2024 Term 1 | King's Christian College (2024)

Important Dates

Important Dates - Logan Village

10 June 2024

20 JuneLast Day of Term 2
16 JulyFirst Day of Term 3
23 JulyStudent Learning Conference
24 July100 Days of Prep
26 JulyPrep - Year 7 Honours Assembly
30 July

Debating Inter- Campus Competition

30 JulyPrep- Year 3 Athletics Carnival
31 July

Year 7 Parent-Teacher Conference

2 August

Year 2 Science Incursion
5-7 AugustYear 4 and 5 Camp

Always refer to the Compass Calendar for more events and the most up-to-date event information.

View all 2024 Term Dates


Celebrating Culture at the Year 3 Culminating Event

17 June 2024

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On Friday, 14 June, our Year 3 students took to the stage, showing everyone their incredible talents and creativity with the school community. The event was a breathtaking display of their dedication and hard work over the past months, leaving audience members in awe.From the first beat of the enchanting dances to the final note of the heartfelt singing performances, our Year 3 students truly stole the show. Parents and Year 2 and Year 4 students were treated to a delightful spectacle that entertained and exemplified the power of perseverance and hard work.
This event continued beyond performances. Families had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant cultural exposition at country stands prepared by our talented Year 3 students. The event strengthened our global understanding and highlighted the unity and support within our school community.We are immensely proud of our Year 3 students for all their hard work on such an outstanding event and grateful to everyone who contributed to making it a success. Let's continue supporting and celebrating our school's rich diversity and talent.

Exploring Habitats: Year 5 Students' Culminating Journey

12 June 2024

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The Year 5 culminating event focused on their learning of different habitats, including rainforests, deserts, grasslands, oceans, wetlands, and the Arctic. Students learnt about each habitat throughout the term and then utilised their knowledge of their given habitat to design age-appropriate activities for the Prep students. These activities aimed to provide an immersive experience in each habitat. The Year 5 students transformed their assigned spaces into their given habitat by decorating the rooms, playing with ambient animal sounds, and incorporating sensory play. Students created an engaging and interactive environment where the prep students could learn and explore each habitat.

Inside Parliament, Year 6's Eye-Opening Visit

6 June 2024

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Year 6 students recently embarked on an enlightening excursion to the Queensland Parliament House, a pivotal experience that enriched their understanding of the state's legislative processes and democratic principles.Upon arrival, the students were greeted by knowledgeable guides who led them on an informative tour of the historic building. They explored the intricacies of the legislative chambers, including the Assembly Chamber and the Legislative Council Chamber, learning about the roles and responsibilities of the members of parliament.Interactive activities were also part of the day. Students participated in a mock debate, taking on roles as parliamentarians to discuss a proposed bill. This activity deepened their understanding of parliamentary procedures and honed their public speaking and critical thinking skills.The excursion to Queensland Parliament House was a memorable and educational experience, inspiring Year 6 students to engage with their civic duties and understand the importance of active participation in democracy.

Finney House Reigns Supreme: Kings Coins Victory and Celebration for Semester 1

19 June 2024

We're thrilled to announce that Finney House has emerged victorious as the recipient of this semester's coveted Kings Coins and House points award! Their outstanding achievement was celebrated today with an exhilarating prize: exclusive access to our inflatable obstacle course. Amid cheers and applause, Finney House students loved their award and did not stop completing the course. As we continue to foster a culture of excellence and perseverance, we congratulate Finney on this well-deserved honour and look forward to witnessing more achievements in the coming semesters. Cheers to Finney House for setting the bar high and reminding us of the rewards of hard work and perseverance!


Year 7 Students Craft Bag Tags

17 June 2024

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Our Year 7 students recently embarked on a particular project during their Design and Technology class in a delightful display of creativity and collaboration. They enthusiastically designed and crafted personalised bag tags for our Year 2 students, showcasing their skills and generosity.
Under the guidance of their Design teacher, Year 7 students explored various design concepts and techniques, ensuring each tag was unique and reflective of their younger peers' interests. This initiative fostered creativity and promoted mentorship and community spirit among different year groups.
The bag tags, lovingly made with attention to detail, were warmly received by the Year 2 students, who were thrilled to receive such thoughtful gifts. This project exemplifies our school's commitment to hands-on learning and building meaningful connections across different year levels. We applaud our Year 7 students' efforts and look forward to more inspiring projects.

Preparing for Year 7 - Information night

17 June 2024

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Parents, guardians, and students gathered eagerly for our Year 7 Information Night on Tuesday, 18 June, a crucial event that prepared our students for their journey. Excitement filled the air as families explored the comprehensive curriculum and support systems awaiting our incoming Year 7 cohort.
The evening featured insightful presentations by the Head of High School and High School Teachers detailing the academic programs, extracurricular opportunities, and pastoral care available to students. During this pivotal transitional year, parents gained valuable insights into the school's approach to nurturing academic growth and personal development.
Interactive sessions allowed families to ask questions and engage directly with teachers and staff, fostering a sense of community and reassurance. As we look forward to welcoming our Year 7 students in 2025, we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition and empowering each student to thrive academically and socially in their new environment.


Fun and Coziness on PJ day - Wrapping up Term 2 in Style

11 June 2024

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What a fantastic end to Term 2!
Thursday 20, Junewas PJ Day, and the whole campus participated in the fun! From our littlest learners in the Early Learning Centre to our dedicated teachers and even our pastors, everyone rocked their favourite pyjamas. But the real stars of the day were our Year 7 students, who took the theme "Anything But" to heart and showed off some seriously creative outfits!
To make the day even more unique, during the second break, students had the chance to grab some delicious hot dogs courtesy of the Life team. Best of all, donations from the hot dog sales supported 5Fold, a cause close to our hearts.
A big thank you to everyone who participated and supported today's activities. We wish all students and families an unforgettable holiday and look forward to a fantastic Term 3!

Student Leadership

Breaking Bread and Building Bonds - Lunch with the School Principal

12 June 2024

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Last Wednesdaymarked a remarkable milestone for our Year 7 House Leaders as they enjoyed a memorable luncheon with our esteemed school Principal during Term 2. This unique occasion provided an invaluable platform for students to connect, exchange stories, and share their visions for creating positive change in the world. By engaging directly with our school leadership team, students strengthened their bond with Mr Oosthuizen andgained insights into leadership responsibilities. This event exemplifies our commitment to fostering community and collaboration within our school, where every voice is heard and valued. Together, we continue to nurture the next generation of leaders, empowering them to make a meaningful difference in our school and beyond.


Celebrating Stellar Achievements in Representative Sport

18 June 2024

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Throughout this year's 1st half, Kings has sent over 30 students to trial through the Beaudesert Zone and Pacific District pathway. We have seen some great success, with 12 of those students successfully making these teams, with two qualifying for the South Coast Regional team and, most recently, Brooklyn qualified for the QLD Boys basketball team, which will compete over the school holidays on the Gold Coast. Well done to all the students for their efforts this year; you should be so proud.

Queensland Team
Brooklyn Hennessey

South Coast Team
Brooklyn Hennessey, Grace Meloury

Pacific District Team
Brax Matosic, Mia Rigato, Mila Hennessey, Kai Van Breemen

Beaudesert Zone Team
Brax Matosic, Matthew Skerman, Willow Clauss, Mila Hennessey, Amelia Van Breemen

Running Toward Success: A Recap of Our Athletics Carnival Triumphs

11 June 2024

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Our first Year 4 to 7 Athletics Carnival was held on Friday, 7 June. The carnival electrified the Jimboomba athletics ground with an explosion of talent, teamwork, and triumph! Students showcased their athletic prowess, competing in various track and field events with unbridled enthusiasm and sportsmanship.From thrilling sprint races to heart-pounding long jumps, shot put and discus, every moment was a testament to our young athletes' dedication and hard work. Cheers echoed across the stadium as personal bests were achieved, demonstrating each participant's remarkable progress and determination and putting Tyndale in the lead for points.


Celebrating an Unforgettable Term of Chapel Marvels

17 June 2024

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This term in chapel westarted with the theme You’re the voice.
The students learned that they could choose to speak words of life over themselves, their day, their family and their futures.We also heard from a Year 6 student each week about how they spoke words over their life.It was exciting to guess who the staff member who was “The Voice” over the day was.
We have been going on adventures with Jesus in the last half of the term.
Students laughed as the chaplains tried to be adventurous in kayaking, rock climbing, archery, and high ropes.
We have learned that life is an adventure, and Jesus is our best point of help in succeeding in the adventure.
Chappy Challenges had the students boat racing,defeating obstacle courses, finding objects and perfecting their aim.


Celebrating Cooper's Contribution to POTH with Bad Pet Portraits

17 June 2024

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We congratulate Cooper from Year 4 for his exceptional involvement with POTH (Pets Over Troubled Homes), a cause dear to his heart. Cooper's artworks have been highlighted this month at the "Bad Pet Portraits" event, where creativity meets compassion.
Thanks to the dedication of 70 volunteers and the community's generous support, over $8000 was raised. These funds will go a long way in assisting people and their pets who need essential support and care.
Cooper's participation underscores the power of art in making a positive impact. We commend him for his creativity and compassionate spirit, which he has contributed to a meaningful cause. Let's continue to support initiatives like these that make a difference in our community and beyond.

Join our Private Year Level Facebook Groups

17 June 2024

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Did you know that our College has a private Facebook group for every year level at King's?

The purpose of these groups is to provide King's parents with a platform to build connections and community with one another. We make every effort to ensure these groups only include current parents; however, they are not closely monitored by King's staff, and we rely on the support of our members to ensure that posts are kind and considerate. These Facebook groups are also not intended to replace Compass as our main source of College information, and we ask that parents regularly check Compass for important news and information. We also have other groups for secondhand uniform sales and extracurricular programs.

If you are new to King's or have yet to join your year-level group, follow the link below to find your group link and send a request to join. You must include your name on our parent database and your child's name and class to help our admin team find your record.

List of King's Facebook Groups

Performing Arts

Twilight Concert Showcasing Our Musical Students

19 June 2024

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Parents, families and friends were delighted by students' performances at the recent Twilight Studio Concerts. Students learning a musical instrument in private lessons can perform at these concerts to gain valuable performance experience in a small, intimate setting. Younger learners have the chance to appreciate older, more experienced performers, and parents can see the growth of their children’s musical development and confidence.
The inaugural Twilight concert this season featured students learning Woodwind, Brass, Strings and Vocals. The performances were delightful, and the audiences were very encouraging. Thank you to the students who plucked up the courage to perform and to our audiences for your generous support. And a special thank you to the Instrumental Music team of teachers for your valuable input to the student’s learning and for providing this opportunity for us all.

Lindsay Genge
Director of Instrumental Music

Year 7's Create Fun Jump Band Routines

19 June 2024

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After building skills in Music listening, theory, and performing on the Ukulele, Year 7 has completed an energetic rhythmic jump band activity to finish the term. Students learnt and devised their own creative Jump Band routine using various configurations, instruments, scarves and balls. Students explored beat, rhythm, and tempo whilst building teamwork, coordination, and creative problem-solving solutions. They had a lot of fun doing it! Well done, 7LA!

P & F

Launching Our Journey Together - the First Parent & Friends Association Meeting

11 June 2024

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Our Parent & Friends Association started with a remarkable inaugural meeting, setting the stage for the rest of the year of collaboration and community engagement. Parents, guardians, and friends gathered enthusiastically, eager to contribute their ideas and support to enrich our school experience.
The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as Lushared their visions for upcoming events, fundraisers, and initiatives to enhance our student's educational journey. Witnessing the diverse perspectives and talents coming together to chart a course for the future was heartening.
Through constructive dialogue and spirited discussions, meaningful connections were forged, laying the groundwork for a strong and vibrant partnership between home and school. As we look ahead, we are inspired by the collective energy and commitment of our parent & friends community, knowing we can accomplish great things for our school and students.

Important Notices

Follow King's Christian College Logan Village on Instagram

11 June 2024

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Did you know that King's Logan Village has a dedicated Instagram account that showcases the many exciting aspects of our school life? We also have pages for our art and sports departments and our central College page: @kings_christian_college. We'd love you to follow us to support our students and see what's happening behind the scenes at King's Logan Village@kings_loganvillage

Save The Date

17 June 2024

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Get ready for an unforgettable evening under the stars at King's Country Fair & Movie Night on Friday, 18 October. Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more details. Further information will be provided later in the year.

2024 Term 1 | King's Christian College (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.