Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)

SATURDAY TflE PITTSTON GAZETTE FEBRUARY 17, 1912. PAGE FOUR. with any other parry. This will likely HEAR BOTH SIDES reran an interesting campaign in that SENATOR WILLIAMS. HAWAIIAN DELEGATE.

vMttshed at The Gazette Building, comer county. BILL TO PROPOSE fiEU BATTLESHIPS HUSBAND'S BLOOD SAVESIVIFE'SLIFE Broad Street and uazene rw Luzerne Pa. WILLIAM JOSEPH PECK Frames Bill Prescribing Remedy For Trust Evil. OF TARIFF BILL POLITICAL. NOTES.

I Who Accuses Governor Freer of Incompetency In Office. fun Gazette (Established 1850) Is the Hrfrmtr School Controller James J. Murphy, is a member of the grocery firm of. Reap Co. in Upper Committee Ignores Decree of oldest newspaper i toouuuo tlon In tbe Wyoming Anthracite Coal field Issued every evening eseept Sunday at $3.00 per annum delivered at 2o enta a mouth, or cents a week by canter.

The Gazette Wan Owned and Edited by Ttoeo. Hart from 1878 to 1901. 67,751 POPULATION is accorded by The Sewing Machine Importer For Free List Provision. foley and Stepson Undergo Transfusion For Her. Pittston, has decided to enter the contest in the Third Legislative District for the Democratic nomination for representative, aaj announces that he will put forth every effor; at his command to capture the prize.

The formal announcement of bis candidacy Democratic Caucus. I adds to the interest of the Democratic contest in thic district, Sir. Murphy census or iwiv to rnwuw, IHtt.mn Oltv with 16.62: West P1U TYPEWRITER MAN APPEARS FIGHT IS BOUND TO COME. made a good record as school con OVER A QUART IS TAKEN. troller, having an independent mind, ton.

6.848. besides the dependent adjacent boruudhs of Kxeter and Uughestown and Jenkins and Pittston Townships, all served ty one postoffiee. Within miles of the Gazette Office are tributary and it can be depended on that if he is chosen to represent the people of the Third district in the Legislature he Seven Republicans and Four Democrats villages wiuen sweu un ww Senate Financial Committee In Hearing Underwood Steal Bill Hears That Entered at the Pittston Postoffice as Sec will exercise, ais own judgment in matters coming up for consideration. Mr. Murphy is the fifth candidate to In Favor of the Alternative Plan, Which Calls For Two Battleships and Profits on Sewing Machines and Type ond yiass uuier.

be announced for the; Democratic writers Do and Do Net Justify High Two Auxiliaries In the Form of Col Philadelphia Physicians Say Woman's Recovery Is Made Practically Certain as Result of Operation Both Men Able to Leave Hospital 8hort Time After the Transfusion. Philadelphia, Feb. 17. An operation Importing Duty. liers.

and the prospects are good for very lively free for all race, with the result rather difficult to forecast Washington. Feb. 17. The naval Washington. 'el).

17. Two New Yorkers Straus, representing typewriter manufacturers, and Robert Representative George K. Alter will The United Publishers Association of New York City has investigated, and certifies to, the circulation of this publication. These facts have been established, and guaranteed to advertisers. bill, soon to he reported to the house of representa tives, will contain a provision authorizing the construction of ask the voters of the Twelfth Alle Hearne, an importer of sewing ma gheny district to return mm.

He an cliiuesenlivened the hearing on the nounces that if he is successful possibly two new battleships, notwith will be a candidate for speaker of the standing the resolution passed by the Mouse in the session of 1913. Many ruder wood steel Mil by the senate financial committee. The bill places sewing machines and typewriters on the free list, Mr. Hearue favors the of the present legislators, who expect to serve anotner term, have given him Democratic caucus rfj eutly. The house committee on naval af fairs, which is controlled by the Dem Plmio by American Press Association.

assurances of support. TO CURE TRUST EVIL. Edgar R. K.iessformer. legislator, ocrats, practically has decided to ig Senator Williams Frames Bill to Curb nore the decree of the caucus that no FREAR ACCUSES KALANIANAOLE who is a candidate for Congress in the Fif.eenth district, received an ovation Nlffiffi LABE Big Combines.

addition to the fleet shall be made at at tne Lincoln day dinner of the Wil this time. There is bound to be a big llamsport Republicans on Monday. Washington, Feb. John Sharp Williams of Mississippi, before the fight over the battleship provision of performed at the German hospital, in whichever a quart' of blood was transfused from the arms of her husband and son into her own veins, saved the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Foley, forty five years old.

of 893 North Taylor street, who was admitted to the hospital Feb. suffering from a disease allied to anemia. The physicians found that a considerable quantity of blood would have to be procured for transfusion, and John Foley, husband of the patient, and Thomas O'Brien, her son, both strapping men, volunteered and were admitted to the hospital for the operation, Both men are in the best of health, The husband was the first to be called. One of his arms was bound tightly to that of his wife, and one of the chief arteries was cut to admit a small silver tube that led through a similar William if. McXair.

prominent. Al bill, while Mr. Straus opposes it. Mr. Hearne, who i stated that he was ii "rare bird" to appear before the commit fee in advocacy of lower duties, of placing sewing machines on the free list.

Mr. Straus, who is vice president of the Underwood Tyjiewrlter oompuny. protested removing the duties from these machines. Republican meinhers of the committee went after Mr. Hearne vigorously, while Senator John Sharp Wil senate interstate commerce committee.

the naval Dill, as up to this time no legneny county reorganizer aiwi th committee of the house has attempted Guthrie division chairman in that sec outlined the terms of bis bill which he said would remedy trust evils. He in tion, will be a Candida. for Congress to evade or violate tbe terms of a reso hi tion passed by Mie Democratic party SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1912. sisted that the federal government has tnis ian on the Keystone and possibly me uemocrauc ticKets. Ho will run the power to determine what corpora Says Delegatf Tried to Organize Anti white Party In Hawaii.

Honolulu, Feb. 17. J. Kuhio Kalani anaole, delegate to congress, says that he has received assurance from the administration that the charges of incompetency and favoritism preferred against Governor Walter W. Frear will be investigated fully before auy appointment to the governorship is made.

Frear'sr term is about to expire. In reply to a cabled invitation from caucus. Whether the Democratic rank and file of the house will uphold tbe against John Dalzell. tions should encase in interstate commerce. iction" of naval affairs committee Harry I.

Riley, a former menvher liams, a questioned Mr. Startling as the numerous indictments ip the dynamiting, cases are, there is cause, for gratification in the fact that the American. Federation of on this important (tuesrjon is uncertain or the State House of Rt Dresenta fetmus sharply: The hearinc was one tives from Allegheny county and State The Williams bill prescribes the conditions under which corporations may engasro in interstate commerce. senator for a portion of a term, has of the most inferestiug held by the nuance cmuiitlee. Democratic nieuiliers of the naval Labor is.

shown to be free from any 'been appointed, search clerk in the committee urge in extenuation of their complicity in the enme. The per Legislative Reference Bureau. The Mr. Hearne told the committee that idvocacy of an authorization for one sonality of Gompers is not exactly appointment was made by Director James N. Moore with the approval of Secretary Fisher of the interior de or more battleships that the caucus of the conciliating sort and, therefore, governor John Tener.

Mr. Riley, his enemies have shown. an eagerness partment asking Frear to reply to the charges against him, Frear declares AINSWORTH RETIRES TO END ARMY SCANDAL did not give careful consideration to the question. to condemn him offhand. That lw and wno is a lawyer, succeeds Leo 1' O'Brien, of McKeesport, wno died re cently.

The place is worth $2,000 year. that the trouble is the outcome of fac sewing machines conk! be manufactured cheaper in the United than in liei Kuglaud and France, notwithstanding that; labor in the foreign countries is 40 per cent cheaper than In America: He declared that family sewing machines which are retailed in America for S45 cost: only $9 to manu A canvass of the house committee his fellow officials have had nothing to shows that of the twent.v oue mem do with encouraging violence is on tional differences among the Republicans of the territory and accuses Kalanianaole of having tried to or bers seven 'Republicans and at least thing; to 'have had that fact demon ine ruing or a nommatinrj uetition four Democrats favor one battleship strated is just as important so far as yesxeraay Dy Dr. c. A. Fritchey.

of inize an anti white party. and will insist that such authorization Dauphin county, as a 'candidate for facture. pub'ie feeling goes. delegate to the Democratic national Adjutant General Under Charges Rolls Sensation Lovers. Air.

llearue was questioned closely as be incorporated in the naval supply bill. The Democrats favorable to the convention is the beginning cf an old FIND AUTO DRIVER GUILTY. UNDER FIRE. ur the information upon which he based lasmonea scramble for the nonors in project are Padgett of Tennessee. his.

claim tiuit sewing machines can be me n.ignieenth district, no iess than of the soldiers who went off to hairman: Talbot of Maryland. Hoh live aspirants being in the field and Rhode Island Jury Brings In Verdict of manufactured cheaper in America than an oeing lor llson. the Civil War had an ardent desire to th? bullets fly and "to smell son of Alabama and Kstooinol of ibroad. He he based the state Manslaughter. Providence, R.

Feb. .17. Herman incision in the arm of the patient The superior pumping force of the man's heart forced the blood from his body into that of his wife. The physicians suspended the process after Foley had begun to show signs of weakuess. Over a pint of blood was taken from him and then his stepson was put through a similar prdeal.

Both men were able to leave the hospital after having taken time to recover from the shock of the operation. Mrs. Foley showed instant signs i of Improvement, and the physicians say her recovery: is made practically certain as a result of the operation. Blood ti ansf uslou after he method adopted in this instance is a common operation nowadays in cases where the powers of resistance have been greatly weakened through long illness. The supply of new blood transferred directly supplies the patieut almost immediately with new vitality and provides a foundation upon which the natural functions of the body build 1 Washington.

The hopes of Washington sensation lovers that the powder." Few" of them preserved Louisiana. 1 he seven Republican who wil vote for two battleships and WYOMING. ment upon his general knowledge of the business, extending over a period K. Wagner, who was found, guilty of sueh longings for any great length. of then for one if they fail to get two manslaughter byt jury in Judge Church Services.

of thirty years and including several trips to Germany. He attributed the fact largely to the superiority of Amer Methodist Episcopal church. Sundav Wood Ainsworlh controversy would be aired in a court martial of the former adjutant general of army, following his, relief from office. were blasted by are Foss of Illinois. Kopp of Wiscon sin, Butler and Rates of Pennsy! scnooi, Morning service, 10:30 unior League.

2:30 n. m. Enuorth yauia, Roberts of Massachusetts. Loud ican workmanship, due to the fact that L.ea'gue. Kvenlne sen te.

7. HO the announcement that Ueueral Ains of Michigan and Browning of New mericnir 'hi Inn i more experienced The Wyoming Masonic Lodge will at worth had applied lor and received re Jersey. and better to manufacture iciiu me umne service ot the evening tirement from active service in the Tin action of the Democratic, can time: 'one experience under fire revealed to them the real nature of war. Thoreafter only manliness or patriotism kept at task, for the early desire 'to see a real battle" was gone." This changed attitude was a necessary one, and one that could have been brought about in no other way. The actual presence of danger and excitement could teach the lesson which the parade ground could not.

Only fire oi xe o. zitih. Baker's court, Is the first and only man ever brought to trial before a jury in Rhode Island under an indictment charging manslaughter as the result of killing through reckless, driving of an automobile. Wagner was driving, a high power car belonging to Bartholomew Shea of Philadelphia when, shortly after midnight ou the nialit of Sept. 7, 1011.

he struck and killed Gilbert Mallette. a city street sweeper. nig machines.1'' He declared, too, that the very fact that America exports cus Presbyterian church Morning ser in rejecting aaverselv the nro ice, to: Av. oermon by the oastor. posal to enlarge the battleship fleet anuually worth of sewing ubject "Less than the Least." Sun machines; meeting foreign competition clay school.

11:45. Christian Endeavor, in home markets, was conclusive proof jsu, topic, "No and Yes: wiien to has raised a storm of protest. Secretary of the Navy Meyer has denounced the plan as reactionary, while the Navy league has started a backfire sfiy Them. Evening service 730 p. of his statement.

army. As far as the army is concerned, this action ends tier whole Genera! Aius worth is now retired officer and no longer umlerj orders from the war aepartmeut. He! wii! not. be "tried by court martial, yud no charges are pend intr against' him. lie will retire with the rank of major general, with pay of fo.00U a year.

r' m. xne third. in the series on "Man i5fr. Hearne nmdn a passing allusion coa" will 'be giwn. that has given a good deal of trouble to typewriters, intimating that the Kaptistchurcn Bi'blr school at WILLIAMSON LOSES OFFICIAL 10 clock.

Mornins service ut ii: free list was the place for them also. could season the soldier and reveail nd at the same time develop the quality of his manhood. Today is a time of questioning, whe Some of the conservative Democrats of the bouse are arguing that it might teaehinig by the subleet. Mr. Straus protested vigorously against victory, now livening ser be desirable to convene another cau this reference when lie uridressed the ice, 7:30, introductory song and cus for the purpose of reversing the committee.

Mr. Straus told the committee that institutions are under fire. The con followed by in addre on The Men aid Religion Knmat servative the conserver of old goow Movement." T. NEPHEW TO RETIRE. action previously taken, Present indications are that the na he 'appeared as I lie representative of val bill will carry substantial sums the Underwood, Remington, Monarch, ir, on tne aeiensive.

mose wno lean xnc state police at tne Wyoming in the attack are oftentimes very nor i barracks have in their possession a BRYAN IS FOR WILSON. Not Great Commoner. but Senator From Florida. Washington. Feb.

17. Senator Bryan of whom Speaker Clark's boomers have been claiming, has boarded'; the Woodrow Wilson band wagon. "1 favor lie nomination of Governor Wilson." said Bryan. "I have lieen for him since had the privilege of hearing his great speech delivered to the American Bar association at its for additions to the fleet. Two plans Smith Premier.

L. C. Smith, Yost, man's gold plated watch, with an In John M. Shrigley, Head of Trade School, Will Retire. Feb.

17. John M. Shrigley will retire as president of the Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades. He has held that position nearly twenty four years. Mr.

Shrigley will be succeeded by Harry S. Biting, who has been connected with the school in the last twenty years in various responsible positions. Mr. Biting will be assisted in an't blatant, very trying in their are under consideration. The first: Standard, Sun and several other makes of typewriter.

He declared that typewriters did not really belong iay acquiesence in change. Sometimes the lovers of the traditional ot provides for one battleship, two colliers, one ammunition Ship, one repair ship, four submarines and four tor Iedo boat destroyers The alterna the familiar are in a state of pajiic or In the Steel schedule and asserted dian head trademark on the inside case, perfection movement, also a chain with double turn links, and a Knights Of fythias charm, which were taken from' a prisoner recently arrested. The jewelry was stolen and the State police will give it to the owner if he calls at headquarters at Wyoming. at least discouragement. thai practically all of the material Thorp is need for both sides in such tive plan calls for two battleships and used in their manufacture Is dutiable.

two auxiliaries in the form of colliers. the executive work of the school by would be unfair, he said, to place a conflict to understand each other. The conservative is not altogether re annual meeting at unattauooga in writing machines on the free list un Young Robinson Won't Ask to Qo to Chicago as a Delegate. Utica. X.

Feb. 17. It is stated here with apparent authority, that there is a probability of Assemblyman Theodore Douglas Robinson of Herkimer county, nephew of former President Roosevelt, withdrawing his candidacy for delegate to the Republican national convention at the Oneida Herkimer district Assemblyman Kobiuson announced his candidacy a few days ago, coupling it with a statement that he expected his uncle agaiu be a candidate for the presidential nomination, and he desired to go to the Chicago convention and vote for him. At the Little Falls conference be Owing to the desire to curtail naval expenditures as far as possible the sponsible for the evil in his imperfect in advocacy of criminal prosecu Hons against individuals who in con der the circ*mstances. first plan will undoubtedly be adopted.

The witness told the committee that trolling trusts and combinations vlo lato the provisions of the anti trust Miss Cassle Considine. of Hudson, was a visitor among friends of this place last evening. Miss Sara Dailey is oil duty the Mercy hospital, Wilkcsbarrc, having taken the place of the assistant superintendent, who is confined to her Sw.OOO.OOO Is Invested in the manu GETS MANY "TAKERS." law." facture of typewriters in America and that about SMKX) high salaried men are employed In their manufacture, James A. Pratt, director, and Vernon L. Rupp.

assistant director. The retiring president will continue as a member of the board of trustees. which includes Isaac H. Clothier, Lincoln Godfrey, Alfred C. Harrison, John Story Jenks.

George H. McFadden and John Wanamaker. In addition to instruction in mechanical trades, preparations are' now be ing made at the school for In practical scientific agriculture. Offer to Wager on Roosevelt and Clark The death of Mrs. Mary Bowman Doesn't Go Begging.

CIRCUS ACT IN NEW YORK. occurred at the home of her daughter, Washington. Feb. 17. lirnest Poin sale and distribution.

He said that the average profit ou high class machines varies from $10 to $12 per machine. Mrs. Charles Carpenter, of Monument avenue yesterday afternoon, about dexter, a lawyer of this city and a 2 o'clock, after an" illness of several Steeplejack Lew Uses a Parachute In Brooklyn Bridge Leap. tween former State Committeeman brother of Poindexter of weeks. The funeral services will be Washington, who is known as an ex vf'em; the erltic is not without qualification wise merely because he can see flaws.

Our race is in the midst of a process of gradual development, which lias been promoted by our familiar institutions. These are not booaiiso they arti dependent upon average men and women; therefore sympathetic criticism will result in their good. Neither are they the ausd of the imperfection that attaches to them; therefore they are entitled to jiif e. Th chiireh has been under tiro so long that it is an old story. Do vice and poverty and inequality and snobbishness persist, there are some to speak a.

though it is the church's fault. Are there failures and mis taktsi, then the educational system of held at the name, Sunday afternoon. Strobel. J. J.

Gilbert, the old guard candidate for delegate to Chicago. treme radical, offered to bet at 3:30 clock. The 'body will be and T. H. Burvell.

who is Assembly W' WEDS WEEK AFTER DIVORCE taken to Forkston for burial, Monday morning. man Robinson's political guardian au Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis are eel. the advisability of his retirement visiting frlemis at Nanlico*ke was discussed at length.

Mr. Burred. Mrs. L. F.

Follette is spending a few it is understood, will urge Roosevelt's BEGS FOR ONE MORE LIFE. Negro Convict In San Quentin Kills Fellow Convict, San Francisco, Feb. 17. While half a score of giraxds and many prisoners looked on but were not near enough to interfere, Kd Delehanty, negro convict iu Sari Quentin, killed William Kanffman, a fellow prisoner, and fatally wounded William Peterson, another convict. The weapon used was a file days with her daughter.

Airs. Joiin Devers, of Scranton. nephew to get out of the race, and his Mrs. irwin Weaver entertained Airs. plea is expected to have great: Weight llyron Faust, Mrs.

L. J. Coombs, and Jiiss Jennie Morrison, of Forty Fort. even that Theodore Roosevelt would be the Republican presidential nominee and another $2,000 even that Champ Clark would be the Democratic selection. He is sorry now that he made the offer, for It Is said that he has had more than of good hard ensh offered to him on the other end of the bet.

It is not all Republican money, either, for It is understood that severul local residents with no particular polities, but with a keen eye to the main chance, have offered to take up Mr. Poindexter to any amount he may name. yesterday. GEORGIA "RIPPER" AGAIN. Born To Mr.

and Mrs. P. B. G. H.

Robinson's First Wife Called Him Insane. Philadelphia, Feb. 37. George Hyatt Robinson, a broker, of New York, around whom a legal battle raged in ltMW) when he was confined for two months in an asylum at Amltyvllle, in this city married Miss Mary Booth Marlor of Roselle. N.

J. Roblusou obtained a divorce from his first wife In the supreme court of New York a week ago. The first Mrs. Robinson had insisted that he was insane. TAKE TACK FROM STOMACH.

Another Victim of Supposed Maniac Found. Atlanta, Feb. 17, The sixteenth victim of mysterious; 'Jack the ground to a sharp edge. When anally overpowered the murderer was on his way to kilt another and he begged that he be permitted to "get Just one more life." The tragedy is the culmination of the most bitter prison feud in the history of San Quentin rnison. Wheeler, Feib.

15 th, a son. Mr. and Mrs E. Reynolds entertained a number of young friends iti honor of their daughter, Helen's; fourteenth birthday anniversary. Games and music were after which dainty refreshments were served to the following.

Misses Jennie Booth, Helen Marganin, Oressa Saunders, Bertha Conyard, Heleu Iteynolds. Mae. Lukish, Grace and Mabel Vei'nolds, Robert Lindsay, Charles Townend, Howard Oiivgili and Hays Tottcn. RlIMir." whose bloody murders have terrified the black of this the countrj is responsible for them. Are human Infirmities and follies loav ing a trail of misery.

It must be that th medical profession deserves to be discredited. And so the story of criticism runs. A wise man lt supposed to be oapa ble of learning even from hostile criticism, but the ability is not a common pwiwwslon Perpetual1 denunciation resultis in powerlepsness to ierve. Having been under fire the recruit becomes a veteran; henceforth he knows the cost of service and its possible perils. city for months; was found on the outskirts of the.

city. Alice Owen, a I j.ii.h.i M. young mulatto, was the victim, and her Gottlieb Seidel of Philadelphia In a body was discovered by a negro ou his way to work. Her throat had been cnt and her body mutilated by some Serious Condition. Philadelphia, Feb.

17. A carpet tack one apparently killed iu the use of KNOX IN NO DANGER. American Secretary's Visit Net a Risk, Says Valetquez. Panama. Feb.

17. Mainiel K. Vales uuez, minister of Nicaragua, who also acts as consul general for Honduras, says there is no foundation for the re lort that Secretary Knox will run any risk during his visit to Central America. He declares that in both Nicaragua and Honduras there is a friendly feeling toward the States, and its distinguished representative will be received with pleasure by all social and political circles. the knife.

No clew to the ripper has been found, although the county and city officers'. are. scouring this section of the count rv for the murderer. swallowed three weeks ago by Gottlieb Seidel of this city made necessary au operation to remove the lack from the man's stomach. is now iu the hospital in a serious condition.

Itoosevolt's friends are to begin a campaign in his behalf; must, be a new beginning. REVOLUTION SPREADING. Lower California the Scene of Attacks by Mexican Bandits. Washington. Feb.

17. Disorders in Mexico have spread to Lower California, according to advices received at the state department, hi an attack on several stores near Canaries by marauders three officers of the local guard were killed. The leaders of the bandits, who are believed to be former labor agitators, tied to the mountains. Federal soldiers are reported id have left Magtlalemi for Cnuanea. Seidel first suffered from the tack wheu he fell on an icy pavement sev WEATHER EVERYWHERE.

eral days ago and the point of the tack Plmlo bv Ainei'K'Hii Picas Association. pierced the walls of his stomach. of the United States weather bureau taken at p. in. yesterday follow: Temp.

Weather. The (iwernor of Tennessee, has invited tho governors of the other fSeuthern. states to meet in council early iv. May to discuss the needs of the South. His purpose is not chiefly to plan a greater Industrial development but to aim at preserving high I'dej'ls of government and society.

His c.ill to his fellow executives is a sUattmirUHiko act in thes truest, RYAN DENIES HIS GUILT. Head of Ironworkers Discusses His Union Corrsspondenoe. Indianaiwlis, Feb. 17. Presl dent Kyau of: the speaking of letters forming a part of the federal Indictment against him and others in the dinnmitlng plot decirtred that tho government lias used only parts of letters, and if all of the correspondence of which they are a part were known it would be seen that there Is nothing relating to dynamiting In them.

He said he eould, and would at the proper time, explain satisfactorily all letters he has written concerning the work of the brldgemen and that he can show that they had no reference to dynamiting operation. Ryan refused to discuss speclflcHll.v tiny of the letters or any statement in auy of them, saying thnt he would not lalk escept under advice of his counsel. Milton Davit Surrenders. Philadelphia. Feb.

17. Mlltou Davis. tie of the half hundred men accused by the government of taking part in the gigantic dynamite conspiracy against enemies of the International Association of structural Iron ami llrldge Workers, surrendered himself lo United States District Attorney Vttouipsoii. He waived hearing and furnished kio Iinil for another bear liiii next Friday. Xew York 37 Clear Albany i 30 Clear Atlantic City Olear Boston ISO Clear Buffalo S'Ji Cloudy Chicago 3' Cloudy St.

I.ouis Clear New Orleans 5s Clear Washington Clear SNOW ADDS TO FLOOD AGONY New Distress Follows Devastation In Spain Wolves In One District. FeiTol. Spain. Feb. 17.

fter the gales and floods of few days ago, the country around (his city has experienced heavy snowstorms. Wolves are infesting the district near Mouforie ih l.euios. One farmhand lias been devoured by the beasts, Dr. Robert C. White Dead.

Vetisacoln. Feb. 17. Dr. Robert White, surgeon of the marlue and hospital service; Is dead here of grip, aged seventy, For Rnt.

Tiousec in Pittston, $. 7, 9, fl.fltV $10.60 $1 r.7, til. 00, $11.67. $12, 12.50, $14, $17, $20. Houses In West" Pittston, $6.

$7, $10, $11. Vi, 11.50, $Ut. $14. $15.33. $17.33, $30, $21, $2a, $24.

$40. Stores, $40, $15 Meat Market, Barns, Shop G. B. Thompson or W. N.

Thompson. than twenty per cent, of the school children of Philadelphia have defective vision, according to the report of the chief medical inspector, it is an unpleasant discovery, yet in a rtain sense welcome. it Indicates no dptoi'ioratlon, but rather an ud aneo In sensiblo methods nf oversight LEAPS OFF BROOKLYN BRIDGE. Law Uses Parachute. However, and Is Picked Up by Tug.

New Fob. Fred Ijiw. a steeplejack. orpiippVd with parachute, made a sure leap from the south roadway of the, Brooklyn bridge. Liih iiiili mil nil the bridge on a trolley ear from the Manhattan side, with bulky bundle under, his arm.

Reaching 'the' middle of Hie span he jumped from he cur. climbed over the railing anil let toward the river. A tug picked hlni up slid steamed away with him, lie recently jumped from the Statue of Liberty for motion picture. Read The Gsxetts and ksep potted. Fc st JlSc dinners at Hartorw.

Good Hmter, Ktrg and Cheese are special features a.t Brennan and Roberts' stnrs. Orders dllvrel. He Won't 1lmp Now. No mora limping for Tom Moore, of Cochran, (ta. "I lmd a had sore on my Instep thnt nothing fteemxd to help till nwtl Rncklon's Arnica he wi'tten.

"hut, this womtorful healer soon cured mo." Ucsls old, running monh, nlrnps, UotU, htii'Ds, cntH, hrulftes. ocfema or plies. Try It. Only yr, rents at I''k's AnothWHfjr fihnp. NEW FORM BftAXK CEASES Newly revised, printed and for sale at the Oaitetta Office.

You'll enjoy dinner at llarter's, Dr. Alexander's Lung Healer, the ravorito, cough cure should be kept In every household, it 1s the best remedv mnnoy can buy for coughs or coUs and Is especially recommended for the pre. ve'ilion of pneumonia and ennsump See Asfo about furnace ao. Vm FltopntHcK's Auto Cnb Service. A call on either 'phone will recolve prompt attention in any part of this Lebanon Prohibitionists have announced that they intend to nomln thoir own cftntlidnt.es for Congress, the Senate and this ami 'lli muUf anj (inures Rat Rohan's t.aery ffonfla.

Read The Ostette and keep potted. Harter's dining room fonrHnnera. Read The Gaxntte and keep posted. rarerni driving. Reasonable; ratei.

Rend the Gazette and keep posted..

Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 5822

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.