvilinear because of her skull being round… and they looked so familiar. But I did not connect them to possible raptor injuries until I read about it online. To me, it’s really sad that this theory was not included in The Staircase at the end. I understand the producer’s desire to include only parts of the judicial trials… but an exception should be made for this theory. There is evidence supporting it and the patterns themselves are just too compelling. I hope he considers and addendum. Also, great work David… i started off thinking he was guilty, but by the end I was convinced otherwise.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (87)

      Marilyn Wentworth on March 21, 2019 at 9:46 am

      A Ms Dove, examining feathers? Is that for real?


  20. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (88)

    E.St.A on July 21, 2018 at 1:59 pm

    David, civil litigator here but from outside the US. What methods are available for challenging the admissibility of the Deaver blood spatter report and his testimony on the basis that he was either unqualified as an expert or that the report was junk science?

    Also, was there a reason that the blood on Kathleen’s clothing was not tested for DNA evidence? Michael’s DNA likely would have been present regardless but if other DNA was found, that would have been another avenue for reasonable doubt possibly.


  21. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (89)

    Hannes on July 22, 2018 at 2:13 pm

    My name is Hannes and I am from Germany. I am 31 and work for an energy company ruled by old conservative white men. My job is to enable innovations in this company. There is a weekly meeting where I have to argue why it is necessary that we have to change some things to be prepared for the future. I have been so frustrated because I could not believe how some people just don’t se the most obvious problems, contradictions and pitfalls. As a reaction I tried to improve the quality of my arguments and the content I presented. Unfortunately nothing really changed. Then I watched The Staircase and realized how incredible important it is how you speak and how you use your voice. I was so impressed how clear and rhetoricaly clever you presented your arguments. So I adjusted my way of presenting and it really worked. People suddenly took me serious and I could accomplish some major breakthroughs. Learning form a great lawyer how to present arguments was so helpful for me. Thank you.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (90)

      Rosemary Reiz on April 29, 2019 at 11:45 am

      I’m coming to this thread late. Watching the documentary, I couldn’t take my eyes off the judge’s face. Something really wrong with his demeanor, and his decisions were baffling. Something going on there. Nice lawyering, David.


  22. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (91)

    Doug Alongia on July 23, 2018 at 1:17 am

    Even though we are only able to view a small glimpse of the effort required to try this case, I greatly appreciate having the chance to watch to watch you and your team at work.

    The owl theory is interesting but from what I have seen the fall theory is entirely credible. Based on the limited facts as know to me, the prosecution only succeeded at character assassination.

    I would like to note that your commentary on the verdicts of “guilty” and “not guilty” was powerful. Personally, I believe that the concept of “beyond a reasonable doubt” is lost on most jurors. By asking a jury to find not guilty instead of “not proven,” we are subliminally asking to find innocence, in contravention of the presumption of innocence.

    Two brief questions. 1. Do you know if any serious initiatives to amend this language? 2. Final Alford plea aside, would a bench trial have been optional for the second trial?

    Thanks again for exhibiting your talents!


  23. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (92)

    Amy on July 23, 2018 at 1:08 pm

    Mr. Rudolf,
    What a captivating trial, documentary, and owl theory.
    I am left wondering about the two brief mentions of a bloody footprint found on the back of Kathleen’s pants, and evidence that she may have been strangled. What’s the story there?


  24. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (93)

    Julie Cameron on July 24, 2018 at 3:26 pm

    Mr Rudolf

    Like most viewers I went from guilty to not guilty and back again so many times. I am from Scotland and as you mentioned, this would almost certainly be Guilty Not Proven verdict if tried here. Whether the owl theory had been introduced or not I was gobsmacked that the jury could come up with their guilty verdict with no conclusive evidence from the prosecution. I don’t see that you could have done anything else to persuade them.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (94)

      Al Gordon on February 6, 2019 at 9:04 am

      This is a reply to Julie Cameron but may be of interest to David Rudolf.

      I used to be a criminal lawyer back in the day here in Scotland and can safely say the ‘not proven’ verdict is misunderstood across the board.

      So, this verdict has exactly the same effect as a verdict of ‘not’ guilty’. It is an acquittal in just the same way and so the accused cannot be retried (although the law on this has changed relatively recently so that the prosecution can re=prosecute in certain circ*mstances if substantial evidence e.g. DNA analysis, comes to light later).

      One way of looking at it is to say that the ‘not proven’ verdict just allows a jury to stigmatise an accused by not returning a verdict of ‘not guilty’. In other words, they think you’re probably guilty but they don’t think the prosecution proved its case.

      Like the others who’ve posted, I’d like to say just how impressed I was by all your efforts for Michael Peterson. Truly humbling.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (95)

      Peter Gordon on March 2, 2019 at 2:10 am

      I know the result of the first trial must have been devastating as you state. It’s hard, in hindsight, to not be critical of your performance considering he was found guilty. Of course you did an amazing job, but a few things just seem off.

      The approach of the defence team during the first trial seems so cavalier, all the joking and laughter, the team seemed over-confident, almost a bit arrogant in assuming you’d prevail.

      Why wasn’t your blood spatter specialist removed and replaced with a white, clearly spoken male? It seems obvious that this would have made the counter evidence provided a lot more powerful to the jury, subconscious prejudices run deep. At the least he was hard to understand which was only going to work against the defence.

      Was Peterson’s history of reporting on the authorities pushed hard as a reason why the prosecution was biased and to cast doubt on their onbjectivity?

      Was the fact that Kathleen had her own hair in her hands pushed hard as a point to raise doubt about what had happened? How did the prosecution explain this? How did they explain all of the puncture marks etc on her arms? All of this raises doubts.

      Why didn’t you have her clothing tested for DNA to see if third party involvement could be used to raise doubt?

      No disrespect intended, just questions I have. Your statement at the Alford plea was powerful and righteous, and so important for Michael. A great privilege to witness your efforts, and be provided your insights through the documentary and here.


  25. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (96)

    Anthony McNamara on July 24, 2018 at 6:47 pm


    The owl theory is obviously an interesting one and seems to explain the unusual pattern of Kathleen’s scalp wounds (particularly the two tri-lobed wounds). In terms of evidence, would it not be possible to analyse Kathleen’s clothes for evidence of more feathers or bird/owl DNA (if such a thing is done) ?

    Her clothes may be too contaminated to assess for the presence or absence of other human DNA but surely no other source of bird feathers will have come into contact with them?


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (97)

      Diana Rollins on April 7, 2019 at 6:22 pm

      Seems to me that the medical examiner, when conducting Kathleen’s autopsy, would have swabbed the head lacerations to determine any foreign material. If an owl did attack her, it’s DNA would have been found in the wounds.


  26. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (98)

    Güliz on July 25, 2018 at 8:03 pm

    Wow! Such a sad story, yet it is fascinating. Appearantly the dysfunctional justice system is not only in my country…You did more than you could. And I feel sorry for the Petersons. No matter what, I believe they went through an unfair and extremely long and difficult process. Such a shame…


  27. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (99)

    Gerard Andree on July 30, 2018 at 12:05 am

    As an attorney I was shocked that the Prosecution could argue that the blow poke was missing and infer that Mr. Petersen used it and then deliberately discarded it when it later came out (two days before the Alford plea hearing) that the police had photographed the blow poke themselves in the course of their initial investigation. This was evidence the prosecutor certainly had access to and undoubtedly would have seen. Yet an entire theory was presented in contravention to the facts. Is there no basis for attorney misconduct and loss of licence for such a blatant falsehood presented to the Court or does the fact that the former prosecutor is now is a judge on the same circuit court make him someone the Bar doesn’t dare take on?


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (100)

      Lori Williamson on August 29, 2018 at 7:39 pm

      I can’t believe the original DA wasn’t fired for misconduct. That man should absolutely NOT be involved in practicing law in any fashion, and he most certainly should not be a judge.

      While I am relieved for Mr. Peterson that the judge in his case ultimately admitted he’d made some mistakes, I felt from the beginning that his mind was made up before he ever heard any arguments, and that that slimy, smirking, hom*ophobic DA probably had something on the judge. That is the only way I can make sense of him allowing the Germany case and the emails into evidence.

      I hope none of the people involved in convicting Michael Peterson ever have a decent night’s sleep again.

      The world is only safe because of people like David Rudolf. I am thankful that attorneys like he, Dean Strang and Jerry Buting exist.


  28. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (101)

    Gerard Andree on July 30, 2018 at 12:08 am

    Query: Was Duane Deaver ever prosecuted for perjury in any of the 34 cases wherein he presented false testimony? If not, why not?


  29. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (102)

    J B on August 23, 2018 at 10:14 am


    Thank you for sharing your experience with the masses. I am a teacher, and I was so attracted to the way in which you communicate, both verbally and non-verbally. You conducted yourself with great patience, respect, and even levity, when appropriate. I cannot imagine the frustration this case caused you, but you were seemingly able to maintain your composure, which is incredible! I think you would make an excellent teacher. Any interest in lending your abilities to a college? Thanks again.



  30. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (103)

    Helen Mercer on August 24, 2018 at 9:01 am

    I was engrossed with ‘The Staircase’ and watched all episodes in one week. I am a retired civil lawyer with some knowledge of the English criminal law and I would think that here Peterson’s conviction would simply have been quashed given the perjured evidence presented at trial. I hope the documentary leads to permanent improvements in the system and to more dedicated lawyers, like yourself, working to ensure that happens.


  31. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (104)

    Brad Murray on August 25, 2018 at 9:54 am

    Hi David,

    Sorry to hear about Ron passing away.

    My wife and I have just finished the Staircase and were totally gripped throughout!

    We generally couldn’t believe the prosecution building their case around the whole blow-poke theory.

    We were totally blown away by you and your team’s investigations and professionalism and we routed for you through the whole series.

    We understood that you didn’t want take the re-trial but were so happy you decided to finish the case with Michael and the Alford plea.

    We will be sure to follow your future cases, my best friend is a very good lawyer here in the UK and he will be sure to watch the show!

    Thank you for all your hard work in trying to put the criminal system right.


  32. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (105)

    Bill Davis on August 30, 2018 at 10:07 pm

    This is an example of the American “justice” system gone bad. Everyone needs to realize that this is not abnormal behavior for Prosecutors! I do not know how they sleep at night. I am disgusted with the entire system, from the Police up through the Judges in the USA. In reality, MOST Prosecutors should be put in jail for the crimes they have committed. We’re no better than Iran, or Russia, or insert any 3rd world shole. The only way to change it is to insert the public/watchdog or some sort of 3rd party entity that can oversee the “system” with the authority to fix it. There is absolutely NO accountability, nobody is minding the “minders” (at least nobody with any character/morals). This is a travesty. Blind justice? Shame America, shame.


  33. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (106)

    Cc on August 31, 2018 at 7:41 pm

    I’m still on the fence about this case. If I were a juror at his trial, I would have seen reasonable doubt but I can honestly say, I cant say that MP did or didnt kill his wife.
    I have to say that in the movie, he (MP) said a few chilling statements. Very strange indeed


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (107)

      Lindsey on January 5, 2019 at 4:57 pm

      There is no way to know for certain what happened that night. Personally, I believe Mr. Peterson is innocent, and after watching the documentary it’s nice to hear that you still would have had reasonable doubt and not votes to convict him.

      I believe, and I think Mr. Rudolph mentions this as well, the absolute absurdity of referring to a defendant as “guilty” or “not guilty” as opposed to “guilty” or “not guilty based on reasonable doubt” because this is where jurors can get confused.

      As to your thoughts on some of Mr. Peterson’s odd comments, I had the same thought but for a difference reason. For example toward the end when he’s on the phone to one of his daughters and mentions it could be him so he stays relevant (don’t remember exactly how he put it), in relation to their conversation on not having anymore f*ck ups.

      The thought that people are going to hear that and immediately forget, after all of the work shown to prove an unjust legal system, (especially because of the death in Germany that should have never been introduced into trial) and think he was guilty.

      I read an interview the filmmaker gave about editing anything out or what was allowed to be filmed regarding attorney-client privledge and I immediately thought this shouldn’t have been shown. Along some of his other comments.

      I can understand a dark sense of humor especially to help get over, as much as one possibly could, such a tragic, exhausting, and time consuming ordeal- because I do the same thing. A lot of people do as well, which is why I wasn’t too concerned, but for the people who don’t understand that rhetoric, I assumed would have trouble separating a few “chilling” remarks made over years and years of filming with their determination of his guilt.

      Then the whole point of showing how unjust a legal system can be is disregarded because a man made remarks some consider odd. Dark humor, sarcasm, whatever you say to help your grief doesn’t make you seem like more of a murderer than anyone else. (Thank god because I’d probably have been sitting in jail unjustly at some point too). Just offering some more perspective.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (108)

      MissLiss1145 on February 21, 2019 at 5:48 pm

      I completely agree with you! Some of Mr. Peterson’s behaviors and mannerisms were very chilling. That last statement he made to one of the girls regarding someone else in his family f***ing up was the nail in the coffin for me. He laughed and joked the whole way through the trial, UNTIL…he was found guilty! Then reality set in and he realized he wasn’t going to get away with murder.
      I mean, what are the chances that 2 different women in your life die under the same circ*mstance (falling down a staircase)…pure coincidence? I think not. It’s unheard of. I’m not convinced that this man is innocent, as there are still so many lingering questions. I do however think that the prosecution did some shady business, in which I definitely give props to Mr. Rudolf for fighting for justice for Mr. Peterson to receive a fair trial. Great work on the Defense’s part.
      But I’m definitely glad Mr. Peterson’s time in the spotlight is over. He is extremely egotistical and co*cky. And maybe this is his way of dealing with serious issues, but in my opinion it was uncalled for.
      Hopefully Kathleen’s children and family can finally take the time to grieve instead of being forced to take part in this 15 year circus act. R.I.P Kathleen.


  34. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (109)

    Jack on September 3, 2018 at 9:13 pm

    David, I agree with so many of the comments regarding the skill of your rhetoric throughout the deliberations.
    You were so well grounded and accessible to the intelligence of others and one of the good things that had come from this tragedy is that your powerful and potent energetics foundationed in open honesty are able to be viewed by others.
    It was ongoingly disheartening to watch the unjust proceedings of the prosecution and their criminal choices.
    And equally disheartening to feel that the jury collapsed in their prejudices ie Michael’s occasional sexual behaviors preventing them from voting in justice.
    The owl theory makes so much sense to me and for the family’s sake I’m glad it has come forward.
    Thank you again for your hard work and compassionate clear thinking and your service to justice and the Peterson family.
    To the Peterson family may you go forward loving your Kathleen and living out peaceful lives as would so be her wish.
    I’m certain she’s sending you all her love and support from the other side.


  35. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (110)

    Kathryn England on September 8, 2018 at 8:37 pm

    Such an extraordinary series. Thank you, Mr. Rudolph, for your committed, professional representation of Michael Peterson. You are a ray of hope for those of us who have little hope for fairness and justice in our legal system. If there is any interest in pursuing the owl theory, I believe you would find great support for it.


  36. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (111)

    Gabrielle Michaud on September 9, 2018 at 9:14 pm

    Je suis impressionné de votre défense bravo et je suis convaincu de son innocence et je penche vers la théorie du hibou . Et félicitations pour votre implication dans la défense des droits de la personne ??


  37. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (112)

    Kasia Janik on September 14, 2018 at 11:52 am

    I finished watching this gripping documentary yesterday night here in the UK.

    It must have been soul-crashing for Micheal to have had to accept the Alford plea after all the injustice done to him at the hands of the prosecution but I think it was the right thing to do. His family and him deserved some peace at last. I hope they have been able to finally move on.

    David, I truly admired your determination and perseverance during the whole trial. The way you handled this case with eloquence and grace while facing blatantly biased judge and shady prosecution was owe-inspiring. Also, I’ve not realised before that lawyers can be this cool!

    Wishing you nothing but success in all your future cases.


  38. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (113)

    Ben on October 8, 2018 at 7:20 pm

    I grew up in a small North Carolina town much like Durham. You lost the initial case because the DA’s office was able to present your team and your client as outsiders.

    The facts and evidence were almost secondary.

    Something to remember if you take on a similar case in the future.


  39. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (114)

    Martin Knol on October 12, 2018 at 6:58 am

    Dear mr. Rudolf,

    3 days ago I started watching the Staircase documentary and finished episode 13 this morning. As a Dutch citizen I can’t believe what I have seen. My take is that you have done an incredible job showing the court and the jury that there was not a single piece of evidence against Michael Peterson, let alone the criteria of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ were met. I truly enjoyed your dedication and your precise, articulated and eloquent way of presenting, which should have been more than enough to have a ‘not guilty’ verdict in the first place. In our country we have no juries but a (hopefully) unbiased and objective judge that decides. I can’t stop thinking about how Michael Peterson, his beloved ones and you and the rest of the defense team must have felt in the past 17 years.

    From Holland: All the best and a big thank you for being a great person, fighting for justice and fairness.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (115)

      John on December 25, 2019 at 7:18 pm

      Not a single piece of evidence? You need to watch the series again and also do some outside research. There was lots of circ*mstantial evidence implicating Michael Peterson, although the evidence was indeed not conclusive.


  40. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (116)

    Stephen Fordham on October 14, 2018 at 11:09 am

    David my wife and I stayed up till the early hours here in the UK watching The Staircase.
    Thought you were amazing how you presented the case for the defence.Incredable hard work but all your team over the years to get some reasonable disclosure for your client.
    We both agreed you would be definitely be on our dinner guest list.
    Best wishes in all you do in the future.


  41. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (117)

    Kathleen K Chamberlin on October 15, 2018 at 7:35 pm

    I felt tremendous outrage and sadness while watching The Staircase and disgust at the chicanery undertaken during the trial. It’s astonishing to see the judicial system fail so horribly and see corruption alive and well in the courtroom. I can understand why you were devistated when the verdict came in. You have my admiration and Michael has my deepest sympathy.


  42. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (118)

    Brad Morrell on October 25, 2018 at 2:06 pm

    I think the problem with the “Owl Theory” is that it vacates the possibility that the wounds to her scalp were a result of a fall. At a minimum, it concedes that there was certainly at least a possibility, if nothing else, that Kathleen was attacked by someone or something. If the defense had chosen to commit to this theory and the prosecution was able to poke a hole in it, then the defense would have been left conceding that Kathleen was in fact attacked, but if it wasn’t an owl and it wasn’t Mr. Peterson, then who was it? And that is a question I don’t think they would have been prepared to answer.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (119)

      Ted Kamp on November 19, 2018 at 2:37 am

      @Brad: Not sure what you mean by “vacates” but the Owl Theory seems perfectly consistent with a fall-based scenario. In fact, fleeing from an attacking owl makes Kathleen’s falling seem even more plausible (especially given that her blood-alcohol levels weren’t all that high). Being pursued by an angry owl could have easy led to her trying to climb the stairs without bothering to turn on a light.

      As with some others here, I suspect, I’m fresh from watching the Netflix series and wanting to believe Michael — but fairly bothered by the extent of injuries and blood. This theory help bridge that dissonance gap. Without any new DNA testing, you’d think that finding just one or two confirmed raptor feathers in the mix would be compelling.


  43. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (120)

    RAYMOND WOODMAN GRANT on November 5, 2018 at 1:08 pm

    I was totally impressed with your presentation and preparation of this case. Your level of professionalism is remarkable. I can understand your frustration and aquish this must have caused you.
    The Justice system is so badly flawed, especially today.
    Wishing you every success in all your future endeavours.


  44. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (121)

    Pamela on November 7, 2018 at 10:56 am

    Hey, Mr. R,

    I appreciate you addressing this. I’ve watched through the series twice and was rather gobsmacked that the prosecution insisted that Kathleen’s injuries were inflicted by force. With such deep lacerations, yet no bone or brain injury, their case seemed completely implausible to me.

    I had only heard about the owl theory a few days ago and decided to read more about it. It certainly sounds like a solid possibility and it’s a shame it didn’t come to light earlier.

    Understanding Mr. Peterson is not in a financial position to explore this theory, can any of the circ*mstantial evidence be used or explored to bolster his position of innocence? Is it even worth opening that can of worms?

    I would think Kathleen’s family would want to know the truth.


  45. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (122)

    Linda Elliott on November 13, 2018 at 9:52 am

    A truly compelling series and one which raises many serious questions about just how fair the American legal system really is. I was astonished at the assumptions and lies, the sloppy forensic methods, the purely circ*mstantial evidence relied upon by the State, the blithe (even gleeful) incompetence of the SBI and the prejudice displayed by prosecutors – in particular the appalling woman prosecutor who virtually encouraged the jury to convict Michael Petersen on her own subjective moral grounds. Outrageous. I’ve often heard that the legal system is not about truth but about justice which is a whole other animal. It seems that in this case there was neither. David Rudolf I really admired your clear presentation of the complex legal issues in the MP case; I often wondered how emotionally draining the trial was for you too, as well as of your excellent investigator. I’m very sorry to hear of his death.


  46. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (123)

    Don Blanton on December 22, 2018 at 4:05 am

    Mr. Rudolph – I do not write fan letters to anyone in the entertainment business or the law profession! However, after “binge watching” ‘The Staircase’, I found myself really impressed with you as a person and as an attorney. Of course the documentary only shows us what the producers and directors want us to see, but I have been around the block a few times to form my own “gut” feelings about people. I hope someday I get the chance to meet you in person, however, hopefully not because you have to represent me! However, if I did find myself in hot water I would want you on my side. In the end I guess I am writing a fan letter to you! I really have to think about that! Happy holidays and you really are impressive on many levels!


  47. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (124)

    michael mccullough on January 4, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    brings a new meaning to the word “hoodunnit”


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (125)

      Kenneth Jordan on May 27, 2019 at 3:34 am


      Superb effort! I was convinced that Michael was not guilty. I think you lost only because of the smear tactics of the prosecution.

      Clearly, the bi-sexuality evidence was both irrelevant and prejudicial; and the evidence about the death in Germany should have been excluded, again as irrelevant and prejudicial. I do not understand what the judge was thinking – the circ*mstances surrounding the death in Germany were not analogous to Mrs. Peterson’s death.

      Taking the Alford plea was the absolutely best approach at the end. The key objective then was to allow Michael to live the rest of his life as a free man.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (126)

        David Rudolf on May 27, 2019 at 9:57 am

        Thank you. Really appreciate your thoughtful comment.



        • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (127)

          Kenneth Jordan on June 6, 2019 at 12:30 am

          David, I’ve now watched the entire series. Great job all the way through the ordeal and kudos for seeing Michael through to the end. I’m totally convinced Michael was not guilty; it was just a tragic accident. I was also quite impressed with Judge Hudson’s courage and honesty at the end, after the plea, when he essentially acknowledged that he’d made mistakes in admitting evidence highly prejudicial to Mr. Peterson, and even said he could find reasonable doubt. The bottom line is that Mike Peterson is able to live the rest of his life with the family members who love him.

          You’re a great criminal defense lawyer!


          • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (128)

            Wapiti on January 17, 2021 at 7:37 am

            Did anybody else notice the resemblence between his son and adopted daughter? I think they should get DNA tests.

  48. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (129)

    Daniel Baldwin on January 5, 2019 at 6:25 pm

    Absolutely brilliant work on the trial David. The prosecution were disgraceful. Fantastic documentary and very thought provoking. Great job Sir. Dan from UK.


  49. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (130)

    Ed Kosoff on January 5, 2019 at 6:34 pm

    What valiant efforts by you and your colleagues.
    A takeaway from The Staircase: Your reaction to the parade in Germany that you and Ron perused. As I watched that scene (and heard your comments after), I couldn’t help but have the same shiver down my spine! What a dubious metaphor for the trial events that were soon to follow….


  50. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (131)

    Dan Cleary on January 8, 2019 at 4:32 am

    Dear David, like many I watched The Staircase with interest. Would you have a televised case under your remit again?


  51. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (132)

    S F on January 19, 2019 at 7:35 pm

    Owl gouging wounds, perhaps. We’re those fatal in themselves, surely not. But if that was what the lacerations were, where is the evidence to show the fall at the stairs killed her?


  52. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (133)

    Holly on January 24, 2019 at 11:04 pm

    Mr. Rudolf,

    I too just finished the series. It’s already been said above, but you handled yourself and the case so well. I can only imagine how exhausting and soul crushing it was. I feel so bad for Micheal’s kids. It’s a disgrace what lengths the prosecution will go to just to put on a show to get a conviction.
    I hope someone eggs and toilet papers Duane Deaver’s house!


  53. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (134)

    Brett on February 17, 2019 at 12:52 am

    Mr. Rudolf,
    Just watched the series. At the beginning my belief was 100% guilty. At the end of the original trial you changed my mind! Amazing job!
    Thank you!


  54. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (135)

    Artee on February 19, 2019 at 7:39 pm

    Mr. Rudolf,
    I am from Trinidad and Tobago and I have just finished watching The Staircase. Your dedication to the Peterson case is admirable. I have been very indecisive about the innocence of Mr. Peterson, but your dedication made my views shift in the favour of him being innocent. I must admit, I do still have doubts. When the verdict from the first trial was read, even though I had doubts about his innocence, my heart sank for his family. My heart also hurts for Kathleen’s family. I understand how both sides feel. I can only pray that they both get some closure about her death one day. Keep up the fantastic work, the world needs more lawyers like you.



  55. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (136)

    Deborah on March 1, 2019 at 8:53 pm

    Fascinating and educating film. Mr. Peterson was a fascinating and consistent personable character in the documentary. I was worried that the jury would buy more into the judgement of the prosecution; and the moral-oriented closing statement of the prosecution. Resulting in their decision being based in bias, rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. Makes me think of the “We vs They” mindset (Altemeyer et. al) that some who have certain worldviews carry, this SDO does not look at right or wrong based on facts. Furthermore, their right or wrong will change according to their judgment on the “they” or out group. Sometimes an out group can be gay, non-christian, for example. They also do not like to go against their perceived in group.

    Of course, I had to search after watching this, because I was puzzled about the head wounds. Having smashed my head once, on an edge of a dashboard about 1 inch thick, (old Datsun pick-up), my head was split open to a gash through two layers, requiring 36 stitches on two different layers of skin. I required so many stitches and not just on one layer but 2 layers of skin. I remember just being amazed at that accident, because I was only 2 2 1/2 feet from dashboard and we were not going that fast when the driver swerved and ran off the road. Additionally, I remember how much blood there was.

    Finally, I have a close friend that hikes quite a bit. She was attacked by one owl that attempted to clench her head while also diving at her, and she had to fight it off. She felt she could have been very maimed or even killed from the attack.

    I would donate toward testing for the owl theory, it may be both, owl and falls. Respectively, alcohol and Xanax might inhibit motor skills when mixed together. Beautiful loving and calm family.

    Also, the interview with the Judge in the end, was very telling and so sad, so disappointing. Shame on him. He should have thrown it out on due process violations or P misconduct, but I guess that is easy to say…


  56. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (137)

    Deborah on March 1, 2019 at 8:58 pm

    Mr. Rudolf you are an amazing advocate, thinker and attorney and anyone who has you in their life, to learn from, is very fortunate. I’m so happy to find this forum and look forward to checking in from time to time!


  57. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (138)

    Deborah on March 2, 2019 at 4:39 pm

    I mistakely mentioned Xanax instead of Valium in my last post. Apologies.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (139)

      Crissie MA on April 16, 2019 at 8:46 pm

      Mr. Rudolf,

      Your dedication and level-headedness is mind-blowing. I think you’ve presented enough evidence to prove Michael Petersen’s innocence, which should have led the jury to lean towards reasonable doubt.

      And, how fantastic the arguments could have been had the owl theory been introduced in 2003… I wonder how Deaver could’ve handled the “experiments.”

      Hello from the Philippines.


      • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (140)

        A2D2 on September 29, 2019 at 8:36 am

        Hey there,.
        I’ve never understood why some folks are completely dismissive of -Owl Theory-,. to the point ,at times, that they’re openly condescending of anyone who would be so “foolish” as to give it credence.
        Years ago I volunteered at a Raptor Center where they rehabilitated injured birds of prey for, best case scenario, return to their native habitats after healing whatever injury brought them there.
        Of course there were some permanent residents of the place because they could not recuperate enough to survive the wild. What you find out being in close proximity with these birds , first and foremost , is how Huge and Dangerous their feet and talons are. Especially on the big fellas such as eagles,. their feet are quite literally bigger than my head,. and I wear a big ol’ hat on this here pumpkin.
        I’ve found Owl Theory credible since the moment I first heard it. Once you have spent time up close and personal with these animals,. you cannot deny that they would Absolutely best you in a fight,. yes, even the ‘little guys’
        Thank you for lending your voice to this. Thank you for raising your voice and demanding in a perfectly polite, respectful, yet firmly planted manner ,. toward those at the top of the heap who prefer to look the other way in keeping with policies or , .lets face it,. peer pressures.
        It takes courage and true code to do what you do Sir,.
        I admire that and wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors,. wherever they may find you, and vice versa.
        peaceOut~ a.d.


  58. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (141)

    Amanda on March 3, 2019 at 5:31 am

    If the Owl theory is to be believed, how did the woman in Germany who died under similar circ*mstances have similar wounds to the head as Kathleen? Are owls to blame for both deaths?! Somebody made a comment in the series which said something along the lines of ‘in crimes like these there is no such thing as coincidence’ and that always stayed with me. There is just too big of a coincidence in both deaths for me to believe there was no foul play involved.


  59. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (143)

    Sandra on April 29, 2019 at 11:57 am

    If anyone has ever been attacked by a bird such as a blue jay or a blackbird it is astonishing how much damage is done. I was attacked by a blue jay when trying to refill the bird feeder in my back yard and it caused a severe laceration requiring 4 stitches on the side of my face and upon falling off the foot ladder a broken leg. Being attacked by a raptor would do an incredible amount of damage. Mr. Rudolph, you are an incredible attorney.


  60. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (144)

    Isabelle on May 27, 2019 at 2:56 pm

    The whole prosecution’s case was based on the stupid blow poke, and the blow poke was found, shouldn’t their case have “fell through”? I mean, you build a case ENTIRELY on a theory, but that theory proves false – therefore, you have no case, no? I understand that nobody knows what happened to Kathleen, so you have to speculate, but when you build a case around an imaginary murder weapon, that turns out to not be the murder weapon, I don’t understand why the prosecution still had a case…

    Also, I found their experts and the police were more focused on convicting Michael than really trying to find out what happened to Kathleen… It’s very frustrating to watch!


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (145)

      Ginger G on June 30, 2019 at 1:03 am

      David, I thought Michael came across not as a narcissist but as a father concerned about his kids. I know it would have been a huge risk to let him testify. Would it have been worth the risk to let him testify and allow the jury to hear him and see what kind of person he is?


  61. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (146)

    KM on June 30, 2019 at 12:57 am

    First I’ve heard of the owl theory, and it makes a lot of sense to me and answers many questions. I understand the value of the documentary as means of exposing, in this case, the NC (in)justice system, but I maintain that filming this case, or any case, in real time is a misstep. This series served as a reminder to me of my duty as a juror, should I ever have the opportunity. There are evidently a breathtaking number of unethical and frankly stupid people appearing in our courts, and the import of being convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt has never been clearer to me. Obviously I owe that to the film, but it could’ve been made now instead of then and done as much good, and less harm.


  62. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (147)

    Marla on July 14, 2019 at 10:09 pm

    I can’t believe that I just finished the entire series in one weekend. David I have a question in regards to the filming? How was it allowed in the courtroom, jails etc? Did everyone have to sign off to allow that?


  63. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (148)

    Liz Richardson on July 21, 2019 at 4:11 pm

    For this case regardless of Mr. Peterson’s guilt/innocence, the state failed to meet it’s burden.

    Better that 10 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man lose his fundamental right to liberty.

    There should be more pressure on the State to be above reproach in the prosecution of their cases.

    If he did do it, I am still glad that he was granted a new trial. It is mind boggling that the prosecution wasted hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars prosecuting a case with so little physical evidence. I almost wish he was guilty, otherwise we, as a society, are responsible for tearing a man’s family and his world apart, for nothing.

    So it doesn’t matter if he is innocent or guilty, what matters is that the system failed, all of us.

    We can do better than this.


  64. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (149)

    Kathi l. Cline on September 27, 2019 at 12:44 am

    She never made it up the stairs. The blood evidence is all at the bottom. Animation could prove that. She slipped several times. When the officer said the blood was dry upon Medics’s arrival. That’s because he was outside by the POOL for quite some time. Jesus all these clowns that are suppose to be professional’s including the Judge were such an embarrassment I could puke. They acted like all they did was lunch and gossip. If it wasn’t for Rudolf. This man would have died in prison. Rudolf reminds me of the film. Al Pacino’s AND JUSTICE FOR ALL………


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (150)

      Andras on December 25, 2019 at 8:11 pm

      He was out by the pool in his shorts in 50 something degrees? Doesn’t make sense.

      In the first episode, as he talks, he makes a big deal of being out by the pool even providing an unnecessary explanation as to why they would be there (prettiest spot).
      It’s a convenient alibi as the pool is removed from the house, but I’m very suspicious of this story.


  65. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (151)

    Tracy A Lawler on October 16, 2019 at 10:39 pm

    I just watched the documentary and I agree that the true meaning of reasonable doubt is lost on most people serving in a jury. If they really understood it there was no way to convict Micheal Peterson. Also the judge allowing testimony about the other death was extremely prejudicial and I believe if the jury had not heard that they might not have convicted him. Seeing this case and others such as the Avery/Dassey cases, and many others makes me feel let down that we have a judicial system that a lot of the time is not about justice at all. This man’s life and his children’s lives were destroyed and what does he get for it? To still be a convicted killer and his once stepdaughter who spoke up in belief in his innocence suing him for 25 million dollars. How honorable to her mother’s memory but money heals all. You did a great job as a attorney and that conviction should have never happened.


  66. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (152)

    Cindy Campos on November 4, 2019 at 9:56 pm

    David you have made a difference, one case at a time.


  67. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (153)

    Danny on December 21, 2019 at 3:17 pm

    I believe Michael Peterson to be innocent of Kathleen’s death whether by accidental fall, or most likely the owl attack theory. Michael Nifong was the assistant DA in Durham during the Peterson trial. This is the same disbarred and criminally prosecuted (found guilty) scoundrel responsible for withholding evidence against the falsely accused members of the Duke Lacrosse Team in 2006. Something was definitely “Rotten in Durham,” and it is obvious that a culture of lies and deceit existed throughout the different levels of the legal system in Durham to garner a ‘conviction’ at all costs. Fantastic job on the defense at all levels. I am happy Michael Peterson and others are free to finally live their lives and that no matter, the Durham system corrected itself, or was corrected. “That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer…” Ben Franklin.


  68. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (154)

    Andras on December 25, 2019 at 8:19 pm

    They talk with victims of owls in the above video and they show their injuries.

    The wounds are only very tiny scratches.

    Any micro feather found at the scene can easily be from a pillow.

    How come the woman in Germany had similar injuries. Also an owl attack?


  69. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (155)

    Simon on January 15, 2020 at 1:04 pm

    David, like other have said your work on the Peterson trial was great!

    I myself have served on 2 jurys in the UK and from the limited court room footage in the documentary i cannot see how the verdict could be returned as guilty.
    For me there was numerous issues that gave me reasonable doubt.

    Deaver’s testimony and evidence given i court were laughable at best, i cannot believe that so much of the BS was allowed to be included in the trial, such as his sexual preferences and the whole Germany story.


  70. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (156)

    Rob on February 24, 2020 at 2:06 am

    When I saw Mike Nifong in the the first or second episode, I knew Michael Peterson was in for it. Nifong did not just magically develop the tactics he used in the Duke lacrosse case. I suspect Deaver’s tactics were part of an overall wins at all costs the permeated the DA’s office in Durham.


  71. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (157)

    Stefan on February 28, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    One of the best crime novels in history is E.A. Poe’s “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” where an orungutan happened to be killer. You cannot top this.
    In this case an attack by an owl is probable – but wasn’t examined by any party! I think it was the most plausible version concerning the injuries – and still is.


  72. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (158)

    Denise Bukowski on May 17, 2020 at 9:30 am

    The comment about both lawyer and client being outsiders is probably the most relevant one, as well as the one about bias against hom*osexuals, and the fact that the author wrote books critical of authority figures. The fix was in, even if they had known that the owl did it. The judge with his hand perpetually over his mouth made me nervous. Did he know that he was participating in a kangaroo court? And those sisters!


  73. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (159)

    Kate on June 3, 2020 at 9:37 am

    Watching this documentary, the behaviors, the commentary, the body and verbal language of Michael Peterson all scream “He’s lying.” It’s quite astounding. Immediately In the beginning of the doc when he was replaying his and Kathleen’s movements of that final evening of her life, he is changing tenses, seems unsure of what they actually did, (hasn’t he at this point already retraced these steps at least several times prior??) and his language is riddled with narcissistic plantings.
    From top to bottom that man looks and acts guilty, disturbed, lying and conniving.
    The weapon that he used to kill those two women was his bare hands against the steps.

    My god.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (160)

      Roxy on September 8, 2020 at 5:09 am

      Wow you are right I hadn’t thought of that! He could have pushed them down the stairs which knocked them out, then repeatedly smashed their heads on different areas !! I like you immediately thought he’s not normal showed no emotion to speak of them fake crying in court! He’s an author with with a very imaginative mind Who has probably written the script long ago until he played it out in order to be free to enable him be with a man! Horrible man!


  74. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (161)

    Oliver on September 4, 2020 at 10:07 am

    David, I invite you too watch, an interview done by Dr Oz with MP. He lied and said that he never told Kathleen about his bisexual life while in the netflix documentary, he clearly said that he disclosed it to Kathleen and that she understood him. I believe he’s liar and not innocent


  75. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (162)

    Roxy on September 8, 2020 at 5:02 am

    I think a DNA test should have been done on the two adopted daughters as one is the spitting image of him! I think he was having an affair with their mother as he’s proven to be able to have a secret life with men ! His sisters read out his writings which indicated murdering which made him happy!

    There was way too much blood and nothing made sense falling from a few steps! He didn’t even do CPR as far as I am aware!

    Kids can be groomed and I don’t think they wanted to see the truth! The way he rough played with his grandchildren made me feel uneasy and he was old then but still had plenty of power ti throw them around .

    Those are my thoughts on the matter.


  76. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (163)

    Roxy on September 8, 2020 at 5:15 am

    A DNA test should have been done on the two adopted daughters . One was the spitting image of him ! I believe he was having a secret affair with their mother as he’s proven he likes secretes! I don’t know how you couldn’t see the resemblance? However you did an exhausting job of defending him which was extremely impressive! Personally I feel he was as guilty as sin of both murders!


  77. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (164)

    kinarki on September 19, 2020 at 11:32 pm

    Mr. Rudolf,

    I truly appreciate your podcast and am directing people towards it after I ask them to watch “The Staircase.” Thank you for everything you do to make this world a better place


  78. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (165)

    Sarah Fitzpatrick on September 29, 2020 at 8:29 pm

    Some people seem to think that head wounds don’t bleed a lot. Even a simple nose bleed is pretty bloody. Head wounds are extremely bloody. That is common knowledge. They have also done studies on falling down the stairs and if you fall from a low height it turns out it can look very much like you were attacked even tho you were not. Falling downstairs also kills people. It is not in any way uncommon. Factor in wine, Valium and a possible bird attack which would be disorienting, it seems within the realm of possibility. It’s obviously reasonable doubt. There are other pictures out there you can find that show proven accident falls from stairs with huge amounts of blood. Not to mention these are the back servant stairs. I’ve seen those in old houses and they are damn near death trap. You can not like the guy or have issues with his dark humor (which my entire family uses and is a coping mechanism) and see that he has lied. None of that makes him a murderer. And I absolutely think that his sexuality coming up prejudiced the jury against him especially during that time period. And lastly I’m from the Midwest 50-60 degrees in December and you will see people out in flip flops and shorts. That is not cold. I think he passed out longer than he realized outside. That has happened to everyone. Then he can in and found his wife. Stairs are no joke. I have fallen down them. My mother and father have also fallen down them and my Mom had to go to the ER. Many of us have fallen down stairs, probably more than once, indoor ones, outdoor icy covered once-it hurts, it takes you a minute to make sure you are even ok. I can’t believe the dr thought this was a homicide esp considering she had no head fracture.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (166)

      Jennifer on February 4, 2021 at 7:36 pm

      Extremely well put! Superficial head injuries bleed like *crazy,* and most notably, Kathleen had no brain *trauma* consistent with a beating or from someone smashing her head into the stairs. The Owl Theory truly makes the most sense.

      She went out the front, was violently attacked, made her way back inside leaving blood on the door, then slipped and fell in her own blood on the stairs.

      They showed an experiment in the documentary proving that the noise of the fountain by the pool (where Michael sat) was loud enough to obscure shouts of help from inside the house. However, on the BBC podcast “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt,” their next door neighbor recalls hearing some kind of “disturbance” outside around the time Kathleen died. It would be plausible that from the other side of the home, next to the neighbor, this was the sound of Kathleen being attacked by a bird of prey.

      Is Michael an eccentric narcissist with a dark sense of humor? Yes. Does that necessarily make him a violent murderer? No.

      I would definitely contribute to a GoFundMe endeavor to investigate the Owl Theory further.


  79. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (167)

    Christina on October 15, 2020 at 8:57 am

    I know this doesn’t mean much, but I have a dog that was killed by an owl. I know it was an owl because I saw the entire thing. The wounds that my dog suffered were large gashes and slices that were so deep that the skin and surrounding tissue was able to be peeled back like flaps. I obviously have no idea if the wounds on a human should look similar, but I do know that they do.


  80. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (168)

    Mike V on October 16, 2020 at 9:15 am


    It was amazing to watch you work this case. I’ve never seen this side of a criminal defense attorney and it shines a whole new light on what you guys/girls do for people who “might” be innocent. I still don’t know what to believe about Mike Peterson, but I do know that there was reasonable doubt from the beginning and still is.

    My question to you, have you ever defended a person who you absolutely knew was guilty and either got them off or still tried to get them off while knowing they were guilty? Or once you find out, or figure out that you know they’re guilty, do you stop representing that person? Thanks, and again, it was fascinating to watch you work


  81. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (169)

    Yasmeen N on October 18, 2020 at 9:53 pm

    I’ve been mesmerized by The Staircase, not due to the details, twists, characters involved but because of your demeanor Mr. Rudolph, your commitment to your client, your thorough thought process and your respect for human dignity. Thank you for choosing the legal profession, for following the rule of law as set forth in the 14th Amendment and maintaining your calm during many unexpected storms in this case. The core of this case is ensuring a person is afforded ALL of their Constitutional rights and you should be commended for this. Thank you.


  82. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (170)

    Camille on October 19, 2020 at 2:22 pm

    I just watched the Staircase and was blown away by your skills and abilities as a lawyer. That must be a great feeling to look back and realize all of the great work that you have accomplished, despite the setbacks.


  83. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (171)

    Polly on October 24, 2020 at 8:27 pm

    I’m confused on how Micheal Peterson didn’t hear anything. If she had gotten attacked by an owl, we can assume she would scream and yell for help. If he did hear anything, why wasn’t it mentioned or brought up. If I remember correctly, they were out at the pool house when Kathleen decided to go inside because she had an early morning the next day. Then Micheal would go inside and find his wife dead. If she was attacked outside, Micheal would of been out there. Maybe i’m missing something but to me it doesn’t make sense.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (172)

      John on December 15, 2020 at 9:49 am

      The theory is that she went out the front door to do something with some reindeer….and was attacked there. Mike was in the backyard. I guess you didn’t bother to read before commenting?


  84. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (173)

    Marvin on October 27, 2020 at 12:30 pm

    Hello Mr. Rudolf,

    I just watched the whole “Staircase”-Series on Netflix and I just have to give you probs for the immense job you did in this case. It’s amazing how much energy you have put in your work and how you always stood behind Mr. Peterson, especially in the first trial.

    Amazing Lawyer. Amazing Person 🙂

    Keep it up – but stay healthy ^^


  85. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (174)

    Andrea Horan on December 5, 2020 at 9:50 am

    You have restores my faith in lawyers, Americans, human decency, generosity and caring. You really are a Good man.


  86. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (175)

    Johnny T. on December 15, 2020 at 9:59 am

    My wife and I are pretty big wine drinkers. Michael admitted they went through two bottles, plus Kathleen had Valium in her system. What amazes me with many court cases is how naive prosecutors and jurors seem to be about the crazy things that happen to an impaired person. My wife and I had no problem believing the repeated slipping, falling, coughing theory presented by Mr, Rudolf and supported by Dr. Lee. I’m very happy that none of my worst impaired moments are recorded. I have seen far too many trials where puritanical or naive thinking dismisses the effects of impairment.


  87. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (176)

    Aimee on December 16, 2020 at 6:49 pm

    Mr. Rudolf, I am impressed with your work shown in the documentary. I’m also impressed that you went above and beyond your obligation as a trial attorney to continue with this case when the money ran out and when you’d become spent.
    I’m appalled at the level of incompetence and corruption with the Durham County prosecutors office and law enforcement. It was heartbreaking to see this family victimized time and time again–especially the girls.
    However, with all due respect, I am equally appalled that you didn’t include the owl theory as a reasonable doubt theory. I just don’t understand why you didn’t include it. For me, it is the only thing that makes sense. Do I understand correctly that this was presented to you as a possibility by a neighbor? That you had some idea of it before the first trial? I could be mistaken. If I am mistaken, please forgive me.
    I hope that the Peterson family is doing well. My heart goes out to all of Kathleen’s friends, family, and loved ones. Live in her honor, and honor her memory. Peace.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (177)

      Jaime on January 8, 2021 at 8:26 am

      He didn’t have enough info at the time. It was presented to him late in the trial with no time to test or get expert witnesses, etc.


  88. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (178)

    Toya on January 4, 2021 at 2:28 pm

    Also- i found duane deavers testimony about the blood splatter left me confused as hell! I dont see how the jurors said his testimony was most convincing. He proved nothing at all and especially didn’t explain why there was no cast off pattern which for me was a big red flag that it wasnt mr.peterson


  89. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (179)

    Slav on January 20, 2021 at 4:53 pm

    one question bothering me that was truly crucial to the whole case – Duane Deaver. why did you fail to demonstrate his lack of qualifications, his lies and discredit him as an expert in the first hearing?


  90. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (180)

    Sam on January 21, 2021 at 12:53 pm

    David what a journey. As an attorney who never practiced, I lived this vicariously through you. People need to understand that our criminal justice system needs to be overhauled. I’ve never understood how judges can be neutral when employed by the government. The admission of the hom*osexual component particularly bothered me because these jurors where never screened and potentially impeached based on their views on this topic during jury selection. Duane Deaver to my knowledge was never charged with a crime for ruining countless lives and neither was Deborah Radisch or Jim Hardin. I cringe at the thought that he is a judge. I think judges do a poor job of emphasizing that the state must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt prior to deliberation. Giving the instruction is not enough. These jurors took justice into their own hands. Society has to accept that not all crimes will be solved. There are guilty roaming this country, but we will always error on the side of caution to ensure that innocent men and women are not incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. At some point, the State should have considered the position of Peterson’s children. The embarrassing display put on by Candace at the Alford hearing was self serving and I can only imagine the amount of restraint required when dealing with an individual looking for their five minutes of fame who has been unleashed on the court room. This following her racist tirade in addressing the State attorney who argued against the motion for a new trial. Your work on this case was exemplary. Your statement on behalf of Mr. Peterson at the Alford hearing perfectly summarized his position and your thoroughness at the appeal hearing was the best I have seen. Few people who serve the public get the opportunity to have their work documented. Your legacy will be cemented for decades to come. This documentary should be shown in law classrooms across the country. Bravo and congrats on helping his man get home to his family.


  91. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (181)

    Jennifer on February 4, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    Incredibly impressive work, Mr. Rudolph!! I’ve watched The Staircase twice now and recommend it to anyone interested in a behind the scenes look at how a top-notch legal defense team operates. Absolutely enthralling! I implore you to make a sequel about the highly persuasive Owl Theory — though I imagine the thought of revisiting the case yet again is simply too exhausting a Hoo-Dunnit to consider. 😉 But please do!!!


  92. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (182)

    Krista Laraine on February 6, 2021 at 3:41 am

    David. I have watched this doc 3 times in the past two years. I started out disliking you. Not because I thought MP was guilty but because of all the scenes of casual talk about her death and laughing between Henry Lee, defense and MP. I get it. but it still sat wrong. Tonight I watched your last words to the Court ….on the Alford plea. It was incredible. Vincent Bugliosi level logic and brilliance. You seemed different 10 years later. I no longer feel after this last viewing that MP is guilty. Wonderful work as an attorney. PS Are you looking for an assistant?


  93. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (183)

    Hannah Anders on February 7, 2021 at 2:05 am

    Why a t.v. crew- from the beginning?
    Why a ridiculously botched DA case?
    Why would the DA make a plausible murder weapon to be something they knew could be found by the defense in the home?
    To add to insult- the documentary throws in the idea that the DA took pictures with the poker stick- going against one of their own strongest theories?
    Too many things to list that does not add up for true crime fighting cases
    Tragic Entertainment of the worst kind


  94. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (184)

    Matty Hathis on February 9, 2021 at 10:11 am

    There is no way an owl did this.
    If the owl attacked so viciously, it would have happened outside and she would have been yelling loud enough for Michael and probably the entire neighbourhood to hear.
    No owl every killed anyone.

    He didn’t kill the German, but he got the idea from the incident.

    Peterson is a guilty. Full stop, end of story.


    • The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (185)

      Smitty on February 14, 2021 at 1:55 am

      They literally didn’t have neighbours, they lived in the country and the next closest house was several acres of forest away. Did you even watch the series before declaring “end of story”?


  95. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (186)

    Sharon Twiggs on February 26, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    I think you only need to look at the prosecutors bench when the verdict came in to see how surprised they were themselves that a jury would convict. However having served on a jury in the UK I know that strong personalities and all sorts of personal feelings overtakes the without reasonable doubt theory. The judge should not have taken any part in appeals or subsequent motions. His part in all of this decided that this case was never going to come close to a fair hearing. I think most people would have taken a deal, truly terrible.


  96. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (187)

    Tim on March 12, 2021 at 4:10 pm

    I have to say I feel awful for Mr. Peterson. Every time I read about a wrongly convicted person I am sickened by the waste of years they spent in prison. Nobody can give that back to them. It proves so much when they are set finally set free. (Not Mr. Peterson’s situation but similar). It should not be as difficult as it seems to be. Prosecutors and anyone who lies to convict someone should be more accountable when these things happen. They should not be immune from everything. That’s the real crime. The arrogance and power that they possess is outrageous. People like you, Mr. Rudolph, restore my faith in the human race.


  97. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (188)

    Roger B on March 22, 2021 at 4:57 pm

    If he wanted to kill his wife, I would think, being by to pool and her being drunk, a accidental drowning would be a more easier method, with no mess left for evidence. I think it is sad that there is so many wrongly convicted in prison today, knowing they are innocent, and there is nothing they can do.


  98. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (189)

    Donna Steadman on March 24, 2021 at 5:29 pm

    First of all, it I am ever accused of a crime, I would want David Rudolph in my corner. His relentless search for answers and belief in his client’s innocence were exemplary!
    Second, the very end of this series depicting Peterson’s loss of faith in the criminal justice system is the take-away message. I served on a jury once and was appalled by the apparent lack of commitment to the process in terms of taking notes to remember what had been presented in the courtroom and subsequent willingness to review & analyze it during the deliberations…both of which were totally lacking with my fellow jurors. It was Friday afternoon and everyone just wanted to go home- the fate of the injured party was not important! The lesson for me was never to depend on a jury to take a case seriously, and to choose to be tried by a judge instead.


  99. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (190)

    Natasha Davies on April 6, 2021 at 12:52 pm

    That’s all well and good whether it was the lacerations that killed her or not how can you explain the strangulation an owl wouldn’t have strangled her whether that was what killed her or not too many coincidences especially with the other woman to have fell down the stairs with him involved he did it he lied several times


  100. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (191)

    D.L. on April 28, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    A tragic example of how dangerous it can be to draw conclusions based on generalizations and prejudices. There are very interesting links online about owl attacks, and this account from a skier in Canada on really struck me.

    “As I was going down a hill, I felt an impact on the back of my head and sharp pain in my skull,” Bozdech told CBC News.
    He was skiing at night, lighting his way along with trail with a headlamp, and when he spun around, there was nothing behind him. He initially thought it might have been a moose, a falling tree branch, or even a human, but eventually he spotted an owl in a nearby tree. Bozdech kicked the tree, and the owl flew off, so he resumed skiing.
    But the bird hadn’t gone far. It attacked him from behind a second time, digging its sharp talons—generally reserved for hunting mice, rabbits, and squirrels—into the back of Bozdech’s head. The owl left him with 16 puncture wounds on his scalp, a sore neck, and a few different theories as to why it targeted him.”

    Throw several glasses of wine and Valium on top of this type of disorienting attack, and I don’t think any of us can claim to know how we would react… whether we would run into the house or think to turn back towards the pool to seek help.


  101. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (192)

    Andrea on May 13, 2021 at 11:35 am

    Why were the feathers not raised by the defense or did they not know about them. I think intoxication of both Michael and his wife played a big role in the death. She “slipped” on stair and he failed to check on her for over an hour while drinking. I did not know it was that long and that she was still breathing after an hour……might have lived had he checked on her sooner???


  102. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (193)

    Barbara Bunting on August 1, 2021 at 4:24 pm

    I have no idea why the pathologist who conducted the autopsy would not have realized that the injuries on Kathleen’s skull were that of a bird. Before I found out about the “owl” theory after watching the whole series yesterday, I went to bed trying to figure out how all those injuries could have occurred without fracturing her skull, etc. It made no sense. Also, this morning, I was looking up why the “strangulation” information was not in the documentary because I felt like I had been had and mislead and thought perhaps the filmmaker edited out all references to the strangulation when I came across the owl theory. For heaven’s sakes — wouldn’t the fact that there were no skull fractures and brain trauma make the ridiculously inept medical examiner at autopsy try to figure out where all those injuries could have come from since there was no fracture or brain bleed and the fact that the owl claw marks are right there for all to see? I also think the defense team should have picked up on this, as well. Everyone knew she bled to death. They knew she bled to death from the wounds on her head. If I was going to bed wondering how all those wounds could have happened, I don’t understand why they weren’t looking at those photos of her scalp with a find toothed comb. Maybe they were afraid it would go against MP. I don’t know, but I know MP is not guilty of murdering his wife.


  103. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (194)

    Claire on August 16, 2021 at 7:37 am

    You are a remarkable lawyer David. I viewed The Staircase documentary and conducted some research online.

    I have mixed feelings about Michael Peterson’s innocence, or guilt, but I don’t believe if guilty it would have been premeditated. I don’t see Michael as callous, but I am not convinced about his true affection for both his wives. His `romantic’ poetry lines seem glib. But I don’t believe there was enough genuine evidence for a jury to arrive at guilt. There must be the benefit of doubt applied.

    Accidents can be deadly. A family member fell, in rather heavy rain, in a spate of wet weather, when all outside surfaces were wet and slippery, when attending the pool. They foolishly walked backwards and tripped backwards,on the pool’s coping edge splitting their forehead open from the eyebrow to the crown of their head. It was not a pretty sight, and required many, many stitches. If memory serves correct 15 in total in hospital emergency, where there was quite a problem with bleeding from the wound impeding the stitching. The following day their eyes were very black and blue all around, as large an area as fried eggs which took two weeks to clear and not completely traces remained for weeks. i.e. there was a lot of blood seeping internally down to their cheeks and eye sockets.

    It was many people’s belief the individual was fortunate not to have been dazed, if not, knocked out and thus bleed out and die at the pool edge, in the constant rain until family went looking for them. There was no fracture to the skull, just a thick gaping wound deep to the skull. Horrible and all happened in a second. Obviously a concrete coping edge is harder than timber, but then hardwood timber is also very bad to fall against. No one uses soft timber for door jambs, skirting boards, and stairs.

    I’ve had a couple of severe falls, one from the stairs, and as I was rushing I missed the last stair and was catapulted forward, sprained my ankle badly, the pain was so intense I could hardly get up the stairs crawling. I managed to get to the freezer to apply a cold compress. When I was catapulted forward, I landed, on my knees on a hard ceramic tiled surface while also twisting my ankle(severely), just missing collecting my forehead on the corner of a camper-wood box corner. It took weeks for my ankle pain to heal. This fall was due to missing only one stair. Had I been home alone and struck my head on the timber box, I have no doubt I could have gashed my forehead open and bled out. Fortunately both times there was no alcohol involved as I do not consume it otherwise my reflexes may have been different with bad outcomes.

    The other accident was an unseen crater(quite large) I walked into on a footpath beyond a mound, so it was unseen. so I fell right into it, tripping and again nearly gashed my head on landscape rocks beyond near the footpath edge. It was a heavy fall resulting in me aching all over especially my legs for 6 months. I managed to just keep my head away from the rocks, using my knees, elbows and hands taking most of my weight – all in a momentary reflex action. Falls are extremely dangerous and often deadly.

    So it is entirely possible Kathleen, may she rest in peace, fell on the bottom two or three stairs as your team proposed slipping in her own blood, when trying to raise herself, and hitting her head again.
    However, I still cannot completely exonerate Michael because of his manner and speech jars with me. There is something which strikes me as insincere in his stated attachment to Kathleen despite all his words to the contrary. Of course it could all be due to trauma impacts, which may be long standing, added to with Kathleen’s death, but initially due to his war service.

    You come over as professional, thorough and caring – an asset to your profession.


  104. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (195)

    Dan Hardwick on August 31, 2021 at 6:32 am

    Hi David, I thouroughly enjoyed watching you articulate the case during the program, and the calm, measured manner with how you conducted yourself. MP was incredibly lucky to have you representing him, and after watching the Netflix documentary I am spending more time than I should compelled in researching this further!

    I’ve read every comment above, and thus it shows the cross section of attitudes and how spread our views are, much like a jury would be. Many comments are merely peoples minds made up without careful appreciation of fact, and most importantly (which I took from the documentary) was that if there was doubt, or not conclusive evidence, then the jury cannot find the accused guilty. It’s tragic how many people are wrongly serving time for crimes they didn’t commit, and also how many are walking free for those that did, and I’m certain if the standard of representation was better, and to use yourself as the benchmark, then the criminal justice system would be a much better place. It was a pleasure to watch you in court, and I literally hung onto your every word when you spoke about the guilty verdict and how it had affected you. Wonderfully articulated.

    The frustration of never knowing the full truth must be something that is very difficult to live with, alongside having to defend a case where the prosecution behaved so recklessly. I imagine it’s consuming and exhausing to battle this in your professional life daily.

    From the evidence alone the owl theory (which at first I thought was a joke!) is the only credible possibility, even if it is hard to accept because it’s very rare. The case should have been dismissed completely after the evidence tampering, testimony of Duane Deaver (who was so smug in court!), and all the other inconsistencies I won’t list out here.

    Thank you for the outlet to share, I wish you every success


  105. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (196)

    Eva Eckhart on September 22, 2021 at 9:09 pm

    My theory (of course I do not have all the evidence to review): In the Staircase MP said it was a 2 bottle night of wine, yet her BA was only .07. That suggests to me she had 2 glasses and he had the rest. Given his military experience, and it was frequently mentioned he worked out at the gym, I wonder if she had taken too much valium and he decided to put her over his shoulder to carry her upstairs via the “fireman’s carry”. He was intoxicated, stood up to quickly and passed out as he got to the 3rd step, falling backward and her head (upside down) hits the door frame, and her face is hit by his back, which then pushes her head into the door frame more causing complicated injury and tearing with both force and gravity and weight, and then they both drop to the floor where she hits her head again and her face is possibly landed on by part of his body. Maybe he did not have a shirt on at all and was passed out on the stair case as she coughed (some blood when up his shorts). When he came to, she was already dead or close to it and he panicked realizing that it was his fault (though still arguably an accident). He likely immediately started going through scenarios and thought it best to say she fell down the stairs so his kids (who he clearly loves deeply) would not be disappointed in him. I don’t believe he beat her and I don’t believe it was intentional.


  106. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (197)

    Amber Dodge on October 24, 2021 at 12:54 pm

    I can’t help but somehow believe that an owl could possibly be to blame, but trust me, it is not because Michael comes across as innocent by no means. His inappropriate chuckling at serious moments gave me the creeps. His 911 call gave me even worse creeps. His infidelity gave me the creeps, and not because of his sexuality, but his overall disregard for the sanctity of their marriage. Pretty much, I felt like everything he said was a lie throughout the entire documentary. He just came across as a person completely capable of murdering his wife, not out of hate, or for money, but because she had found out he was being unfaithful and his idealistic marriage and family was at risk. And for that reason, he snapped. He couldn’t have his big lie exposed. His daughter had mentioned not being upset about finding out he was bi-sexual. Ok, I get that. Neither would I. Would I be upset that he was attempting to pay for sex while married to my mother? Yes! I would be! Would I be even more concerned that my mom also ended up at the bottom of the stairs dead of circ*mstances not coinciding with a fall? Yes! Absolutely! Would I believe my dad? Heck no! Anyone with half a brain can see that the amount of blood alone was not indicative of a fall. Let alone the positioning of the lacerations on her head. She would have needed to fall down sideways, hit only the back of her head on nearly every step on the way down, with extreme force, but not enough force to break a bone, or her nose, or her cheek, or any bruise for that matter. It just made absolutely no sense. So if it wasn’t a fall then what was it? One would assume that Michael killed her. And trust me, if it wasn’t for the owl theory, I’m completely convinced if a fall didn’t kill her, Michael did. Maybe not with that stupid blow thingy. That was just ridiculous. Maybe something else. Who knows. If you can fathom an owl doing this, you can fathom just about anything else being used. Did anyone else hear that creepy phone call between Michael and David when talking about the results of whether blood was found on the mysterious cob web infested murder weapon? You can’t hear what Michael is saying, but you hear David say something like, “doesn’t matter what you used, no blood.” Is that David pretty much saying “I know you did it, know you used something, but there’s no blood on the murder weapon that the prosecution is focusing on. Anyways, again I’ll say, if an owl didn’t do it, Michael did! No doubt about it. So, she was either heinously attacked by a bird or by her husband. End of story!


  107. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (198)

    Anna The Netherlands on October 30, 2021 at 4:21 pm

    I am so impressed bij The Staircase. I Just want to say that You are an incredible good lawyer !
    The Staircase shows how people can be misled.
    Thanks !


  108. The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (199)

    S. Fealy (Scotland) on January 12, 2022 at 8:00 pm

    Nobody knows the case better than you and your team.
    You showed an extraordinary amount of patience, diligence and compassion during the whole process.
    In addition to watching the documentary, I have read around the case, unfortunately most of the sources are tainted with somewhat unfounded opinion and conjecture. Much like the trial, from what I could gather.
    The Staircase is a very interesting journey through the case of North Carolina vs. Michael Peterson, but for me it was a startling look at incompetence, prejudice, obstinence and how people can be swayed by what they have already chosen to believe rather than what they are presented with to process. Indeed, people often make their decision before this point.
    It’s an interesting insight into the effort that people are prepared to expend to reach a valid conclusion.

    I remain convinced, based on the cases presented by both parties, that there wasn’t any material evidence to find Michael Peterson guilty of any crime.

    I cannot see how another conclusion could be reached – unless the jury had already decided on Michael Peterson’s guilt and married what they’d heard and seen in such as way as to validate their decision.
    If the facts cannot convince 12 individuals, perhaps the system itself is flawed?

    I admire your persistence and your ongoing fight to help those who need it.
    I only wish you were part of a legal system that needed you less and deserved you more.

    All the best – keep doing what you do.


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The "Owl Theory" - David S. Rudolf (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.